Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3188: Let go of the small and grasp the big, from top to bottom

【Military Technology】【】

"Where's Dong Yiming's brother-in-law? What's going on with him?" Wu Hao nodded and asked immediately.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, the bitter smile on Zou Xiaodong's face grew thicker, and then he waved his hand and said: "He is just a second-rate boy with no knowledge and skills. He didn't go to college, and then went to a junior college. After graduation, he had nothing to do all day long. His sister, Dong Yiming's wife, sent her to Dong Yiming's company.

Later, he was sent to a detention center because he was drinking and causing trouble. He stayed there for a few days and was released because of Dong Yiming's relationship. After that, I just kept hanging out.

A few years ago, under the influence of Dong Yiming's wife, such an outsourcing service company was established to undertake some of Dong Yiming's projects and make some money.

It was quite disciplined at first, but then it became more and more bold.

But he didn't have much money. On the one hand, his hands were loose, and all the money he earned was squandered. On the other hand, whether it was his sister or Dong Yiming, they were just borrowing his name, and he was not allowed to touch the company's accounts at all.

Therefore, his net worth is not much, totaling only about 10 to 20 million. "

At this point, Zou Xiaodong continued: "Besides that, the situation of other people involved in the case is actually similar. The high one may be one or two hundred million, and the low one may be several million. There are also some small shrimps, hundreds of thousands There are many of these.

So we are in a bit of a dilemma now, not knowing how to master this identity. If everything is really uprooted from top to bottom, then there will really be no one in our infrastructure management office. "

Hearing Tan Lanqian's words, Wu Hao waved his hands and said: "What are you keeping those people for? Will the maintenance harm you? In today's society, seven-legged toads are easy to find, but two-legged people are very rare, so why are you afraid of looking for them?" Is there anyone?

First of all, let us spit out all the money we got illegally and illegally, and then you can talk about other things.

First of all, we must ensure that the entire infrastructure management office is functioning abnormally, which will affect the withdrawal of these projects of yours.

Even if these big-name people involved in untried cases are sent to the police or prosecuted, they will have a small impact on us. Therefore, it is most practical to resort to prosecution, which is expected to be time-consuming and laborious, and let us spit out what we have swallowed.

Zhang Jun smiled slightly when he heard this, and then said to Wu Hao: "Don't be impatient. Even if you want to clean up those people, you must pay attention to methods. If so, many of our projects will be affected.

After listening to Tan Lanqian's words, Tan Lan couldn't help but said: "The one who strikes first is the weakest, and the one who strikes first will suffer disaster. You have to catch the other party off guard before they can react. Once the other party asks about it, then you can Take measures to escape or destroy evidence and hide money, which will be very beneficial to you when the time comes."

Speaking of that, Tan Lanqian said with a relieved look: "According to the notification you have received, Zou Xiaodong's son may go abroad in the near future. The specific time has not yet been determined. I am sure that once I find out that my passport has been frozen, I will leave the country. , then Zou Xiaodong might notice it.

Hearing Zhang Jun's inquiry, Dong Yiming nodded and said, "In order to prevent any misunderstandings, you specially arranged to leave some of the security personnel and staff who followed Zou Xiaodong on this trip, and closely monitored Zou Xiaodong's every move.

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【Military Technology】【】

Seeing that Wu Hao was talking, Dong Yiming also breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded to Tan Lan and said: "You also thought about it like that, zoom in and out, from bottom to top, gradually clean up, and replace quickly, that's how it works." It can minimize the impact and minimize the losses.”

In addition, you are also closely monitoring our bank accounts and some related accounts. If something happens, you can't take timely measures to prevent the money in his account from being transferred or drained.

Dong Yiming emphasized the word in the first chapter very seriously, and Tan Lan and Wu Hao obviously understood the meaning behind my words. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is not to ensure that Zou Xiaodong is alive and well, but to disappear, and what will happen.

Speaking of that, Tan Lanqian said to Zhang Jun: "You think the opportunity gap is small now. In order to avoid alerting the snake, and to prevent Zou Xiaodong and others from delaying the smell and doing something out of control, you suggest not to gradually Tighten the net, control the relevant persons involved, and even ask for economic investigation to arrest and detain them.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao was about to open his mouth to praise, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought of something and swallowed them. I can now understand Zhang Jun's intention. In fact, it was to ensure that the company's interests were not harmed.

As for Zou Xiaodong's wife and son, they are also under your close surveillance. In addition to monitoring the retreat of our personnel, the relevant passports have not been frozen, and it does not mean that we are not allowed to leave the country.

If there is no need, we cannot take necessary countermeasures at any time to protect Zou Xiaodong from danger. "

For some people who have a bad attitude and are deeply involved in the case, we should not consider being lenient. However, it depends on our attitude and hypocrisy.

After hearing Dong Yiming's suggestion, Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun while nodding. Dong Yiming also looked at me, obviously waiting for my decision.

The situation here in Yangcheng is relatively simple. If Zou Xiaodong definitely wants to escape, he will have to return to Zhongshao. So you suggest taking measures as soon as possible. UU Reading www.uuknshu. net to prevent possible situations from happening. "

As for Tan Lanqian and his joining, you suggest closely monitoring his movements to prevent him from escaping or doing anything crazy. "

While Tan Lan nodded, he also sighed in relief, and then said: "Be strict and minimize the influence.

You see, first of all, we should classify the people involved and sort them according to the amount and the degree of impact, from low to high, and focus on the small ones first. If you don’t go down to the top, clean up gradually.

Clean it all up for you, and then you rebuild the entire team. You must have zero tolerance for corruption. "

As for my son, if there are no signs of running away, I will contact the local danger department or the police before returning to China, and he will be secretly detained first, and then transferred to the Anxi task force together. "

It's not bad to stay in office, it's not bad to reach a reconciliation. Anyway, ensuring your interests is the most important thing. "

Zhang Jun thought for a moment and then said: "Isn't there anyone who is following Zou Xiaodong that they arranged?"

That person should be kept right under your noses. He is too far away and out of reach after all.

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【Military Technology】【】

Having said that, Zhang Jun turned to Wu Hao and said: "Zou Xiaodong has been gone for a few days, find a reason to recruit me back.

You empower them to take decisive measures when necessary to prevent the situation from getting worse. "

Having said that, both Tan Lan and Dong Yiming looked at Zhang Jun, waiting for me to speak.

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