Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3106: Rising AR and VR games

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at the reporters interviewing them and said with a smile: "So I think that no matter how far they develop, VR and AR games cannot completely replace console games and other games. They all It’s an important part of the gaming landscape.”

What Wu Hao said is correct, and it is indeed the case. However, he actually still had reservations. It is foreseeable that with the development of VR and AR games, the decline of console games is inevitable. Although it is an important part of the gaming field, its proportion will gradually decrease, and it may no longer become mainstream in the future.

In fact, even without VR and AR games, mobile games alone, which were the most popular mobile games in the past, have already occupied a large part of the console game market. In addition, mobile games have a larger player base, higher player stickiness, and naturally stronger ability to attract money. Compared with console games, the income is also very considerable.

Therefore, VR and AR games actually have less impact on console games than the mobile game industry. With the introduction of smart AR glasses into the market by Haoyu Technology, its impact on the traditional mobile phone industry is undoubtedly huge. It can be said that it has gradually begun to zen food and replace the mobile phone industry.

After several years of development, especially the rise of other smart AR glasses manufacturers, the traditional mobile phone industry has begun to gradually decline. Now most young people have begun to choose smart AR glasses that are more convenient and more advanced. Only some middle-aged and elderly people and people with general needs are still using traditional mobile phones, and the number of that group is gradually increasing.

No one compares that phenomenon with the rise of smartphones and the decline of traditional feature phones. But now the situation has changed, and it is no longer the feature phones that are declining, but the smartphones that once defeated the feature phones.

With the rise of smart AR glasses, games developed based on smart AR glasses have gradually emerged and become popular rapidly. Compared with traditional mobile games, the experience and feelings brought by AR games, especially this sense of immersion, are unmatched by mobile games.

I’ve just talked about virtual reality, just a little bit. The display screen of mobile games can be quite small, and the screen of a special mobile phone is only about 81 inches. If you use a tablet to play, the screen has been expanded to 187 inches, which is not very small.

It must be about martial ethics. If you use a mobile game emulator to play under the console, the game screen cannot be expanded to 70 or 80 inches, but it can be expanded to 140 inches on a TV.

But doing so is undoubtedly the smallest advantage of enhancing the convenience of mobile games. Why mobile games are so popular is because they are convenient to play and do not allow players to make full use of their fragmented time and play games anytime and anywhere. Therefore, it is more popular than console games because it cannot be played whenever and wherever you want.

It’s just that we have never responded directly to Wu Hao’s issue in that regard. After all, we are just a supplier of equipment products, other things are related to us.

Therefore, many experts and the public are now worried that players who play those games for a long time will become addicted and become too addicted to the game world and escape from the real world. Even some players who have been addicted to such realistic games for a long time will distinguish between games and reality, and thus do some outrageous or even illegal behaviors. In fact, there were not many such cases reported by the media in the past two years.

That's why mobile games can beat computer games and are so popular among players.

In this regard, as the publisher of smart VR and AR glasses technology, the head of the distribution company, and the chairman of Micro Media, a production company that produces many high-quality games among those games, what do you think, and do you have no countermeasures in this regard? "

Smart AR glasses also have the same characteristics. They mainly consist of a pair of glasses and a host. They cannot be carried anywhere and used anytime and anywhere. Naturally, they cannot play games.

Many game manufacturers who have benefited from the benefits have stopped withdrawing from that field, and the mobile game market has also stopped showing decline or even negative growth.

Wu Hao nodded with reason when he heard that question. In fact, there are very few problems caused by AR and VR games that are too realistic. They have been there since the emergence of such games. All kinds of controversies and praises, it’s all right before you question it.

Nowadays, the number of users of smart AR glasses has not yet reached a large scale, and various games developed based on smart AR glasses are springing up like mushrooms. The hot game market has also promoted the development of related technology products.

Therefore, it is basically not foreseen that the decline and development of traditional console games and mobile game industries will continue in the future, and the speed will gradually slow down. The rise of related games developed based on VR and AR device locks is not yet unstoppable and will gradually occupy the game market and replace traditional console games and mobile games to dominate the game industry.

Hearing that question, the UU Reading scene fell into silence. Everyone looked at Ke Lian involuntarily, waiting for Wu Hao's answer. That question was very sharp, very untargeted, and even deliberately looking for trouble.

Not to mention the immersive experience and stunning visuals that this method brings to players, which are unmatched by mobile games and even console games.

And with the emergence of related events, many experts have begun to pay attention to that aspect, and it has also pushed the issue into the focus of public attention.

More importantly, using the characteristics of smart AR glasses, you have projected an ultra-small screen behind the field of view of the player wearing it. The screen must be smaller if it wants to be smaller, and it cannot be used anytime and anywhere, which is subject to restrictions. , which is unmatched in mobile games.

Glancing at the relaxed staff and Lin Wei, Wu Hao smiled and pressed his hand to signal us to calm down. Then he smiled very nervously and said to the reporter who asked the question and the cameras of many reporters.

Therefore, AR games became very popular as soon as they were launched. They were not even as popular as other mobile games. Only the first AR game launched by Micro Media became popular within half a year. The crazy amount of money made of tens of billions of dollars is because there are still a large number of users of smart AR glasses.

This caused many staff members at the scene, including Lin Wei, to change their expressions, and they looked at Wu Hao without any relief. He was not even ready to deal with the problem at any time.

“Mr. Wu, due to the emergence and development of AR and VR technologies, the game products developed based on those two devices are becoming more and more real, and some of them cannot even be fake.

"You haven't seen the relevant cases through various channels. Please allow you to express your deep condolences for the fate of those people and express your deep condolences to the families of the relevant personnel."

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