Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3218: Twin stars in commercial aerospace

In the hall, there was thunderous applause. Everyone stood up and applauded, their faces filled with the joy of victory. The success of the rocket launch not only represents the progress of science and technology, but also represents the results of the hard work and efforts of countless scientific researchers.

Of course, they did not relax their vigilance because the launch mission was not over yet and the rocket was still in its upward flight.

When the ship and arrow are separated, when will the launch site and the rocket project team be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the first and second stages of the rocket have been separated, the fairing has been thrown away, and the process is halfway through, this does not mean that we can breathe a sigh of relief. On the contrary, there is still one last hurdle to pass, which is the separation of the ship and arrow. This is the launch. The final step in the mission.

The spacecraft needs to separate from the secondary rocket and fly autonomously. However, among the many cases of launch failures in the past, many of them failed because the spacecraft and satellites did not separate from the rocket in time.

For the returnable lunar experiment spacecraft, this is also a key link, and after this, there is another key action, that is, whether the solar cell sail panels can be opened smoothly.

Therefore, many launch missions will use this as the criterion for success. As long as the solar panel is deployed successfully and the spacecraft is powered on, it means that the launch is successful.

Even if there are some minor problems, they can be solved.

If the solar panel fails to deploy, it means the launch fails. Although the spacecraft carries its own battery, which can last for a period of time, it cannot last too long and requires solar cell panels to provide additional power.

However, compared to the continuous rise of the second-stage rocket and its stable operation, everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to the scene of the fairing recovery site.

From the infrared low-light picture transmitted back by the drone, it can be seen very clearly that the two halves of the fairing are mounted under the two parafoils, one behind the other, gliding slowly in the air.

At the same time, three helicopters were on standby in the distance and began to fly towards the two fairing halves. Two helicopters, one behind the other, are flying according to the scheduled route.

The aerial recovery team reported that the target was found and the recovery started according to the scheduled plan!

The air recovery team, this is the South China Sea, is proceeding as planned.

01 understand, 02 understand!

As the two fairings dragged the parafoils one behind the other, they slowly taxied to the predetermined airspace. A helicopter quickly flew over from the opposite side, then hung a long tow hook, and very skillfully and accurately hooked half of it. The parafoil on the fairing was then pulled up, successfully hanging the entire fairing under the helicopter, and then detached and left.

Another helicopter made the same move, flying towards the fairing from the opposite direction, and then used the tow hook to accurately hook the parafoil on the fairing and hang it on the helicopter.

Seeing that both halves of the fairing were recovered successfully, the entire command and control hall burst into applause again.

In the picture, two helicopters, one behind the other, with fairings hanging on them, are flying towards the distant shore. On the starry sky, the sky is full of stars, and the ocean is calm. The picture is very beautiful.

Bang bang bang... There was a burst of warm applause in the command and control hall of the Nanhai Launch Site. ….

Obviously, the aerial recovery mission of the fairing just now was very brilliant, which can be said to have amazed many people.

You know, this is at night with very low visibility, and it is still above the sea. It is understandable how difficult it is for the helicopter to hook the fairing gliding in the air very accurately.

However, the entire recycling process went very smoothly, and it can be said that it was completed in one go. I have to marvel at the culminating skills of the aircraft pilots, and also admire the rich experience Haoyu Aerospace has accumulated in rocket recycling technology.

You should know that commercial aerospace companies around the world, including aerospace agencies in some countries, are currently studying rocket recovery and reuse technology.

Among them, there are two very famous representatives. One is Musk's SPX, which pioneered, and the other is Haoyu Aerospace, which came from behind.

Wu Hao and Musk are also listed as the twin stars of commercial aerospace by many people. They represent two technical routes, but they reach the same goal by different paths.

Although Wu Hao is a latecomer, and the technical solutions of the two are so similar, he has been criticized and criticized by some people, saying that Musk is the real pioneer, while Wu Hao is just an imitation. He's just a thief.

But this is just a small setback, and it is rarely an expert in the aerospace field. It is just a simple criticism that does not understand anything. What he thought was what he thought, he was really too self-righteous.

According to experts in the aerospace field, the Haoyu Aerospace pioneered by Wu Hao and the Jianmu series of recyclable rockets studied by Wu Hao are the only private commercial aerospace companies that have independently developed recyclable and reusable launch vehicle technology since Musk. .

Although there are many similarities between Jianmu series rockets and Falcon rockets, there is still a big difference. They can be said to be two completely different rockets.

First of all, the Raikage rocket uses liquid oxygen and kerosene fuel, as well as a very mature Merlin engine. This is NASA's very famous second-generation rocket engine. It was later sold to SPX and became the engine of the Falcon rocket.

Wu Hao's Jianmu series launch vehicles use a new type of rocket engine. The reason why no existing rocket engine was selected is that the Jianmu series rockets do not use traditional liquid oxygen kerosene, or liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines, but use a new semi-engine independently developed by Wu Hao and others. Solid foam propulsion fuel.

When this new type of semi-solid foamed propulsion fuel is stored in the fuel tank, it is a relatively thick semi-solid fuel ~ ~ that can flow like heavy oil or porridge, but it flows slowly.

But this is under pressure. Once it is released by decompression, it will immediately turn into a foaming state, like a liquid foam, or a foaming agent like cheese or cake full of pores.

This also causes the volume of this new type of semi-solid foamed propellant to rapidly expand dozens or even hundreds of times after foaming, and the pores in the foaming agent contain a large amount of oxygen and air.

When this fuel is ignited, it burns quickly with the help of oxygen and extra air inside it, releasing a large amount of energy. These abilities are ejected at ultra-high speeds, thus bringing huge power to the rocket.

Because of this characteristic, the carrying capacity of rockets with the same volume and space using new semi-solid foam propulsion fuel is 40% higher than traditional fuels such as liquid oxygen, kerosene, or liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. The new generation of new semi-solid foam propulsion fuel may have a carrying capacity that is more than 60% higher than that of traditional countries. This improvement can be said to be very considerable. (End of chapter)




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