Military Technology

Vol 5 Chapter 2699: 3 party consultation

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly. He could understand Zhang Jun's feelings at this time, so he asked Zhang Jun on the screen: "So what are you thinking now?"

Seeing Wu Hao's question, the others also looked at Zhang Jun on the screen, waiting for his answer.

Zhang Jun on the screen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I want to take my dad to Linghu for treatment, and use our advanced technology in the field of biomedical technology to cure these problems as much as possible.

For example, 3D bioprinting technology is used to print some tissues to repair damaged parts of the heart. Another example is the use of stem cells to repair some necrotic parts of the heart tissue and make them rejuvenate. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao didn't answer right away. After thinking for a while, he said to the expectant Zhang Jun: "The question now is whether Uncle Zhang can receive Anxi safely and smoothly. What to do in case of an emergency.

In addition, regarding your idea, I naturally understand and definitely support it, but whether it can be realized or not depends on the opinion of the doctor.

Let me see, it's almost dawn now. Later, we will hold a video conference call and invite the experts from the Linghu Medical Research Center, the experts in charge of your uncle's condition from the Mining Group General Hospital, your family members and us, let's hold a four-party meeting .

Listen to the opinions of the experts first. "

OK, then I'll arrange it. Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun nodded in response, and then hung up the phone.

Soon, the video conference call was held under Zhang Jun's emergency organization. The big screen is divided into three screens, which are experts from Linghu Medical Research Center, experts from Mining Group General Hospital, representatives of Zhang Jun and his family members, and Wu Hao and his side.

Wu Hao knew several experts from the Linghu Medical Research Center and had dealt with them before. For example, the leader was Director Tong, who was famous for his surgical knives.

On Zhang Jun's side, there are five or six doctors, and the leaders are two old doctors who are about 40 or 50 years old, and one is a person at the level of the chief dean of the department.

Let me introduce to you, the person in charge of my dad's condition here is Vice President Huang of the General Hospital, who is also the chief physician of the Cardiac Surgery Department. This is Director Bai of the Interventional Cardiology Department. They are all specialists and doctors involved in my dad's treatment. Zhang Jun introduced them to Wu Hao and Linghu Medical Research Center.

After introducing the people around him, Zhang Jun introduced these people again: "These people on the screen are all members of our Linghu Medical Center expert team, and this is the team leader, Director Tong.

I don’t need to introduce too many people here, this is Wu Hao, the chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology, and next to him is Wu Hao’s fiancée, Lin Wei, who is also the president of Wei Media. Those two over there are the directors of Haoyu Technology and the heads of important departments Zou Xiaodong, Yang Fan, and Zhou Xi. "

After introducing the personnel of the three parties, Zhang Jun immediately said: "I'm sorry to disturb everyone's rest, but there is no way, human life is at stake, and my father is still relying on equipment to stabilize his condition, so everyone has worked hard. On behalf of my family and I, Thank you all."

After some simple greetings, the right to speak was handed over to Wu Hao. Wu Hao said with a smile: "Experts, please forgive me. Uncle Zhang is a very kind person. I hope everyone can do their best to treat him. I am here. Thank you all.

Of course, everyone should not be stressed. Come as you want, there is no need to affect everyone because of our relationship. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the two sides of the video window, and then smiled and said: "Director Tong, Vice President Huang, Director Bai, human life is at stake, let's not waste time, let's start directly."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, the experts on both sides nodded. Director Tong immediately opened his posture and said: "Vice President Huang, Director Bai, we want to know all the current conditions of the patient so that we can judge the patient's condition and give professional treatment advice."

Alright, Vice President Huang nodded, then looked at Director Bai. Director Bai understood, and then rushed to say: "The patient was taken to the hospital by our ambulance at 3:50 in the evening. Immediately afterwards, we performed a full name and detailed examination on the patient's body, and in order to ensure the patient's life safety , to maintain the stability of the vital signs of the body, and to ensure the normal operation of various organs and tissues of the body, so we used eo for the patient in time to establish extracorporeal respiration and circulation to maintain the life of the patient.

Through our 4-dimensional B-ultrasound and MRI examination of the patient, we found that the patient's cardiac muscle tissue has been severely damaged, and the cardiac function has been greatly affected.

In the subsequent coronary angiography, it was found that there were a total of five blocked stenotic lesions in the patient's heart, three of which were superficial coronary atherosclerosis. The two places are due to the excessive pressure in the patient's body caused by long-term obesity, which damages and deforms the myocardial tissue, squeezes and deforms the blood vessels, and forms a myocardial bridge.

Among them, because the patient's coronary artery atherosclerosis is blocked to form a thrombus, and the blocked thrombus follows the movement of the blood flow and the movement of the body, causing part of the thrombus to start to flow into other blood vessels through the blood vessel. Stasis occurred at the lesion site, which led to severe blockage of two blood vessels, which led to myocardial infarction.

As for the other three places, although they are not completely blocked, they are also very serious. Two of them are blocked by more than 90%, and one is blocked by 80%.

In addition to these five severely blocked stenotic lesions, during our investigation, we found that there were several stenotic areas in other normal vascular tissues of the patient's heart, but compared with the previous five, these are relatively mild , but cannot be ignored.

Among them, two blockages have exceeded 60%, and have reached the standard of coronary heart disease, and several have also reached 30-40%.

We noticed that the patient has a family history of obesity and high blood lipids. Such patients are ten times more likely to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases than ordinary people. Therefore, if the patient's blood lipids are not well controlled, such narrowing and blockage will still occur.

This time I was lucky and was able to be sent to the doctor in time, so I may not be so lucky next time.

Therefore, our suggestion is to directly dilate and dredge the blocked area of ​​the patient's heart, and then implant a stent. In addition to these severe blockages and stenosis, we should also take the opportunity to treat several other severely stenotic blood vessels in a timely manner and implant stents to avoid myocardial insufficiency caused by stenosis and even myocardial infarction. "

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