Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2665: 1 one-sided encounter

Soon, the perspective of the small special reconnaissance drone appeared abnormal.

There is no difference in the white light color picture at the beginning, but when switching to the black and white picture, several bright light outlines that are obviously different from the surrounding environment have appeared. After switching to the infrared thermal imaging perspective, you can see these bright lights clearly The heat of the outline is much higher, so it can be judged that this is a red special warfare team that is groping forward.

Found the target, 1.5 kilometers to the southeast.

Keep watching!

At this moment, the speed of the three blue team members also slowed down relatively. Although it was very slow, in the eyes of everyone, this speed was already very fast, but there was less movement.

As for this special team from the red side, they are searching very carefully at the moment. The special forces members are all holding their guns and looking around vigilantly, looking at everything carefully.

Little did they know that there was a small drone watching them tens of meters away.

As for the three members of the Blue Army, they stopped immediately after reaching a hillside. This is a valley with a stream flowing below the bottom of the valley, and hills on both sides.

Two members of the Blue Army, one on the left and the other on the right, crawled and hid on the hillside, motionless, as if blending into the entire environment.

As for the other member of the Blue Army, he was on standby a few hundred meters away to prevent the two members of the Blue Army from falling into a passive position.

The special forces member took a few breaths, then raised his gun and got up, ready to go back with the opponent, desperately pulling a back.

It is to go too far and make the other party suspicious.

As for the special operations brigade, we were less stimulated. An elite special warfare brigade like ours was actually powerless against the ambush of the two opponents. In just an instant, four members of our brigade were wiped out.

But just as I got up, I saw a series of bullets hitting me, splashing a few red blood stains on my chest.

The special soldier in front of the stone is breathing hard at the moment, and the sound of breathing is also transmitted to the viewing site through my headset.

Eight, seven, one!

Did we react when we were hit just now? When we saw the first comrade in arms was hit, we were all relieved. Then how to compare, there is no law ratio at all.

Da da da!

The fish is not hooked yet. Seventh, seven behind you, seven in front of him, cleanly eliminate us, and then advance forward.

As one of the special forces was shot, those special forces looked at the blood stains under their bodies without hesitation, and then sat up with a frustrated expression, talking for a long time.

No, Vulture, it's too quiet out there, and you don't feel bad about it.

Night owls, falcons, pay attention to vigilance, others pass there slowly. The team leader code-named Vulture heard the words and immediately looked around for seven weeks, before giving orders decisively.

The terrain outside there is too bad, if the opponent ambushes below, we will not be passively beaten.

Understood, you count eight to seven, let's shoot together.

Seeing that the brigade was settled, the two members of the blue team came to the bottom of the valley, looked around at those people, and then quickly evacuated from the scene.

Vulture, why do you feel so bad?

Be careful, don't get crushed, those guys are hard to deal with, I heard most of them are from Thor.

Received, move slowly, but wait for the soup.

How does it feel, tell me in detail!

And a special forces member who was watching sloppily with a telescope a few hundred meters away was keenly aware of the movement of the tree, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Flying dragon, flying dragon, that's a falcon over there. If you see movement on your side, please move closer to your side.

As the countdown began, the two Blue Army members on the hillsides on both sides immediately fired at the same time.

I saw that small pine tree with a diameter of nearly 70 centimeters was violently shaken by the skeletal armor in the special machine, and the cracked pine cones and dried pine needles under the pine tree fell upward one after another. .

Falcon, falcon, bite, you're getting in his way.

With a slow call, the other special warfare quickly found an unfavorable position and became the second concealment, and was ready to end the counterattack. But it is known that the two members of the blue army moved more quickly with the blessing of the bone protective armor in the special machine, and while successfully charging towards the valley, they finally wiped out the hiding special forces.

Thinking of that, Yan Mingyan's brigade also took care of themselves, took off their own equipment, and then sat under the stone in a daze, waiting for the drill to be completed.

On the eighth, the other party is too cautious, please make some noise. A member of the blue army who was ambushing under the hillside saw this and immediately called.

To die is to die, to kill!

Enemy attack, hide!

At this moment, the special operations team is still slowly searching and moving forward, getting closer and closer to the valley where the ambush was set. However, the more they were in this kind of terrain, the more cautious the red team's special warfare brigade was, stopping at the entrance of the valley and sloppyly looking at everything in the valley.

As for the last survivor, the special fighter hid in a pit above a small rock, and then avoided the attack just now.

Bullets shot at the bottom of the valley from both sides, and soon several special fighters were hit with red patches under their bodies.

How can it be compared, it is an order of magnitude.

Thor hit it, it wasn't me who hit Thor.


Before the other members of our brigade received the order, they stopped running quickly in the valley, trying to pass through the valley at the slowest speed. However, Yan Ming's eight team members looked the other way.

After starting the call, the captain immediately waved his hand, and several hidden special forces members stood up immediately, and then retreated slowly with guns in front of them.

Got it, let's see yours. Before receiving the news, the responding team member Yan Ming took a little look around, and then aimed at a thick tree next to him, not a Bad, kill me, go back and drink!

But at this moment, I am also in danger, because the two blue army members have not yet run up from the hillsides on both sides, and then surrounded the small stone from both sides.


As for the special forces member, he was stunned for a while, and then lowered his arms in frustration.

But now, we figured that the exercise would start soon, so we did it. Several special forces members even took out self-cooling food brought from the booth of Haoyu Industry, preparing for the Teeth Ceremony. Looking at the white-painted special mechanical bone protection armor under the opponent, the special forces members showed envy. Especially when we saw that the other party did not disappear after a few dodges, seeing that we were walking on such a complete terrain like walking on the ground, it made us show a bitter expression.

Because according to the rules of the exercise, all exhibitors who have not been eliminated must stay in place and wait for the exercise to start, or wait for the exercise referee to announce the result, and the confiscated personnel will be taken away from the exercise site collectively.

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