Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2693: cook

[Modified version] Xie

Chatted with Zhang Jun about some things for a while, and then the guy yawned and left to prepare for his lunch break.

Wu Hao didn't go to the lounge for his daily lunch break, but stretched himself and continued to work. Because he had to go home early today, Wu Hao didn't take a lunch break. In fact, for young people like them, not taking a lunch break is not a big problem, it's just a habit.

After immersing himself in the work at hand, he looked at the time and it was already three o'clock. Wu Hao then summoned Su Ho to come in and handed these documents to the other party, while he tidied up and left the office.

Take the elevator directly to the garage, and the vehicle is already waiting at the door.

"Go home." Sitting in the car, Wu Hao said to the driver.

"Okay." The driver responded, and then started the car and started to drive out. As for him, he rested up with his eyes closed, which was also a rare time to relax.

Passing by a flower shop, Wu Hao bought a lot of flowers as usual, roses, lilies, sunflowers, lotus, etc. Anyway, they looked good and smelled good so he bought them.薢

When he got home, Wu Hao took a shower and changed into loose and comfortable home clothes. In fact, it was a loose T-shirt with pants and slippers, no matter how comfortable he was. If it wasn't for his image, I'm afraid he wouldn't even want to wear a t-shirt.

When I came to the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator, and there were all the fresh ingredients delivered today. Wu Hao took out the contents one by one, and handed them over to the robot on the side for processing, while he started to get busy.

Soak for 70 minutes until all the ice cubes have melted, then remove the prawns to control the moisture and put them on a plate. Put the seasoned sauce in the middle, and the prawns will be spoiled that night.

At the beginning, Peng Xian was still at the dining table

In addition to those dishes, I also cooked a soup, using crucian carp radish and red date soup, which is also more nourishing, but it is worse for men anyway.

In the next few days, Wu Hao didn't pay attention when he went out to participate in activities, which caused him to faint due to heat stroke. He was immediately sent to the hospital by his entourage. He recovered after two bottles of liquid and rested for two days. It's just that, it's just that the menstrual holiday is coming, and my body is not weak, especially because of my bad appetite, so Lin Wei will go to work early and prepare to cook you some bad food.

But didn’t he make a vegetable salad before, chop up all kinds of vegetables and mix them together, put them in salad dressing, that would be more appetizing in summer, and Wu Hao usually hates eating it.薢

Afterwards, Wu Hao rarely waited for me to go home after finishing everything, and now it's my turn.

Put the rice in a rice cooker and cook it. I added red beans, corn kernels, green beans, sweet potatoes, and raisins to the rice to increase the taste of the rice and also serve as an appetizer.

When I came back, the food was all spoiled, so hurry up and pack up and eat. Lin Wei rubbed her eyes, sat up and said. In order to adjust Peng Xian's stomach, Lin Wei also specially made two more dishes, a four-turn small intestine, and a hot and sour belly slice. The dish of hot and sour belly actually came from my stepmother, so it is relatively unfamiliar. After that, Peng Xian ate it when she was away from home, and she was very proud of it. As for the four-turned small intestine, have I ever done it?

Is this dish too technically difficult? Special people can also make it according to the tutorial. It’s just that it’s more difficult to make it bad. The most difficult thing about it is not the two points of seasoning and bone removal. The sourness can overwhelm the sky, and the sweetness can also cover the sourness. And the sweet and sour pork ribs are the key to making that dish bad. Not many people make sweet and sour pork ribs, and everything else is bad. It's not that there is no way to remove the bone, that's the key. To make bad sweet and sour pork ribs, you only need to pull them hard, and the outer ribs cannot be pulled out from under the meat.

After finishing the cold dishes, the next one is not cold dishes. The first thing to do is braised beef. The beef is made of high-quality beef brisket, then cut into small pieces and blanched, then stir-fried in sugar, put the beef back and stir-fry. Before the beef changes color, pour the low soup, and then Add four corners of cinnamon and other seasonings. And in order to make the beef taste worse and to appetize, Lin Wei also put a little hawthorn in it.

As for ribs that cannot be deboned, you need to use your teeth to clean them, and they are still clean. The trick to master that point is to control the heat to get rid of the bone, and the meat is full of sweet and sour juice, which makes the taste richer.

Then take out the optional lower prawns and clean them up. Then boil a pot of clear water, put green onion and **** in it, wait for the water to boil, then put the river prawns into the boiling water and blanch the soup, skim off the foam, add cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, add salt to increase or decrease the bottom flavor, bring The shrimp skin turns completely red, and then take it out with a strainer and soak it in ice water to cool down, which will make the shrimp meat firmer and more springy, and the taste will be worse.薢

Sensing the movement, Lin Wei opened her eyes slightly, UU read www.uukanshu. com saw Wu Hao in front of me, gently putting a blanket on me, and realized that I woke up, then smiled and said: "Wake up."

The sour taste of hawthorn can not only increase the taste, but also play a role in strengthening the stomach and eliminating food. Then put the pot of beef into the casserole and simmer quickly, and I am done with other dishes.

At seven o'clock, Wu Hao returned home with a tired look on his face. However, she found that the lights in the house hadn't been turned on yet, and Lin Wei, who was sitting under the sofa, didn't know when she hadn't fallen asleep.

Because it is summer, Peng Xian specially chose a vinegar bowl for the bowl, which is more greasy and appetizing, and increases appetite.

Seeing that scene, Wu Hao showed a cool smile on his tired face, put on his bag, changed his slippers, walked over to Peng Xian, opened the blanket and put it under Peng Xian.

Before finishing those, Lin Wei quickly warmed the cold dishes, and I finished cleaning up the house, took out all the flowers outside the vase, and then inserted the newly bought flowers.

Our traditional culture pays attention to complementing the form with the form. Although it is not yet true whether that statement is true, it is a kind of tradition. And there is indeed no such prescription outside of Chinese medicine, using pork belly to regulate gastrointestinal function, it’s just that it’s more smug, and that kind is not food at all, so it can provide some psychological comfort, mainly because Wu Hao hates it and loves it. Just eat it, and then my goal will be achieved.薢

Next came the sweet and sour pork ribs, which was also a dish that Peng Xian ate very proudly. Because it is sweet and sour, that dish is also welcomed by a small number of boys. That dish is actually not the same as Coca-Cola ribs, but the taste may be worse if the sweet and sour ribs are eaten.

After finishing all that work, I took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, then walked to the living room and sat down. Browsing the web, drinking beer, quietly waiting for Wu Hao to come back.

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