Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3213: A new generation of semi-solid foam propulsion fuel


Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu showed a proud look, and then said to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun: "If we can stably increase the number of uses of the core first stage rocket to more than twenty times, then we will be confident that the rocket will be used every kilogram. The carrying cost is reduced to the thousand yuan level, making it the medium-sized launch vehicle with the lowest carrying cost among rockets of the same level in the world.

Even for the Jianmu-9 heavy-lift launch vehicle, we can reduce its average transportation content by about 50%. "

After hearing Yu Chengwu's detailed introduction to the engine data, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun both had smiles on their faces.

Zhang Jun said happily: "In this case, the cost of our aerospace projects can be further reduced in the future."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jun asked: "Why not replace them all at once, and just equip them with core two-stage rockets."

Hearing Zhang Jun's inquiry, Yu Chengwu replied with a smile: "This is mainly because the second core cannot be recycled at one time, so we are going to mount the new engine on the second core for testing. If the test can be successful, then We will mount it on the core first-stage rocket produced in subsequent batches and start reuse.

On the other hand, our new first-stage rocket is still alive and its reserves are quite considerable. We can't let them just sit there and collect dust. We still have to give priority to using these existing rockets. The new rocket body will not be used until it is used up.

Of course, this is not absolute. If we need to transport more and heavier materials and other loads in the future, we will use a new engine and a new rocket body to enhance the rocket's carrying capacity. "

"You know how to live a good life!" Zhang Jun gave a thumbs up and praised: "You look like a family member."

"Haha, I learned this from Mr. Wu and you. I didn't think so before, but as the company grows bigger and bigger, there are more and more places to spend money. I really understand the old saying, you don't know how to make money when you are not a master. It’s expensive. Therefore, we have also put forward new requirements for ourselves and those below, that is, to live frugally, and we must spend what we should spend, and never say anything about what we should not spend.

Similarly, continue to strictly implement the clean, clean, simple, direct and fresh company environment at the head office. Put an end to all formalism, extravagance and flattery. Keep those who are truly capable, capable of doing things, and willing to work hard, and eliminate those employees who are incompetent, flattering, boring, messy, and those who quit. "

Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wu Hao nodded and said: "The atmosphere of our company, including the company environment, is indeed relatively relaxed, but this relaxed atmosphere and environment require systems to maintain and control. Without systems, it is impossible to maintain such an excellent environment. the company's internal environment.

Remember, at any time, the system is the foundation, which is the foundation of the company. If the system has no deterrent effect and no binding force, then the company will become a mess and collapse is not far away. "

After saying this, Wu Hao looked at Yu Chengwu and said, "Continue."

Okay, Yu Chengwu was stunned for a moment, then nodded and continued: "Then there is a new generation of semi-solid foam propulsion fuel. Compared with the previous semi-solid foam propulsion fuel, we have upgraded it in many places.

For example, its state is more stable and can be easily stored and transported. And we have also optimized the production process, reducing its cost by 30%.

Of course, in comparison, the most important improvement of the new generation of semi-solid foam propulsion fuel is the capacity density. We have increased it by about 30%, which means that the thrust of rockets using it can be increased by 3%. About ten.

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