Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 288: debate

Although the relevant plan has been submitted, the discussion of this plan in the city is far from over. Mainly Wu Hao's plan is a bit too large, so the relevant leaders did not agree with them.

This is not to say that it is so simple to approve two thousand acres of land. It also involves a series of problems.

If Wu Hao and they are building the company's headquarters here, then the relevant infrastructure must be built. Such as road construction, bus system, and even subway system.

Second, there are some supporting facilities, such as hospitals, banks, police stations, and other related facilities.

Next is the supporting facilities, which include hotels, shopping malls, and housing communities.

总共 In total, this becomes a huge complex systems project. This is why they all want to attract Wu Hao to go to the site. In addition to taxation and other economic benefits, it can also stimulate nearby economic growth and even a series of long-term benefits.

Of course, there is still progress. At present, the project approval and preparation projects for the Linghu International Business District have been completely frozen.

This means that before the project is formally determined, the approval and preparation of all construction projects in the entire Linghu International Business District will be suspended. Projects that continue construction in violation of this ban will be judged as illegal construction. If they face demolition in the future, the additional area will not be compensated.

The reason why I did this was to avoid speculative crazy speculation after the news was leaked. This is not conducive to land acquisition for subsequent projects, and will increase the entire cost of land acquisition.

On the other hand, it is also for the unified planning in the future to avoid the adverse effects caused by repeated construction and site selection errors.

For Wu Hao's side, a number of domestic and international professional teams were also invited to conduct detailed inspections and explorations and various types of information collection in this area.

The information is not only the topography of the area, but also the soil and stratum conditions, etc. In addition to this, it is close to the wetland protection area, and the impact of the project on the ecological environment must be considered. And consider a series of factors such as surrounding infrastructure and related social and environmental factors.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the data, Wu Hao also specifically requires these professional teams to be independent of each other to avoid interference with each other and thus affect the accuracy of the data.

Although the secrecy work on this project is very good, this series of actions has not escaped the attention of caring people. As a result, land prices in this area and even adjacent areas have increased significantly in a short period of time.

Even some villages started to build houses privately in order to make extra money during demolition. However, the freeze ban is here, so the business district began to organize personnel to go to the village to publicize and supervise.

However, the effect is not ideal, and some people still have chance. In addition to these villagers, there are also investors and real estate developers who are focusing on their goals here.

But these people are more cautious, and now they are inquiring about what the project is. In case of a comprehensive waste incineration power station or a treatment plant, it would be a big loss to enclose the land in advance.

In response to this situation, the city has also stepped up the progress of relevant discussions and consultations, and various discussion meetings have been held more than a dozen times during this period.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also became regulars at the meeting to help answer some questions.

"We estimate that the number of employees in our company's headquarters will reach about 80,000 to 100,000 by 2025. Among them, the number of technical personnel responsible for research and development will reach 50,000 to 60,000. In the end, our number of employees in Anxi will reach More than 150,000 people.

Such a huge number of employees is no longer simple enough to satisfy two or three high-rise buildings. So we need enough area and reserve expansion area to support the rapid development of our company.

The 150,000 people bring not only a world-class technology company, but also a real boost to the development of the surrounding economy. I won't talk about the others, let's talk about the clothing, food, shelter and transportation of these 150,000 people, which may not make this a new center of Anxi's economic growth. "

"I don't agree, let's not say whether this data is exaggerated. Let's just say that the status quo of the Linghu International Business District is simply not suitable for companies like Haoyu Technology to settle in.

Also, our development zone already has perfect infrastructure, why should we stay close and choose the wasteland with nothing at all. "Director Zou of the Development Zone Management Committee spoke against it.

I heard Director Zou's words, Wu Hao has not spoken yet, and Shi Jinsong Shi Shi, the director of the Management Committee of Linghu International Business District, immediately refuted.

"Why not? Your development zone doesn't have such a large space to accommodate such enterprises. Although we don't have such a complete infrastructure, we have our advantages. We have enough space to improve these infrastructure constructions. Can accommodate large enterprises like Haoyu Technology to take root.

What's more, this is their own decision and they have not violated the relevant regulations. We must not interfere arbitrarily. "

Everyone knew why the two were arguing. But such quarrels are meaningless, so everyone is too lazy to intervene.

杜 For Du Yonghui, there is no problem choosing where to play Anxi throughout the game. However, for the development zone and Linghu International Business District, the choice of Haoyu Technology is related to their immediate interests.

Facing such a company with great potential for development, everyone on both sides hopes that it can take root in its own territory. This is not just about economic benefits, but also other related benefits.

Leaving aside, let's say that once this company settles, it will undoubtedly drive the growth of low-priced housing prices around. The economic and social benefits attached to the service industry created by so many people are also huge.

If you can win the landing of a company like Haoyu Technology in your own jurisdiction, it will also write a lot in your career ~ ~ This will be a huge achievement and a loud stepping stone And solid stepping stones.

Seeing that the two were still arguing, Du Yonghui knocked on the table and said, "We are in a meeting, what does it look like.

No matter where this project ends up, as long as we are Anxi, that's right. You need to take a long-term view and obey the overall situation.

This project is relatively large, involving a wide range and has far-reaching effects, so it needs a recent round of discussions.

And this project needs to be reported to the above leaders and relevant departments for approval, so it will take some time.

希望 I hope that before the next meeting, everyone will come up with a set of their own plans for this project, and then we will conduct a summary discussion.

Finally, this project is relatively tight, so we must come up with relevant plans as soon as possible. There are also confidentiality regulations. Everyone knows that before the project is released, it is strictly forbidden to disclose the relevant content of the meeting to the outside, and the offenders are dealt with seriously.

Meet up! "

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