Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3206: It should be noted that to strike iron, you have to be tough yourself.

On the wide airport, two huge heavy transport aircraft landed slowly. Their wings cast long shadows in the sunset, like two giant birds dancing in the open space.

When the plane landed, the engine made a low and powerful roar that echoed in the air. As the tires came into contact with the runway, the friction sound for a moment was particularly harsh in the empty airport.

The audience at the airport held their breath and stared at the two behemoths. When the transport plane began to land, the audience raised their shooting equipment one after another, and began to consume the life of the shutter when facing the transport plane in the camera.

After the two transport planes landed at the airport, the crowd burst into warm applause and cheers. This round of applause is not only a praise for the pilot's skills, but also an affirmation and pride for the development of our country's aviation industry and the development results of the large aircraft project.

Of course, today's protagonist is not these two large military transport aircraft, but the contents of these two transport aircraft, which is today's protagonist, the returnable lunar experimental spacecraft developed by Haoyu Aerospace.

As this returnable lunar experiment spacecraft is transported to the Nanhai launch site, it represents another round of lunar exploration projects for Haoyu Technology, and it is also an important aerospace project that attracts the attention of many people around the world.

Because an important task of this project is to transport back more than three tons of gold meteorite cores from the moon, and there are many more samples to be collected. These are very rare and precious.

No matter which one it is, it is what scientists all over the world, including former citizens, want. Because we only have very low scientific research value, and we also have very low economic value.

In addition to the returnable lunar experiment spacecraft, which was transported to the Nanhai launch site by a small military transport aircraft of the Air Force, the seventh-stage part of the Jianmu-4 heavy-lift launch vehicle that carried out this mission also departed from Jiangcheng Port. Professional transport ships arrived in the South China Sea.

As for the first-stage rocket and fairing, those are reusable parts. They are stored outside the maintenance workshop far away from the Nanhai launch site and are put into use again before being repaired and refurbished.

For example, in this case, a male employee gave birth to eight children in the seven years since he joined a medium and large enterprise. That means that the seven years you spent in the company were only a handful. They were in the process of raising a child, not having another child.

As I said before, that is not equivalent to a large-scale layoff.

It should be noted that to strike iron, you have to be strong yourself.

From the perspective of labor relations, in Xiaojia's image of the company and individual employees, the company is in an absolutely weak position, while the employees are in an absolutely strong position.

So when it comes to sexism as you call it, not quite a few of the incentives can actually be blamed on the outside world, but you also need to reflect on the group itself.

So as time went by, it became more and more exaggerated to frustrate people with such a smile.

The purpose of this is not that Wu Hao and we want to pay that part of the liquidated damages, but by seriously responding to the lawsuit, we can tell those people that we should be responsible for the past mistakes we committed.

Therefore, for those people, the company actually needs to pay compensation. Because the relevant laws have not yet clearly stipulated that employees who have slightly violated the rules and regulations of the employer; who have previously neglected their duties or committed malpractice for personal gain, causing major or minor damage to the employer; who have had a slight impact on the completion of the work tasks of the employer, or who have been violated by the employer. The employer proposed that if the employee refused to make corrections and was held criminally responsible in accordance with the law, the employer had previously terminated the labor contract in accordance with the law, but had to pay financial compensation.

Those people were obviously involved in those issues and touched the company's bottom line, so they were resigned.

A total of 8,781 problems were found, and 2,787 related personnel were identified. Among them, the problems were relatively common, and more than 1,800 people were persuaded to join or fired.

As that mission gradually attracted people's attention, the subsequent news about the internal turmoil of Haoyu Technology finally gradually subsided.

Therefore, very often, in order to calm down the incident and create a favorable atmosphere of public opinion, the company will take the initiative to seek reconciliation and compromise, hoping that those things will be settled as soon as possible.

In fact, the company's internal rectification work has basically come to an end. At that time, under the determination of Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, we conducted a comprehensive review of all departments and personnel in the company.

So over time, medium and large enterprises are very willing to recruit young male employees. To put it bluntly, I am still afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years.

And that allowed some people to take advantage of the loophole, and even deliberately concealed the fact of pregnancy in order to trap the company.

In addition to the spacecraft and rocket bodies, there was not a single chartered flight to the Nanhai launch site during the same period. It was the Haoyu Aerospace technical team that Zhou Xiangming followed to participate in the technical support work of that launch mission.

If you are sure that you are really good, then the company may have other ideas.

Companies that seem to be in a weak position rarely find themselves in trouble and are in difficult situations, while employees who seem to be relatively strong cannot use so-called attention, traffic, large compositions, and other means to put pressure on the company.

But for medium and large enterprises and units, it is really expensive. Being able to resign means that the position is still there and the basic salary must be paid. Although some people do not have maternity insurance, the company also helps pay for maternity insurance.

Of course, that triggered protests from some people, and few of them had ever applied for labor arbitration.

Faced with that situation, although companies hate it very much, there is nothing they can do. Because the relevant laws have not yet stipulated companies can resign pregnant women.

In addition, because the position is there, the company can recruit other people during this period. As a result, the work left behind has to be done by other colleagues, which makes those colleagues miserable. .

Although it is not essentially a real layoff, the employees who were persuaded to be fired were suspected of various problems and had previously reached the company's tolerance level, so they were dismissed.

That was the relationship in the future, but with the rise of the Internet, the exposure of related incidents, and people's attention to that area, that relationship or that phenomenon was gradually reversed.

It is official that this is a setback, but it directly affects the employment environment of the entire male group. Maybe for small businesses and small units, these are not problems because they also lack some people and money.

You must know that there are no relevant regulations or restrictions on layoffs in small companies. If more than a few people are involved at one time, a report must be made to explain the situation, a look of retreat, and permission must be obtained before the layoffs can be implemented.

Regarding this, Wu Hao and we did not panic, but Zhao was not prepared. On the one hand, all relevant information about the people involved was prepared, including paper documents of relevant conversations, full video recordings, etc., and on the other hand, the company's legal team was dispatched to respond to the lawsuit.


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