Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3122: The Lord who does not let go of the hawk when he sees no rabbit

Therefore, in comparison, the construction progress of the hotel is slower than that of the employee home community.

Hearing Dong Yiming's introduction, Wu Hao couldn't help but nodded, and then asked: "How is the construction project of our Shudu Research Institute going?"

After hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Dong Yiming immediately said: "Since the project was established in Shudu, we have begun to assist the local government in completing the demolition of the project land. A total of 2,700 acres of project construction land have been obtained.

Of the 2,700 acres of land, 20% are rivers, which means that our actual land use is only 2,160 acres. According to local overall planning regulations, about 60% of the land that can actually be used for construction is about 1,300 acres, which means that our construction land is only about 1,300 acres.

We are currently clearing and leveling the land that has been collected for demolition and demolition, and construction can begin after the overall planning and design of the park is released.

The design bidding project of the entire institute has been launched. At present, we have obtained registration confirmations from more than one hundred design institutes at home and abroad, and we have also received scheme bids from more than a dozen design institutes.

There are still about two months left before the deadline for bidding on the entire design plan, so we are currently making preliminary preparations for project approval. "

Speaking of this, Dong Yiming said with a smile: "The local government, including the development zone where it is located, attaches great importance to the completion of our research institute and has set up relevant work teams to be responsible for the implementation of the entire project.

In accordance with the relevant agreements we have reached with local governments, the construction of supporting facilities near our park, including express roads, subway light rails, bus lines and other related infrastructure, has also begun. "

Hearing Dong Yiming's words, Wu Hao showed a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Shudu spent a lot of money this time to win Haoyu Technology, the fourth technology research institute. Not only were they given very generous conditions, but they were also dedicated in other aspects. The purpose is also to hope that this technology research institute can promote the development of Shudu's high-tech industry.

In particular, the talent benefits generated by this technical research institute will benefit this place a lot. Let’s not talk about other things, let’s just say that according to relevant plans, this institute can probably accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 scientific research and technical personnel to carry out related high-tech research and development work.

You must know that the most basic scientific research and technical personnel employed in technology giants such as Haoyu Technology are undergraduates from key universities, which is a stepping stone. Of course, although Haoyu Technology is not so strict in terms of academic qualifications and schools, those who can enter these research institutes are undoubtedly outstanding talents. What's more, there are a large number of masters and doctors here.

This also means that once this technical research institute is put into operation, it will attract 20,000 to 30,000 outstanding technical talents to the local area, which will have a huge promotion effect on optimizing the local population and occupational structure.

Moreover, according to the salary of Haoyu's scientific and technological talents, these scientific research and technical personnel are well-paid people with considerable spending power. They can drive the local consumer market and move closer to economic development.

In addition, these 20,000 to 30,000 people are basically potential high-quality real estate customers, who can absorb 20,000 to 30,000 housing units. Based on the basic calculation of each house, with a minimum of 2 million yuan, then these 20,000 to 30,000 people , will bring more than 40 billion to 60 billion real estate output value income.

Based on an average of two thousand people per community, these twenty to thirty thousand people can form ten to fifteen such medium and large communities.

This can undoubtedly form a super community. Coupled with the surrounding supporting facilities and the considerable spending power of these people, it will undoubtedly bring a new economic growth engine to the local area.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the economic benefits brought by people, and there are many potential benefits that have not yet been revealed.

In addition, this technology research institute will also bring huge benefits to the local area, not only in economic terms, but also in technology, culture, and other related fields.

Although it is just a technical research institute, it can still produce certain economic benefits.

This is why these places are so welcoming and actively strive to establish these scientific research institutions locally.

Looking at Dong Yiming's dark face, Wu Hao said with a smile: "You have worked hard in the past few years and worked hard for these projects. We all see this.

So, this time, I want to hear your opinion on whether to continue working in this position and wait for retirement. It is better to give full play to the remaining heat and show off again in the new position. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Dong Yiming couldn't help but feel stunned. He never thought that Wu Hao would call him here this time, UU read the book www.uukanshu. com actually wanted to transfer him to another position.

This made him confused for a moment and he didn't know how to answer. Forcing himself to calm down, Dong Yiming smiled at Wu Hao and said: "I didn't expect that my old bones can still use my remaining heat. I don't know where you want to transfer me.

I'm old, I don't have enough energy, and I don't know if I can adapt to the new job. "

Dong Yiming's words were very implicit. He neither agreed nor objected, but wanted to know what position Wu Hao wanted to transfer him to. If it is a good position and one he is satisfied with, then he may accept it. If it is a bad position, or a position that he is dissatisfied with, then he will naturally refuse it because he is out of energy and unable to adapt to the new job.

Wu Hao naturally knew what the other party was thinking, and then he shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will be a good job this time.

This is not because we have seen that you have been working hard at the construction site for several years, so we plan to transfer you back to the headquarters to stay in the office, so that you don't have to be exposed to the wind and rain. "

Stay in the office? Dong Yiming couldn't help but be a little dazed. Originally, he thought Wu Hao was going to transfer him to some remote place in the corner and let him live out the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, this time he would be transferred back to the headquarters to stay in the office. This is good news.

However, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile: "I have been working outside for several years, and my hands are rough."

Dong Yiming showed the wrinkled back of his hand and continued to Wu Hao: "I don't know if I can get used to it and hold the pen now that I'm back in the office?"

"Yes, this is a master who doesn't let go of eagles when he sees rabbits." Wu Hao couldn't help complaining when he heard Dong Yiming's words.

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