Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3166: What an achievement!

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"If it can be transported back smoothly, it will be of great help to our scientific research on the universe and even the stars, and will help us explore the mysteries of the formation of the universe, including asteroids, various planets, and even the mysteries of the formation of our earth. "

After listening to Qi Ziyi's words, the host immediately looked at Director Zhang. Director Zhang understood, and then smiled and said: "To be honest, as an aerospace practitioner, I feel very honored to be able to witness such a milestone moment.

I believe that from now on, no matter how long it takes, no matter where mankind will go in the future, the feats at this moment will definitely be written into the history books for our descendants to worship and look up to. "

At this point, Director Zhang paused for a moment, and then continued: "As far as this mission is concerned, it is very successful. Although the mission is just over half and there is still the entire return journey, the completion rate has reached 80%. .

At least we have technically verified that our detectors can form a convoy on an extraterrestrial planet and travel for more than a thousand kilometers at a time, which was unimaginable before.

If the long-distance roaming of Wangshu-1 was just a fluke, then the fleet consisting of Wangshu-2, two multi-purpose engineering robots, and an engineering transport vehicle has successfully traveled thousands of miles, which is enough to prove that Haoyu Technology is already at the world's leading level in extraterrestrial planet detector technology, and its performance and reliability have been verified, which is very rare.

In addition, through this mission, we also verified the possibility of transporting large rock specimens excavated from the moon.

This person has accumulated rich experience for us to perform similar detection and specimen collection tasks in the future, and provided us with reference cases. At the same time, it will also promote the development of our space mining industry. "

Speaking of this, Director Zhang couldn't help but sigh: "To be honest, I am really emotional at this moment. It is hard to imagine that our country's private aerospace technology can develop so rapidly.

Once upon a time, when we saw the achievements of foreign commercial aerospace companies, we could only stare in silence. And now, we finally have such an excellent private aerospace company in China, and they are doing even better, which is amazing.

I also believe that with the support of the country and the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, our country's aerospace industry will definitely reach a higher level and achieve greater success. "

After Director Zhang's words, the camera turned to Professor Huang again. Facing the speeches of the first two people, Professor Huang showed a helpless expression and said with a smile: "Both of them finished what I wanted to say, and I didn't even know what to say.

But, to be fair, this mission was truly remarkable. "

Professor Huang praised and said: "This was something we would have never dared to think about before. This golden meteorite has multiple types of star cores and weighs three tons. This is simply unbelievable.

You have to know how many lunar soil samples we got back during our first lunar sampling, less than two kilograms.

Let’s take Laomi, a powerful country in the aerospace field, from its several manned moon landings. How many lunar rock and soil samples did they bring back? It only adds up to a few hundred kilograms.

And this time, we were able to transport back about three tons of gold meteorite cores. This ability is definitely very strong and can be said to be second to none at the moment.

If so, what I'm talking about here is how. This golden meteorite core was successfully transported back to Earth, so its significance is very important.

This not only means that we can obtain a very precious gold meteorite core of more than three tons, but it is of very high value both from a scientific research point of view and from an economic point of view.

It also means that we have the ability to transport cargo from the moon.

Of course, we have been able to transport cargo from the moon in the past, but the quantities were too small. This time, we can transport more than three tons of objects at one time, which is a very considerable amount of transportation.

This means that we can transport more valuable things from the moon in the future.

In addition to some samples that can be used for research, can we use this method to transport minerals from the moon to the earth? After all, the mineral resources on the moon are also very rich.

Maybe other mineral resources are not valuable enough to be practical in this way, but there is one mineral that is completely worth it. This is what we humans cherish, and the moon is the most important resource. This is helium-3.

As we all know, helium thirty-one is a very ideal, clean and efficient future energy source. If we can use this method to transport helium-3 resources on the moon back, it means that we humans will not have to worry about energy crises for a while.

Especially now that all countries are developing controllable nuclear fusion, helium-3 resources play a very important role in this field and can be said to be the key to commercializing controllable nuclear fusion. "

At this point, Professor Huang paused for a moment, and then continued: "But judging from the performance in today's live broadcast, I think these four lunar rovers, including the entire command and control team, can be beaten. Full marks, very good performance.

Especially the two multi-purpose engineering robots were very impressive.

I am very much looking forward to the moment when this golden meteorite core is transported back. I hope this day will come soon. I can’t wait. "

The host nodded and then said with a smile: "Okay, thank you three for your speeches. As a Chinese and a host who is more interested in the aerospace field, I also look forward to this day coming soon. From weak to strong , from obscurity to blockbuster, although Haoyu Aerospace’s journey is relatively short, it has created achievements one after another. Amazing, Haoyu Aerospace, amazing domestic aerospace!”

Not only domestic media, but actually media all over the world are paying attention to this mission, which is a milestone in the history of world spaceflight. Many media have even broadcast live broadcasts simultaneously, including many Western media.

Although there was a very strong sour taste in their words, they also praised the great achievements of this mission in their words, and complained about the inaction of their own countries and institutions.

In addition to this part of the media, there are naturally some extreme media that maliciously speculate and smear. For example, some media said that the success of this mission will mark our ability to establish a missile base on the moon and launch heavy warheads or sub-warhead missiles from the moon to reach the earth and strike anywhere on the earth.

And because the earth is far away from the moon, effective early warning and defense cannot be carried out on the earth, let alone counterattack, etc.

In fact, everyone has long ignored these remarks. Except for some sheepdogs, I am afraid that few people will believe these nonsense. (End of chapter)

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