Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3210: refuse

In fact, these are nothing more than seeking a sense of international presence, and no one takes them seriously. But it is precisely because of this that these small countries are very jumping.

But neither major countries nor some corporate giants take them seriously. It's like a few dogs barking at you. Do you still want to rush up and scold them from a distance?

But after all, it is a country, so it definitely has influence. Coupled with the push from some people, this topic has also been hyped up.

In this regard, Wu Hao and the others were actually speechless. However, since this topic is very popular, they still need to respond.

Just when everyone thought that Wu Hao and the others would make a more tactful statement and then give it up. But who would have thought that Wu Hao's statement would be very strong.

He also cited many cases, such as the meteorite resources in the Antarctic Circle. Logically speaking, they should belong to all mankind, but so far no one has actually handed them over to all mankind. It is not all who picked them up.

Another example is that the ocean is shared by mankind, but some beasts can't help but dump waste into it. Not only that, this beast also massacred dolphins and whales.

For another example, a rogue once landed on the moon and transported hundreds of kilograms of lunar rock soil back from the moon, but he did not generously give it to everyone.

Therefore, they are firmly opposed to the unreasonable demands of these clowns and will never give in.

Of course, the response was not strong in the end. Haoyu Aerospace promises that before the golden meteorite core is successfully transported to the earth, we will contribute more than ten grams and then give it to some well-known scientific research institutions for our scientific research.

Even before it was heard that Haoyu Aerospace would consider cutting the gold meteorite core before it was transported back to Earth, and then turn it into jewelry before selling it commercially. Those experts were all happy when they finished.

For example, the head of a rogue aerospace department said in an interview that the gold meteorite repatriation mission was a grand event for all mankind and a piece of equipment in the history of aerospace. Such achievements should be shared with the world. We do not have a first-class scientific research team, first-class facilities and equipment, and we hope to directly cooperate with Haoyu Aerospace to share relevant scientific research results and so on.

Whether it was Zhou Xiangming who was in the South China Sea or he was caught by the reporters. Before asking me for my opinion on that issue, Zhou Xiangming spread his hands and said: "There is never a free meal in the world. It is to make yourself The greed is so humble.

Among them, the most famous one, and the one who was most blamed by you, was blindly blamed for that gangster. As a result, you drove him to the island.

In name, it was given to the other party for scientific research on degeneration, but something weighing one gram has little research value. So in reality, it was just the gangster showing off his scientific research results and strong aerospace capabilities to others.

Yes, you have to speak, because you agree. "

Therefore, when few people saw that being tough was the way to go, they turned to a more tactful attitude and began to seek cooperation with us.

That Kuiper Belt is about 30 AU from the sun. Similar to the Belt, but much smaller in scope, it is 20 times narrower and 20 to 200 times heavier.

And as there is less news about the golden meteorite core, especially the release of low-definition photos, even fewer people are interested in the golden meteorite core.

Such remarks and such naked purpose really make people feel disgusting. She sounds sanctimonious and looks like a gentleman, but in reality she is stealing the livelihood of male prostitutes.

Therefore, there are countless large planets, rocky water flakes, ice flakes, etc. outside the Kuiper Belt. There are few hypotheses about the cause of the Kuiper Belt, but there is still one very unreasonable theory that can dominate.

It must be said that there is no place outside the solar system where traces and clues of the inner star civilization are least likely to be found. This would be the Kuiper Belt.

Initially everyone thought it was just a meteorite with a relatively low gold content that flew out from outside the large planetary belt. As for the other writers, they did not doubt it and thought it was Wu Hao and our commercial hype.

As for the comments of those experts, Wu Hao and we simply ignored them.

That response naturally caused an uproar, but it also made the outside world aware of the weak and tough attitude of Haoyu Aerospace, including its front-end controller Wu Hao, which also clearly told others that we were also bad. Yes, let these people who are targeting us get out of here as soon as possible.

So that made a few people in the scientific community get excited, and they were all gearing up to see the true appearance of the golden meteorite core in person.

They protested one after another, saying that it was a waste of resources, and demanded that Haoyu Aerospace should fulfill its social responsibilities and consider the welfare of all mankind to contribute the golden meteorite core for everyone to study.

It is a sparse disk-shaped area of ​​​​celestial bodies located inside the orbit of Neptune in the solar system and far away from the ecliptic plane.

According to the estimates of few scientists, the gold meteorite with less core is actually the core of a large planet. And that big planet may come from the Kuiper Belt in the distant solar system.

To put it bluntly, if others treat you badly, then you reciprocate kindness and repay kindness, but if others are hostile to you and insult you, then you are also being bullied. Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, for thousands of years, you have never succumbed to weak power, and you will even more so in the future.

The reason why we did that was what we learned from a certain gangster who separated hundreds of kilograms of lunar soil and rock samples transported back from the moon into dozens of grams, and then sent one gram to each country.

It is generally recognized by the academic community ~ ~ This is not the material outside the Kuiper belt that may be preserved in the early solar system or even the early universe. It is possible that even very little material from the inner galaxy is preserved outside the Kuiper Belt.

Who is not vague about the character of that gangster? Anyone who believed it would have been dead long ago. You must know that not many people doubted it, but they were all sold.

What is certain is that very few large planets come from outside the Kuiper Belt. Because of their remoteness, meteorites flying from the Kuiper belt to the earth are very precious and have very low scientific research value.

You are a private aerospace company whose purpose is not to make a profit. If you want a gold meteorite star core, you can't, so you have to come up with real gold and silver.

To put it bluntly, the golden meteorite star core was not the intention.

But now, the more direct information cannot prove that the golden meteorite core must be a large planet, or a satellite surrounding the planet, or even the core of a dwarf planet.

As for what to contribute, that will naturally be decided by Wu Hao and us.

There is an old saying among you: he is in the first year of junior high school and you are in the seventh year of junior high school. What that sentence means is that if he does that, you should do that. But less often, it actually means "tit for tooth", "he is benevolent and you are righteous" and other meanings.


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