Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2687: Throat burning

Hello, Mr. Zhang, thank you, thank you!

Hehe, let's have a good drink when we meet next time, um, ok, ok, that's it, hang up!

After finishing the call, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief, then rubbed his temples, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ke Ke, you will handle the next call."

yes sir.

Coco's voice came from the speaker, and then I heard it continue to say: "Sir, the system has detected that you are currently exhausted. It is recommended that you take a proper rest, drink plenty of water, and relax your body and mind. This will help your body and mind. healthy."

knew. Wu Hao responded, and then picked up the water glass and got up, only to find that the tea leaves in it had already faded. I don't know how many glasses of water he drank this morning.

Pressed the button on the table, and soon the door of the room opened. Su Ho stepped on high heels and walked in from the outside. He came to the desk and asked Wu Hao, "Mr. Wu."

Wu Hao handed her his water glass and said, "Make me some throat-clearing and throat-clearing tea, my throat is about to burn."

OK Hearing Wu Hao's words, Su Ho took the water glass and started to work. After a while, a cup of brewed throat tea was served, Wu Hao nodded upon seeing this, and then served it.

The water cup he used to make tea has been cleaned and disinfected, and this water cup is specially used for making scented tea. Because the smell of scented tea is relatively strong, if it is soaked in a water cup, it is easy to transfer flavors, so it needs to be brewed separately.

What else is planned for today?

Looking at Su Ho who was arranging materials and tidying up his desk, Wu Hao got up and left the office area, then came to the rest area and sat down to ask.

There are two meetings in the afternoon, and according to the arrangement, you will attend a staff basketball game later on. Hearing Wu Hao's question, Su Ho replied immediately.

Wu Hao thought for a while after hearing this, and then said in a hoarse voice: "I can't talk too much about the meeting with my voice, let's cancel it and change the time. As for the event, forget it, I won't go, and they will be more restrained if I go. , let them have fun.

In addition, send them some sports drinks or something in my name, as if I sponsored them. "

OK Su Ho nodded upon hearing this.

Seeing this, Wu Hao immediately took out his transparent folding tablet, and then swipe to read the news. Although he doesn't care, it doesn't mean he doesn't pay attention to the reaction of the outside world. In fact, he is paying attention to the reaction of the outside world, including some news reports. As a person in charge of an enterprise, it is necessary to keep abreast of international and domestic dynamics.

At this moment, the door opened, and Zhang Jun, who was wearing a white shirt, came in from the outside, followed by a few people, pushing a few dining carts.

Zhang Jun came and sat down opposite Wu Hao, and said with a smile: "I asked and said that you haven't had lunch yet, so I ordered some to be delivered, let's have some together."

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Wu Hao nodded with a smile and said, "Only you still think about me, and they don't have this awareness."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Su Ho, who was tidying up the desk over there, opened his mouth, but he still didn't say anything, feeling a bit of grievance in his heart. Because Wu Hao had a lot of calls today, she has come in several times, in order not to disturb Wu Hao's call, so she didn't ask, why blame them now.

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Who dares to disturb you when you are busy? It's not their fault. Okay, let's eat. I ordered some dishes that we like to eat."

Don't tell me, I'm really hungry. Wu Hao smiled and came to the dining table, which was already full of food. Wu Hao looked at these meals and said with a smile: "This is not our company's restaurant."

No, I ordered someone from an outside hotel. I'm almost tired of our company's food. Let's change it this time. Sitting opposite Wu Hao, Zhang Jun picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started talking while eating.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, picked up a piece of beef brisket and ate it, and nodded while eating: "This beef with potatoes is not bad, and it was shortlisted. The beef brisket is soft and rotten while maintaining the strength of the beef itself, and it is also delicious. Not clogging your teeth, not bad."

After Zhang Jun heard what he said, he also picked up a piece of beef brisket and ate it: "It's not bad, the taste is just right, and the potatoes are also tasty. Try this braised pork, it's very good, it is said to be the chef's specialty."

Hearing Zhang Jun's introduction, Wu Hao picked up a piece of brightly colored braised pork. The braised pork was about five centimeters square. The place is very soft, dangling on the chopsticks, shaky, as if you can pinch this piece of meat with a little force, very Q-bomb.

Putting the meat into the mouth, the fatty meat was cut open between the teeth, and a sweet smell of meat filled the entire mouth. UU reading www.uukanshu. com The lean meat part maintains the firm taste of lean meat, but it is not old or dry. On the contrary, after absorbing the fat of fat meat, the edges are very smooth.

Yes, the taste is very positive. Wu Hao nodded with a smile.

Because it was the two of them, the dishes we ordered were not many. One plate of braised pork, one plate of roast beef with potatoes, one steamed anchovies, one green bean shrimp, and then a plate of mushrooms and green vegetables, a plate of garlic cucumbers, and then It is a stewed keel soup with Bawanghua and a small pot of rice, and finally a fruit compote.

Six dishes and one soup, just right for two people, so it won't be wasted.

In terms of food, they are not particular about it, which is the level of ordinary people. Perhaps in the eyes of many ordinary people, rich billionaires like Wu Hao and Zhang Jun must eat delicacies from mountains and seas, such as wind liver and gentian.

Actually not, what they eat is very common, even sometimes very simple. Let’s just say that Yang Fan is a full-fledged instant noodle lover. He often forgets the time when he is working, and often makes noodles to satisfy his hunger.

Later, after having Zhao Xi and his children, he also learned how to preserve his health. Although he no longer eats instant noodles, sometimes he also eats takeaway box lunches when he is hungry.

The same is true for Wu Hao and Zhang Jun. Wu Hao, for example, still doesn't have a servant at home, let alone a professional chef. He doesn't pay much attention to his meals, it's the company restaurant, just like the employees.

Even sometimes because he is busy, he doesn't have time to go to the restaurant, so he can only ask the secretary to order takeaway. Sometimes even if he was hungry after returning home late at night, he would ask someone to park the car on the side of the road, and he would come down to find a roadside stall and have a bowl of fried noodles, or fried shredded pancakes.

Sometimes I would go to this kind of roadside stall with Zhang Jun and others to order some skewers and drink some beer. I would not indulge because of money, let alone squander it.

(end of this chapter)

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