Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3225: Unknown new element?

"You must know that the investment in these projects is very huge. If we cannot obtain profits, then all the financial resources, manpower and material resources we have invested before will be in vain. The employees have worked hard for so long, and in the end they may not even be able to support their families. You can't even get a living wage.

For a company, the purpose of its existence is to make profits. If it cannot make profits, there is no need for the company to exist.

In business, of course we have lofty ideals, but we must also be down-to-earth. We cannot beg for food with dreams in mind. This is not what we want. "

At this point, Wu Hao changed his tone and said: "Of course, different people have different opinions, which is a reflection of human diversity and wisdom.

Everyone has their own unique experiences, backgrounds and ways of thinking, so different people may have very different views on the same thing.

This difference does not mean who is right or wrong, but simply shows that everyone has their own unique perspective.

In a diverse society, we should respect and accept this difference, learn to listen to other people's perspectives, and draw wisdom and inspiration from them.

But at the same time, we should also have the courage to express our opinions and let our voices be heard. Only in this way can we make progress together and create a better future.

So when we hear these different voices, even critical voices, we don't get angry. We respect everyone's freedom of speech, and of course, we also hope that these people will respect our choices. "

After hearing Wu Hao's response, Jiang Nan couldn't help but be impressed by my calmness and rationality. It should be said that you are one of the people who have witnessed Jiang Nan's growth. Through the few interviews with such a young man, you can clearly feel Jiang Nan's growth.

"Let's talk about the golden meteorite star core that has been attracting increasing attention recently. You may think everyone is very interested in it.

Furthermore, what cannot be confirmed is that the precious metal content of the star core is very low, especially the gold content cannot account for less than 10%, which is very low in both terms.

Of course, Jiang Nan's words also contained other information, such as submission and a weak attitude. We will succumb to the attacks and attacks of those people, but will stick to ourselves. Just like what Jiang Nan said, we have no right to choose and decide.

Today's Jiang Nan is no longer the green, immature young man he was back then. Rather, he is a pioneer in the field of commercial aerospace, and a scientist with no feelings or sense of responsibility.

Some planets that do not have magnetism, such as the moon, Mars, etc., lose their magnetism due to core heat. "

However, compared to the moon, Mars was relatively large during the two months it appeared. Phobos is slightly smaller, but its average diameter is only about 70 kilometers away, while Deimos has a diameter of only about 17 kilometers. .

With what he said just now, Miao Feng only answered your question. He also conveyed a muddy message to the outside world through you: the development of commercial aerospace requires the attention and support of the whole society, but what is more needed is understanding and support. strict.

"New elements, is that possible?" Miao Feng showed a surprised expression.

Of course, the weak planet or the attractive planet has a liquid lava structure at its core, thus forming a weak magnetic force.

Nowadays, various news and rumors about it are flying all over the sky, but there are not many real official responses, which are always just a few words, so you all want to hear the most formal and latest news from him. "

First of all, we need to understand what a star core is. In layman's terms, it goes to the core of the planet, just like the core of your earth.

Its long tail is actually not caused by the volatilization of its own material. As more and more material becomes available, such a large star core is eventually formed.

Wu Hao's eyes lit up when he heard that word. That was not the explosive point you wanted. He then asked: "Do the unknown elements you refer to refer to elemental substances that you can still identify for the time being, or do you still know them?" New elemental matter.”

It is composed of iron and nickel elements composed of two metals. Under the action of pressure, the density is very low.

It is suspected that as human technology continues to develop, fewer and fewer unknown elemental substances will be discovered by humans.

In addition, as stars fly in the universe, they will continue to consume matter, and eventually become larger and larger. For example, the most famous Comet Halley is famous for flying with a long tail.

For example, dark matter and gravitational waves were discovered and confirmed to be real only in recent years. "

The formation of the stellar core has nothing to do with gravity and rotation. As rotation occurs, the heavy element materials will gradually sink and gather in the phase center. Over time, a core with a relatively low density will be formed.

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Jiang Nan smiled and said: "First of all, I am not sure that it is a star core. What kind of star core it is is still too vague.

Speaking of that, Jiang Nan glanced at Wu Hao, and then continued: "No matter what material it is made of, just because it is a star core, it is very precious.

So it is really rare for such a star core to fall under the moon and be preserved in such a broken As the saying goes, things are rare and valuable, and because they are rare, they are naturally very precious.

Of course, compared to the cores of the Earth, Mars, and the Moon, that core is too large, so few people think it is the core of a comet or a large planet.

For example, large planets, comets, satellites of planets, dwarf planets, etc., none of them have cores. So what kind of star core is it still needs to be studied step back and backward.

So their star cores are quite small, so you can imagine that.

Yes, obviously that was the answer Wu Hao wanted to hear. You wanted less information, so you decided to dig deeper.

Hearing this, Jiang Nan smiled and shook his head and said: "It's still vague. After all, the performance of the equipment under your detector is not limited, and there is still no way to determine what those elements are. It may be that some elemental substances that you can detect are also certain. , or perhaps some elements that may have never appeared beneath the Earth."

But in fact, you have figured it out now, and you are more able to determine what kind of star core it is. Because those stars are neither small nor big. For example, the moon is a satellite of the earth, and its size is relatively small. But as for Mars, its two natural satellites are not equivalent to your Earth's moon.

Wu Hao's answer seemed complicated and straightforward, but in reality he was digging a hole for Jiang Nan, hoping to extract less useless information.

Miao Feng smiled and replied: "Everything is impossible. The universe is so small. If there are not many elemental substances that you have not known and come into contact with, in fact, there are no related cases of such unknown elements on the earth.

In addition to gold, there is also no silver, platinum, copper, iron, or even some unknown elemental substances that you cannot confirm for the time being. "

"Unknown element?"

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