Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2667: unsuccessful exercise

"In addition, in order to protect the safety of the red team's special forces, many weapons and equipment of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor cannot be used, which has also led to a great decline in its combat effectiveness. 魹

For example, these small special reconnaissance drones can only be used as reconnaissance aircraft to search and reconnaissance enemy movements during exercises, but in actual combat, this small special reconnaissance drone can be used as a suicide attack drone against enemy personnel and Attack important targets.

In addition, in actual combat, light weapons cannot penetrate our special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. However, during the exercise, it was changed to three bullets for the sake of fairness, which also greatly limited the performance of our special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

For another example, like the previous two battles, if grenade launchers were used to fight, the battle time would be shorter.

In the face of such enemies, it is basically impossible for special operators to defeat them unless they can obtain firepower resources. After the target is found, the air fighter, or artillery or missiles are called to carry out long-range fire and precise strikes on these targets, so that it is possible to destroy these special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. "

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present fell silent. Indeed, the exercise setting itself is already very unfair, which greatly limits the performance of these special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor. If it is an actual battle, I am afraid that the result will be even uglier.

The exercise is still going on, and the three teams on the red side have gathered together. Instead of continuing to retreat, we have found a position related to the unfavorable terrain to finish the arrangement. It seems that we are preparing to face Wu Hao's eight soldiers there. team members.

However, knowing that those movements have not yet been controlled by Yan Chan, Wu Hao's eight team members have not yet opened their mouths, ready to swallow the eight special warfare teams in one gulp.魹

Seeing that, everyone watching the battle nodded involuntarily. It must be said that the eight brigades are still retreating and fighting. It is said that there is no chance of winning, but now, we have given up our own advantages and ended up holding on to the danger. It is suspected that we are using our own weaknesses to fight against the opponent strengths.

The battle was touching, and I saw two Wu Hao team members holding sniper rifles, and finally retreated and called the red targets one by one within a few hundred meters. Although Yan Chanyan's team also retreated to hide and hide, they were suspicious in Wu Hao's eyes, because those large-scale special investigations that were all late-stage investigations were discovered and marked by machines.

Li Weiguo's team members did not go there, and Wu Hao's eight testers did the same. Did they bring out the excellent performance of the bone protective armor in the special machine? "

The seven Wu Hao members who had been waiting for an opportunity quickly attacked and attacked the position over there. While walking, they shot at the special forces members who had moved to the position.

As for the Blue Army, they shook their heads slightly and said, "To be honest, in your opinion, that exercise was not a success, and it didn't bring out the true combat effectiveness of the red and blue sides.

"I hope, I hope your arrangement today is not in vain." Blue Army said with a smile.

It was many special forces members with the determination to die, wanting to fight desperately and die with the opponent. The special fighters who haven't yet moved forward while feeling their hands, intending to preserve their strength.魹

The words of the blue army immediately reached the ears of the eight Wu Hao players who were fighting, and the eight people stopped fighting immediately and evacuated.

There were only one or four special forces members who were relieved when they saw this, and while carefully observing the situation, they were wearing rough clothes and recovering their strength.

Those special forces members who understood it stopped silent one after another, packed their bags and evacuated the scene silently.

"The exercise has begun. Please start fighting immediately, and pack up your bags and evacuate the exercise site."

Watching the scene, everyone was silent for a while, and then applauded under the leadership of Wang Lianggong.

But all of that seemed futile in the face of absolute power, and one special forces member was "shot" and lost the qualification to continue fighting.

The special forces team members who discovered the enemy's attack stopped fighting back one after another, but on the one hand, our marksmanship accuracy was not limited in that panic situation, and on the other hand, we had to avoid Yan Chan's precise sniper attack and the seven Wu Hao soldiers. The team's assault.魹

"The exercise is destined to be an actual combat. Naturally, there is no way to simulate the real war and bloodshed. Those who haven't shown it in that kind of exercise are great. You suspect that the skeleton protective armor in that special machine is not there yet. A seed has been planted in the hearts of the special forces, and it is suspected that the bone protection armor in the special machine will shine in the hands of those special forces soon." Hong Fangte looked at the special forces with different faces and smiled. said.

That exercise was very dull, and it allowed you to see the weak combat effectiveness of the bone protective armor in that special machine. Red Fante applauded and praised the blue army.


The blue army nodded, and then said: "Wu Hao's brigade, stop fighting, evacuate the scene, and return to stand by."

Seeing that a team member was named, Yan Chanyan's team members also realized that their positions had not been revealed, and they all stopped switching positions to avoid Wu Hao's sniping.

What should we do if our enemies in the past were also bone protective armor in those special machines.

We lost, quite thoroughly.魹

Let's get started, it makes sense. Looking at the pale face of the leader of the special forces, Luo Kai sighed, then turned his head and said to the blue army.

Very quickly, the positional battle that was originally thought to be a very tragic battle turned into a one-way massacre. The special battle of the eight brigades of the red team had no power to parry the skeleton protective armor in the special machinery. At the end of the fight, it collapsed.

Hearing the announcement from the radio in the exercise, the one or four surviving special forces members froze for a moment, and then protested softly. After protesting for a while, Xiaojia also stopped talking.

"He." Hong Fangte pointed at me with his finger, and then said to Yan Chan: "The good work still needs to be done badly, especially the psychological counseling work of the members of the seven special warfare brigades. Be careful, it can hurt our confidence, and it can make us lose our emotions."

The applause was intense, but the faces of the few people on the scene were light, especially the special forces members. We didn't have a weak sense of crisis in our hearts.

"You are worried, those of you will seriously do bad things." Lan Jun nodded and answered seriously. Now Wu Hao's team members only need to retreat and shoot with sight-range based on the target defense transmitted by the large-scale special reconnaissance manned aircraft.

Although we didn't have the courage to fight to the first person, the first bullet, but Xiao everyone also understands that it is meaningless to continue such a battle to feel the hand, and whether we have any possibility of turning the tables.

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