Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3099: Opportunities often coexist with risks

Latest website: After listening to Wu Hao's story, Xu Xiaoya didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, she finally came back to her senses, nodded towards Wu Hao and said, "Is there another treatment plan?"

Wu Hao was not surprised when the other party asked this. After all, anyone who heard what he just said would have such a reaction.

So he nodded to Xu Xiaoya and introduced: "The second treatment technology is newer than this smart bionic artificial heart, and it has just been put into clinical trials not long ago.

Compared to directly replacing a smart bionic artificial heart, this treatment technology uses bio-3D printing technology to repair the patient's damaged heart. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya, including the entourage present, couldn't help but light up. Compared with the heart transplant surgery just now, this treatment technology solution is simply much better.

please continue. Xu Xiaoya endured her excitement and said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded and continued: "I believe you also understand that we have conquered 3D biological printing technology, which can use cloned human cells to print relevant human organs and tissues.

To put it simply, we extract relevant cells from the patient and then perform clonal culture to obtain a considerable number of cloned cells.

Then, we use these cloned cells for 3D biological printing to print the required organs and tissues.

The advantage of this technology is that we can print organs and tissues that are consistent with the patient's body and have no rejection reaction at all.

Therefore, we can use it to print some human organs and tissues and repair wounds and diseases on the human body.

For example, printing facial skin for patients who have been disfigured by burns can help them restore their appearance. Another example is printing ruptured tendons, menisci, and ligaments for athletes to restore them to health and extend their professional sports careers.

For another example, using this technology, we can use it to repair some organ damage in the patient's body, such as blood vessels, nerve tissue, etc.

This includes cardiac myocardial tissue and coronary vascular tissue. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Xu Xiaoya, and then continued: "Everything in this world has two sides. It cannot be perfect. Opportunities often coexist with risks. This technology also has shortcomings. First, the patient's tissue cells need to be extracted for treatment. Cultivation of cell clones takes time and is relatively expensive.

Secondly, during the entire cell cloning and cultivation process, some chemical and physical methods may be used, so that cells can be cloned and propagated quickly to meet our subsequent 3D bioprinting needs.

Then this process may have some impact on the cells cultured from these clones. Although we have not checked it yet, we cannot guarantee that it will not change in the future, including that the cells derived from genetic division will not change in the future.

At present, the time this technology has been put into clinical trials is still short, and we cannot obtain more data, so we cannot guarantee that it is safe enough.

Therefore, we don’t know whether the organs and tissues printed by using these cloned cells will have an impact on the patient’s health for a long time when transplanted into the patient. There is currently a lack of data in this regard.

Secondly, even if these printed organs and tissues are implanted into the body, it is impossible to completely return to normal.

Let's put it this way, autologous transplantation means transplanting the patient's own tissues to himself, such as skin transplantation and patient's own severed finger transplantation. There is no guarantee that these transplanted parts can restore 100% of their original functions.

Under normal circumstances, restoring 70 to 80% of the functionality is already very good.

This may not be obvious in other organs and tissues, but it is acceptable. But it does not work on the heart, which will affect the function of the heart.

So let’s put it this way, even if this technology is used to repair the patient’s heart and the operation is very successful, it can intelligently restore 70 to 80% of the original function of the repaired part. This is still under a very ideal condition, maybe will be lower.

Heart tissue is no better than other tissues. If the functional recovery is too low, it means the operation failed. This result cannot be predicted, let alone guaranteed.

So if you want to choose this technical solution, you must be mentally prepared for this.

Secondly, the operation process is very dangerous, which is equivalent to repairing the heart. It may even be necessary to stop the heart temporarily, repair it, and then restart it. However, due to the impact of the repair trauma, the heart may not be able to beat again, and there is a possibility of failure.

Even if the surgery is successful, it is inevitable that these repair processes will produce many scars, and these scars will also affect the patient's heart function.

Therefore, we currently lack enough data to demonstrate how well the patient can recover after completing this surgery, so we cannot estimate it, let alone guarantee it.

Furthermore, what I want to tell you is that heart repair surgery like this is not a one-time completion, and a corresponding treatment plan needs to be formulated based on the patient's actual condition.

Some may require several surgeries, while others may require six, seven, seven, eight, or even more surgeries to be completed gradually.

And this is just like the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties that Tang Monk learned from. Each time is very dangerous and needs to be overcome again and again.

Therefore, both patients and family members must be mentally prepared. This process will be very simple, but it will also be painful. "

After listening to Wu Hao's story, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but ask: "I want to know what is the most ideal result after this operation is successful?"

"The ideal result is to return to basically the same level as normal people, without affecting the patient's normal life." Wu Hao watched Xu Xiaoya finish her answer, and then continued to speak.

“This treatment technology plan actually has another advantage, that is, it can be seamlessly connected with the previous treatment technology plan.

That is to say, during the surgical treatment process, if a problem occurs, you can switch to the previous treatment technology plan at any time, and use the prepared intelligent bionic artificial heart to replace the patient's heart that failed to be repaired by surgery, thereby extending the patient's life. "

Finally, I want to say one thing: "That is, no matter which treatment technology plan you choose, UU Reading will cost money. Although they are all clinical trial projects, there are relatively few parts that can be exempted, so you need to spend money during the treatment process. Spend money, and spend a lot of it.

Therefore, the patient’s family must be prepared. "

Don't worry about money. Xu Xiaoya shook her head and said: "My sister's family is financially well-off, so there won't be any problems like this. Besides, aren't we still here? Are you afraid that we won't have money to pay for the medicine?"

Haha, that’s not what I meant. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "I want to remind you that the money may be spent but the person is not saved, so you have to carefully consider the choice."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Xu Xiaoya fell silent immediately, and after a long time, she sighed and said: "I will tell my sister the truth about how to choose to see them.

If I have decided, I will trouble you a bit, and I will never thank you for your kindness. "

Seriously, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I am also doing a good deed. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head. (End of chapter)

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