Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2690: "Fat meat" worth billions

"So, this idea can't be realized." After hearing his words, Zhang Jun was a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "I can't say that, at least the idea is very good. It should be said that this project has no technical obstacles, it can be realized, and the market prospect is very broad. It's just that we have to consider The issues I mentioned earlier.

So we still can't do this project by ourselves, we have to let Yida do it. We can even take it step by step, first realize the space funeral business, and then realize the lunar cemetery. "

"Does it make any difference?"

Wu Hao said with a smile: "One has a cemetery, the other does not. Simply put, it is similar to the space burial business proposed by other commercial aerospace companies, which is to scatter the ashes of the deceased directly into space.

Of course, this is also different. For example, some are sprinkled in low-Earth orbit, and these ashes will quickly enter the atmosphere and burn, thus being exhausted. Some are directly sprinkled into the universe, and these substances are floating in the universe. Some are directly connected to the box and exiled in the deep space, not knowing where they will go.

Anyway, this is a somewhat unlucky business, but do you think the market prospect is big, it must be big, so the income is still quite considerable. But it’s definitely not suitable for us to do it. If Yida wants to do it, let them do it. But we can’t use our name. We need to re-establish a new company. We will provide technical support and they will be in charge of operations. "

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Wu Hao nodded and finally understood: "Okay, then you can call Lao Wang later and discuss the specific matters."

"Yes, let's just wait for our action. Old Wang is very shrewd. If you take the initiative, it is very likely that if I say it, you will take the initiative to seek our cooperation, so you want to give us anything. Please don't take advantage of the hype." Zhang Jun waved his hand and explained seriously.

Wu Hao also nodded slightly: "He's right, then you should ask the higher-ups to set up a special working group for that project, discuss and study first, and see how to do that business and how to negotiate with the other party. Say more."

"How is it? I'm not confident." Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao and asked.

The value of the entire project is as low as several tens of billions of yuan, and if Sakuma can nibble on that order, it is tantamount to making a small profit for you. "

"Oh, the other party rejected all the conditions we put forward." Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun raised his mouth and asked immediately.

Speaking of that, Ke Bing thought for a while, and then said to Wu Hao: "Well, he will go back and talk to us badly, and see how we can discuss those cooperations."

They are all faceless people outside the circle, they look up to see you, don't make it embarrassing when the time comes. "

So that time, your opponents were just the national team, domestic commercial aerospace companies, and commercial aerospace companies that were not in the sea. The competitive pressure was very small. "

Ke Bing smiled and said: "That's nothing, so young people, did you all come here like that? Now it's just a new track and facing new competitors. Don't worry, you will definitely do your best Fight for that piece of fat."

"Okay, you can find us when you go up." Ke Bing responded, and then said to Ke Bing: "Although our current development focus is on the aerospace field, other fields can also be so concerned about it. .

To be honest, you almost want to give up on that project at any time. If someone changes your mind, all your subsequent investments will be in vain. "From the mountain city to take the initiative to find the door, and then to you to inspect the measurement and evaluation on the spot, then come up with a preliminary intelligent transformation plan, and then go to the mountain city to organize experts to review and review, and conduct repeated consultations on a few problems, soliciting from all parties. Opinions from all parties, reaching a preliminary consensus, announcing relevant changes and withdrawal plans, and so on.

"Well, Awai and Mouxun don't have their own related space programs, but we don't have our own peace of mind. And the bosses of the two companies are such kind of people, so we still have to be careful when contacting us. , grasp the scale, strive when it is time to strive, and be prepared when it is time to take precautions. But you must also pay attention to proportions, if you want to go too far, after all, the relationship between the two of you is still passable now.

Tell him the bad news. The negotiation between us and Shancheng has started. The two sides have not yet reached an agreement framework. Next, we have to wait for the details to be finalized and the contract to be officially signed. The standard of the signing ceremony was very low. On the day of signing the contract, as the person in charge of the company, he had to be present. "

h is to hope that you can build a global satellite communication system for us, and hope to develop a global low-end commercial satellite communication system and increase the price of satellite communication. The entire project is expected to launch less than a hundred satellites to form a global satellite communication network. Of course, that is only an estimated quantity, and the specific amount will have to be discussed in detail.

Hearing Zhang Jun's question, UU Kanshu Wu Hao shook his head: "Yes, you have made concessions in a few places. He needs to know that the population of the entire mountain city has reached 80 million, and The population of the main urban area is only less than 22 million. It is quite difficult to achieve intelligent transformation in such a small city.

"Hehehe, in business talk business, there is nothing bad to say. Worry, you will pay attention." Wu Hao smiled, and then said to Zhang Jun: "After all, it is aerospace business, yes yes It’s not too bad for us to directly intervene in Haoyu Aerospace’s responsibility.”

Besides, those projects not only involved Haoyu Aerospace, but also other aspects of business. What's more, there are not many problems in the final work, Yu Chengwu and Yang Dayun alone, if we are playing around, so you have to help. "

The whole process lasted nearly eight years, and the manpower, material resources, and funds wasted under that project alone are a huge number. The agreement framework has only now been reached, and the retreat can be described as fast.

Seeing the gradual smile on Wu Hao's face, Zhang Jun changed his tone and said: "Yes, I suspect that he also knows that the small project of tens of billions is only for you, and there are very few people who are greedy for it, including the national team. , There are no other commercial aerospace companies. Even in the field of nautical miles, h may choose to cooperate with domestic commercial aerospace companies in order to open up markets and accommodate some countries and regions.

"No." Zhang Jun nodded, then continued to Wu Hao and said, "Next, let's get in touch with several technology giants and Internet companies, I suspect that our business representative team will come over soon.

"Is Haoyu Aerospace your subsidiary company?" Zhang Jun asked back, and then said to Wu Hao: "Of course we have to participate in the retreat, you may talk behind our backs.

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