Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2695: Zhang Jun panicked

After eating, the leftovers on the dining table and the kitchen were handed over to the robot. Wu Hao and Lin Wei came to the living room with the fruit plate in their arms. Now the two of them especially enjoy this kind of chatting on the sofa in the living room after eating, watching some boring movies and TV dramas while chatting without saying a word.

The two talked about a wide range of topics, including life, studio, and some interesting news in the society. The two sides exchanged views and listened to each other's opinions or suggestions on some issues.

When we look at things personally, it is easy to limit ourselves, which is what we often say are fans of the authorities. At this time, if you can listen to the suggestions and opinions of outsiders or outsiders, you may have different gains.

For example, many things about Wei Media, including many important decisions, are actually made by Wu Hao behind the scenes. Although he could directly intervene in Wei Media's business strategy through the form of the board of directors, it was too tough and could easily damage Lin Wei's image and authority in the company. It is still better to use this private method to moisten things silently.

And this in itself is not considered interference, it can only be said to be helping to make suggestions, and it is Lin Wei who makes the real decision. Of course, according to the equity structure and organizational relationship of Wei Media, any major decision of Wei Media needs to be decided by the board of directors. In fact, it is necessary to seek Wu Hao's opinion.

So no matter how you look at it, there is no problem with his approach.

I haven't congratulated you yet, the stock price of Haoyu Aerospace has gone crazy recently. Many friends around me are thinking about my lobby and asking what big moves you will make next. They all hold a lot of Haoyu Aerospace stocks in their hands. Lin Wei smiled at Wu Hao and said.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "Can you disclose this aspect, I am not afraid that the Z supervisory committee will investigate."

What's the matter, people are well informed. Lin Wei said with a smile: "To be honest, I regret it a bit. I should have bought more Haoyu Aerospace stocks, but I bought too few."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao patted her plump PP with a smile, and said, "Contentment is always happy, don't be too greedy. The stocks in your hand can be tossed appropriately, let's get more out of them. Soon we will issue another round of shares.”

"What are you throwing away? Let's keep it. Anyway, we are not short of money, so there is no need to be so eager to cash out." Lin Wei said with a smile.

Seeing this, Wu Hao shook his head helplessly: "Do as you like."

The two were chatting when a caller ID appeared on the big TV screen. It was Zhang Jun's call.

Sir, is the call from Mr. Zhang Jun connected?

Come in. Wu Hao nodded, then let go of Lin Wei and sat down. Lin Wei also straightened her clothes and sat up.

The figure of Zhang Jun appeared in the video, but Zhang Jun in the screen did not have the calmness and confidence before, his face looked extremely flustered, his forehead was sweating, and he looked a little embarrassed.

Haozi, Haozi!

What's the matter, speak slowly! Seeing this, Wu Hao sat up straight and asked hurriedly.

Haozi, help me. Zhang Jun cried anxiously after hearing Wu Hao's words.

What happened, please explain clearly. Wu Hao also became anxious when he saw this. Zhang Jun said that asking him to save his life was a matter of life and death, so he had to be anxious.

My dad, my dad, and my mom called and said that my dad had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. Speaking of this, Zhang Jun's panicked eyes turned red with tears in their sockets.

Don't worry, don't worry, it's no use worrying now. Tell me about the situation first, where are you now? Hearing this, Wu Hao finally understood what was going on, and his heart tightened.

As an only child, Zhang Jun has never stayed with his parents because of his work relationship. His parents have always stayed in their hometown, so this time something happened at home, he was naturally very anxious. Based on his relationship with Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun's parents are also his elders, so he is naturally very anxious.

But it's useless to be anxious now, Wu Hao calmed down first, and then comforted Zhang Jun. Because he knew that Zhang Jun had lost his position and it was difficult to make a correct decision, so he had to come and help Zhang Jun deal with this matter.

I'm in the car now, heading to the airport and getting ready to go home. My mother is the only one at home, she is a little flustered and overwhelmed, I have to go back to accompany her. Zhang Jun held back his sadness and anxiety, and sobbed at Wu Hao.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao nodded and asked, "The planes are all arranged, do you need me to help arrange them?"

"No, I've made all the arrangements. I told the leader about the situation, and the leader made the arrangements. The plane is waiting at the airport. When I arrive, I can board the plane right away and jump in line to take off." Zhang Jun said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard the words. This time is indeed a special situation, so it is okay to use a little privilege. If it were him, he would definitely do the same. After all, what is more important than the health and safety of his parents.

What about the hospital, is there any news from UU Reading now? Wu Hao asked.

Not yet, my mother can't get through on the phone, I have already called my uncle, my second uncle and sister-in-law to rush to the hospital. Zhang Jun shook his head and said worriedly.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard Zhang Jun's words, and then said to Zhang Jun: "The most fatal thing about a heart attack is that the rescue is not timely. Now the ambulance has arrived to take my uncle to the hospital, so there will be no big problem. As for you, don't worry too much, think wildly, and go home with peace of mind.

Well, just in case, I asked Linghu Medical Research Center to prepare. First, see if you can contact the hospital to find out about Uncle's situation. Then communicate with them to see if we can directly connect with our expert team at Linghu Medical Research Center through the telemedicine system, so that our experts can keep abreast of uncle's condition.

If the condition is relatively stable, then it can be treated by the hospital over there. If the condition is more serious, then our experts can provide remote guidance and provide relevant treatment plans.

If it doesn't work, then arrange for the uncle to call an expert to transport it to Anxi, and our medical research center will take over the treatment. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao comforted Zhang Jun who was still in shock on the screen: "You don't have to worry too much, don't forget that we are the best in the world in treating heart disease.

If it doesn't work, we still have a smart bionic artificial heart to cover the bottom line. Putting it on is the same as a real heart, and it will be no problem to let my uncle live for another few decades. "

I know, I'm just very anxious right now. Without further ado, let me first ask about the situation at the hospital, that's all. After speaking, Zhang Jun hung up the phone eagerly.

(end of this chapter)

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