Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 274: We plagiarized aliens

In addition to netizens who are hotly debated, there are naturally various media V and public accounts. In simple terms, they are divided into three categories. The first category is completely touted and regarded as friendly. The second category is to sing and discredit. As an enemy. The third category is more neutral and objective.

Since they currently do not have direct competition with other rain products, there are no problems in the navy and anti-cross-border.

Of course, compared to a more harmonious domestic environment, the key to foreign countries is a bit more severe. Since the news, many media have reported on this. The general caliber is almost the same as the former, all with obvious Prejudice and discredit.

Of course, there are many media and websites that give positive comments on their products, but they still cannot reverse the long-standing Western bias against us.

However, despite this form, their sales are still good. At present, their cumulative orders in overseas markets have exceeded 4 million units. Although it is far from hot in China, this achievement is still on the forefront of major electronic product sales lists.

At the same time, various feedback experiences of the first overseas users who have received the product have been uploaded to various social media.

With the spread of these experiences, the sales of their products have further accelerated. Of course, some problems also appeared in the process of word-of-mouth fermentation.

For example, Wu Hao's smart voice assistant is used with a mobile phone in most cases, and some functions need to be connected to the application on the mobile phone.

For example, querying map navigation, weather, and even ordering food services need to be connected with the corresponding APP. Of course, G song is the boss, but for various reasons, their cooperation with G song has never been reached.

Wu Hao and they also want to solve this problem, but the two sides have not reached consensus on some key areas. Therefore, the use of related functions is limited. This is also no way. The foreign environment does not want to be domestic, especially in terms of mobile Internet use.

This also brings some inconveniences to users, which affects the user experience.

Of course, they have also cooperated with some other application providers to provide related other similar application services, but the effect is not too ideal.

The main reason is that social related facilities are relatively backward and cannot support application functions in this regard. With the popularization of QR codes and mobile phone payment in China today, most western countries and cities still use credit cards and cash, or even checks for payment, not to mention other functions.

Of course, the flaws are not concealed. Even if they lack this function, their smart voice assistants are still amazing for most users. In addition to the excellent intelligent speech system, there is also a simultaneous interpretation function, and the biggest gains here are in two countries.

Because the two countries are closely linked, there are more people living in the two countries, and language exchange has become a problem.

Of course, many Lao people can still understand a few babies. But it is absolutely not spoken, because proud Lao people think that slang is the best language in the world, and few people learn babies. The vast majority of French people are incapable of understanding or speaking.

The baby country is also the same. Because of the complicated baby-infant relationship in history, the two countries are not very friendly, both official and non-governmental, let alone going to learn a language.

However, people in these two countries like to run around, and the intelligent simultaneous interpretation function of this intelligent voice assistant has become the object of many people's Amway, and has even appeared in many travel magazines of both countries.

Agents from both countries also took the opportunity to launch related trial activities, and the amazing experience quickly captured the joy of a large number of people.

And always at this time, some western media started to sour, and then said some yin and yang strange words to destroy the atmosphere.

Regarding these, Wu Hao generally does not respond, and they mainly do not want to heat up this topic. Although it will be beneficial to their product sales if they are hot, they still understand the advent of the big wind, and do not give some rogue countries a word first.

At present, their main task is to seize the market and do their best to seize the market. After reaching a certain user base, even if some rogue countries have spoken, then they will not be too passive.

However, it is still necessary to go back. If the official blog is not suitable, then there are sounds through informal channels, such as their agents in Europe, the company's marketing director, and even Zhang Jun.

Only after expanding his influence, Wu Hao has been controlling his remarks in public, doing what he said with caution. But sometimes it is necessary to speak decisively when speaking, for example, against the latest slander of foreign media against them, he immediately tweeted on Weibo and even overseas social networking sites ~ ~ We reserve the right to investigate for false and malicious slander.

We have been committed to the privacy protection of users' personal information and have achieved very good results in this regard. In this regard, I can responsibly say that there is no problem.

We welcome users to give us feedback on their experience, which will help us improve related technologies and better serve users. But we will never accept any slander or slander. If there is evidence, please take it out instead of slandering it casually.

Don't you think it's ridiculous that we steal technology from other companies? We don't even have technology, so where do we plagiarize.

Since the release of our intelligent voice system for more than a year, countless people have imitated us, but none has not surpassed us or even reached our level. I can responsibly say that we are the best so far.

So, do we plagiarize aliens?

Haoyu Technology has been committed to providing users with the best intelligent voice system services, and we hope that these efforts we have made can really provide convenience to everyone and help those in need.

I also hope that those with dark hearts can get some sunshine. This time is still wonderful and there are not so many plots. "

Wu Hao's response was soon spread on Weibo and overseas social networking sites. At the same time, his personal information and related deeds were also promoted by these social networking sites and some media.

When more people saw the relevant information of this talented young man who was only 24 years old, he couldn't help but sigh.

This guy might really be an alien.

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