Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3168: Eliminate danger and successfully reach the summit

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At this time, although one wheel of the engineering transport vehicle was hanging in the air, it had not completely rolled over because it was being pulled by the winch rope of the Wangshu-2 lunar surface patrol test vehicle.

However, everyone is still worried, because if there is a slight problem with the traction force, the engineering transport vehicle may completely roll over, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Increase the traction force of the winch on the engineering transport vehicle to ensure that the engineering transport vehicle does not roll over! The No. 2 multi-purpose engineering robot uses an intelligent robotic arm to start supporting the outside of the engineering transport vehicle to prevent the suspended part from being too heavy. There is a rollover." Zhou Xiangming gave the order decisively.

After receiving Zhou Xiangming's instructions, the payroll personnel in the command and control hall immediately acted according to his orders and worked with all their strength. Everyone knows that this is a race against time, and a little carelessness may cause irreparable consequences.

After a series of instructions were issued, the engineering transport vehicle was finally stabilized and did not roll over. This made everyone in the command and control center breathe a sigh of relief, and the tense atmosphere eased a little.

However, this is only a temporary calm.

Because a large part of one wheel of the engineering transport vehicle was still hanging in the air, the entire vehicle was still four or five meters away from the top of the crater.

But this distance of four to five meters, at this moment, seems to everyone like the last chasm, difficult to pass.

Seeing that the situation was stable, Zhou Yonghui did not continue to issue instructions, but asked everyone to take a breath. He also took a deep breath to relax himself as much as possible.

Because only in this way can he stay awake and give the most correct instructions.

At this moment, everyone can panic or be nervous, but he can't, because he determines the success or failure of this mission.

Immediately use the AI ​​system to simulate and analyze the entire situation to find the best solution. Zhou Xiangming immediately gave the order.

This is a new technology. Simply put, it uses artificial intelligence technology to simulate accidents that may occur during the execution of tasks, thereby using the powerful computing power of artificial intelligence to find solutions to problems.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the powerful analytical computing power of artificial intelligence to deal with various complex accidents that may occur and deduce the results of various methods.

yes! As the staff responded, the interface of the artificial intelligence system appeared on the big screen. As the technicians imported the current relevant data, a rendered model scene was generated in the artificial intelligence interface.

In the scene, you can clearly see the locations of the four vehicles and the current terrain environment, and even simulated suspended parts and stress points.

As the data behind the window seat continues to change, various solutions emerge.

For a moment, the entire Torch Building felt as if there was a weak vibration, accompanied by the scene of various fans running at high speed.

This made some tourists who were visiting couldn't help but panic. Fortunately, the staff explained and persuaded them in time, and then they felt relieved.

Only then did everyone realize that this should be a normal phenomenon caused by the quantum computer at the top of the Torch Building starting to operate at full power, causing the cooling system of the Torch Building to suddenly start up.

Looking at the various results calculated by the artificial intelligence system, everyone's expressions became more and more serious.

"We cannot continue like this. If we continue like this, once the rope is stressed for too long, it is likely to break, which is very dangerous.

At the same time, if the engineering transport vehicle carrying the gold meteorite core is parked in one place for a long time, it is likely to cause the place to be too stressed, resulting in a secondary collapse, which is also very dangerous.

So our best solution at present is to let the two vehicles on top exert force at the same time, and the multi-purpose engineering robot below push the engineering transport vehicle up. "

"Is it possible?" Zhang Jun asked.

"Besides this solution, there is no better solution. This is the best solution calculated by artificial intelligence, and it is also the best solution that several of our experts think." After discussing with several experts, Zhou Xiangming came over Reported to Wu Hao and the others.

After listening to Zhou Yonghui's words, Zhang Jun wanted to ask, but Wu Hao said before him: "Follow your plan, we support your decision!"

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zhang Jun opened his mouth and finally nodded, agreeing with Wu Hao's decision.

Standing in front of the two of them, Zhou Xiangming's face turned pale. After hearing Wu Hao's words and Zhang Jun's reaction, he nodded heavily and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wu, thank you, Mr. Zhang. We will do our best!"

After saying that, Zhou Xiangming turned around and walked quickly to the control seat, and began to unite several experts to command and control. UU reading

As the instructions were given one after another, the engineering transport vehicle started moving again, moving upwards little by little, with its empty wheels spinning in the air from time to time.

This is also because this engineering transport vehicle is equipped with an electronic differential lock, which will not rotate when it detects that the wheels are hanging in the air.

The real force on the outside of the engineering transport vehicle is actually the multi-purpose engineering robot at the rear that is lifted up by an intelligent robotic arm. It now acts as a vehicle on the outside of the engineering transport vehicle and begins to lift the vehicle up. move.

Finally, when the engineering transport vehicle passed through this section of collapsed road, and the outside vehicle was reconnected to the ground, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene just now was so dangerous that no one dared to take a breath, for fear that the engineering transport vehicle would roll over directly into the crater carrying the golden meteorite core.

Fortunately, it was a near miss and it was finally over.

On the big screen, the engineering transport vehicle with its outer wheels back in contact with the ground began to climb faster. Under the traction of the two vehicles above and its own strong power, the engineering transport vehicle slowly climbed up the temporary road. Take the shortcut and successfully reach the summit.

When the entire vehicle climbed up the sidewalk on the edge of the crater and reached the top, the entire Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Hall instantly became a sea of ​​joy.

Everyone in the hall cheered, releasing all the tension, worry, and fear just now.

Haozi, we succeeded. Zhang Jun clapped his hands, patted Wu Hao hard and said excitedly.

Wu Hao smiled and patted Zhang Jun's big hand off his body in disgust, then nodded with a smile: "Yes, we successfully climbed to the top.

But it’s a long journey home, and this is just the beginning! The journey ahead is still full of unknown dangers and challenges. "

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