Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3203: HD photos of gold meteorite cores

As the sun rises and a new day arrives, countless urban white-collar workers come out of their homes and start rushing to their companies through various modes of transportation. This is the so-called morning rush hour.

However, while many white-collar workers were checking their mobile phones, a piece of news occupied the front page of the domestic economic and technology sectors.

Haoyu Technology is suspected of causing Xiao Qiang's trouble. The company's vice president was taken away by the police overnight and may be suspected of a criminal offence.

Anyone who hears such news and headlines can't help but be shocked and curious.

Isn't Haoyu Technology doing a good job? It was just reported that Dong Yiming was transferred back to the core of the company, so why did something go wrong?

All kinds of news spread all over the place. There was serious internal strife in the company. Dong Yiming was defeated and eventually taken away by the police.

Dong Yiming's private life was not good, he was reported by a female subordinate, he was taken away by the police overnight for investigation, etc.

There are even rumors that Dong Yiming beat up Wu Hao, was arrested by Wu Hao, etc. There are various kinds of news, but without exception, they are all false news.

Even because of the abuse of AI technology, some highly realistic AI photos and even videos will appear on the Internet. The contents of these videos and photos are all fabricated and fictitious, but they have attracted the attention of many people.

However, Wu Hao and the others did not get used to these people. All those who fabricated and spread false news were extracted by Wu Hao and the others using artificial intelligence systems, and then handed over the information to the police for processing. The relevant content was also refuted as soon as possible and the account was deleted.

Thanks to the huge influence of micro-media in the media field, they have a natural advantage in refuting rumors.

In response to numerous reporters’ questions, Haoyu Technology only answered one question from beginning to end. Dong Yiming is suspected of duty-related crimes and has been transferred to the police by the company, pending follow-up processing. The relevant information on the Internet is not true. All relevant information is subject to information released by Haoyu Technology and the police.

Soon, the police also issued relevant instructions, saying that the police received a report from Haoyu Technology that Dong, an employee of Haoyu Technology, was suspected of official duties and economic crimes and was currently under police control. The case is currently under further investigation. Related news will be released Provide further notification to the outside world.

In this way, the case was quickly characterized. Immediately, everyone began to pay attention to the case itself. That is, Dong Yiming himself is one of the several vice presidents of Haoyu Technology. He can be said to be an important minister in the court and has great power. How come he was imprisoned all of a sudden? What happened?

Soon some prominent netizens conducted an analysis, saying that Dong Yiming has been responsible for Haoyu Technology's infrastructure projects in recent years, and infrastructure projects are the most prone to problems and corruption. Therefore, this netizen speculated that Dong Yiming's arrest may be related to this. aspects are related.

I have to say that there are still capable people among these netizens. Based on this analysis, it is basically close to the truth.

Others analyzed that Dong Yiming might have been taken away by the police because he failed in his struggle for power within the company and was caught and reported.

According to the analysis of these netizens, they believe that this whistleblower should be the direct beneficiary of Dong Yiming after he was taken away. From this aspect of analysis, Zou Xiaodong seems to be more suitable. Zou Xiaodong was not only promoted to vice president, but also took Dong Yiming's job. In this way, it can be explained clearly.

As for these disturbances on the Internet, Wu Hao and the others did not pay much attention to them. However, the "rectification" movement initiated by Zhang Jun within the company caused the company to be in a state of panic for a while.

There were a lot of related complaints and response reports. In just one day, Wu Hao's email box received thousands of letters of complaint, most of which were protesting that this was too large and affected their normal work.

Of course, there were also some reporting letters and situation reporting letters. Wu Hao attached great importance to these letters and immediately instructed the supervision and audit departments to intervene in the investigation.

In order to have more leisure time, and to avoid anyone interfering with him, Wu Hao did not stay in the office these days, but came to the Xinyuehu Aerospace Command and Control Center.

It has been several days since the first phase of the treasure hunting mission was successfully concluded, and this is Wu Hao's first time here.

Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming were both very surprised by Wu Hao's arrival, and couldn't help asking about the reason.

When Wu Hao heard this, he showed a helpless expression: "I'm too noisy, so I'm looking for you to clean it up.

I can tell you not to try to intercede with others, and not to let people in to disturb my purity, otherwise I will have to wear small shoes for you. "

Don't worry, no one else will come in here. Just stay here with us, just in time to guide us, the public. Yu Chengwu replied with a smile.

They have also heard about the company's trends. They have been busy with their tasks and only then realized that the company's vice president was actually pulled down and taken away directly by the police. This surprised them. I couldn't help but become curious.

Although a hush-hush order was issued within the company, middle- and high-level cadres basically knew what was going on.

Therefore, it is understandable that the company has stepped up its rectification efforts after this incident, and that Wu Hao was very clean when he came to their place.

Wu Hao nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, then looked at the information on the big screen and said, "What's going on with you now?"

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Yu Chengwu smiled and slid the mouse, then displayed a few photos on the big screen, and then introduced them excitedly to Wu Hao.

We are about to report to you that this is our latest high-definition photo of the core of this golden meteorite.

After hearing Yu Chengwu's introduction, Wu Hao looked at the photos displayed on the big screen and couldn't help but smile with surprise.

So clear!

Yes, this was taken at close range with the high-definition camera we brought up. It is much clearer than the patrol scientific research high-definition camera on here, Here, these golden spots, these are the ingredients of gold. Yu Chengwu said excitedly, pointing to the dotted golden spots on the core of the golden meteorite in these photos.

Are these all? Wu Hao also showed great interest when he heard this and said: "Yes, these are, basically all over the entire meteorite planet. These black parts, as well as these red and green parts, are all kinds of metal shells, like The black ones are manganese, the red ones are iron, and the green ones are copper.

Through our drilling, we found that this layer of skin is very thin. It seems to be formed after the solidification of hot metal elements. The density of iron and copper is lighter than that of gold, silver, and platinum, so they are wrapped on the outside.

Thanks to this metal shell, the core of this golden meteorite was not burned and eroded much, but remained so intact. "


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