Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3283: best collaborator

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At this point, Xiao Ma quickly glanced at everyone present, and then continued: "I believe everyone knows that our Internet industry has accumulated rich experience in data processing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other fields for a long time.

And these experiences can bring new perspectives and innovations in the field of commercial satellite manufacturing and services.

For example, AI and cloud computing technology can be used to optimize autonomous mission control of satellites, reduce satellite mission management costs, and solve the problem of data explosion caused by the increase in the number of satellites.

Furthermore, we know that satellite Internet has the characteristics of wide coverage, low latency, broadband, and low cost, which can solve the problem of more than 3 billion people in the world unable to use the Internet and 70% of geographical space without Internet coverage.

This is undoubtedly a huge market opportunity for our Internet companies, which can provide seamless global coverage of Internet services. And this is also the best and last opportunity for us to go out and make a difference internationally.

If we miss it, it will mean that we may really be trapped in the country. "

At this point, Xiao Ma couldn't help but sigh, and then continued: "Also, we know that satellites are a unique data collection platform that can collect various information from high altitudes, such as images of the earth's surface, atmosphere Data, ocean data, etc.

Our Internet companies can use their own data processing and analysis capabilities and advantages to deeply mine and utilize these data to provide data support for various applications.

Finally, in fact, the construction of satellite Internet will also promote the upgrading of the aerospace industry, promote the transformation of satellite modularization, standardization, and international design concepts, drive the construction of batch production capabilities and production lines of satellites and launch vehicles, and implement the international promotion of ground systems and ground operations. This is an excellent opportunity for Internet companies to participate in and promote industrial upgrading.

The combination of Internet technology and aerospace technology will jointly promote the development of both parties in the fields of technology, market, capital and other fields. For example, through integration with 5G/6G technology, seamless global coverage can be achieved, costs can be reduced, and network coverage can be improved.

Having said this, Brother Xiao Ma looked at everyone and said with a smile: "With the development of the global economy and the advancement of technology, the demand for commercial satellites will be greater and greater. Moreover, the threshold in this field is relatively low, and we have opportunities. Make rapid breakthroughs in this field.

At the same time, we have also seen pain points in the field of commercial satellite manufacturing and services. Many customers lack professional satellite manufacturing and service capabilities, and they need a reliable partner to help them realize their space dreams. This is where our opportunity lies.

So we believe that the field of satellite manufacturing and services has huge development potential and is very suitable for us. "

After hearing Brother Ma's explanation, everyone present nodded in agreement. They understand that Xiao Ma's choice was carefully considered and fully researched, and they also see the huge potential and opportunities in the field of commercial satellite manufacturing and services.

As for Xiao Ma, after smiling slightly, he continued: "As for why we chose the field of cosmic microgravity environment research, it is actually because it is an important field in universe exploration. Studying the microgravity environment will help us better understand the universe." Deeply understand the mysteries of the universe and provide unique experimental conditions for scientific research.

And in microgravity, many physical, chemical and biological processes on the ground will change. Therefore, microgravity research can provide new ideas and methods for technological innovation and promote scientific and technological progress in related fields.

Furthermore, research on microgravity environments not only has scientific value, but also has important military and civilian value. For example, material processing and biomedical research in microgravity environments can provide new technologies and products for military and civilian fields.

It can be said that the development prospects of this field are still very good. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, microgravity environment research is expected to make major breakthroughs in fields such as materials science, biomedicine, and space science, providing more possibilities for human exploration of the universe.

It is also conducive to the development of related industries, such as spacecraft design, manufacturing technology, space science experimental equipment, etc., forming a huge industrial chain.

It can be said that this is a new track. Although humans have been engaged in research in this area for more than half a century, many of the scientific research results have been applied to all aspects of life.

But compared to this huge and rich cosmic resources, it is just the tip of the iceberg. I believe that there are more technologies and unknowns waiting for our exploration and development. "

"As for the field of deep space exploration and development, I won't say much. We have already seen it today. The value of the golden meteorite core and those lunar samples displayed in front of you today is no less than tens of billions~www And this is just a tiny speck of dust in the vast and rich resources of the universe. Therefore, there is a lot to do in this field.

Therefore, this will also become one of our main development directions in the future. "

Speaking of this, he smiled and said: "Of course, we also know that the existing technology accumulation alone is not enough. Therefore, we plan to jointly promote business through in-depth cooperation with outstanding aerospace companies and scientific research institutions at home and abroad. Developments in satellite manufacturing and services.

Among the outstanding aerospace companies at home and abroad, Mr. Wu and others are obviously the most suitable. On the one hand, it is because they are strong and capable. This strength is not only reflected in technology, but also in other aspects.

For us, they are undoubtedly the best collaborators.

Of course, although they are strong enough, we also have our advantages and strengths. So if both parties can cooperate, it will be a win-win result for both parties. "

"Cooperation?" Upon hearing this word, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up.

They understand that the cooperation mentioned by Xiao Ma is not a simple introduction of technology or financial support, but a deep and all-round cooperation. Such cooperation not only allows both parties to share resources and technologies, but also jointly respond to market changes and competitive challenges.

Brother Xiao Ma nodded and replied: Yes, it is cooperation. We will actively seek cooperation with outstanding aerospace companies and scientific research institutions at home and abroad. Of course, Mr. Wu will be given priority. This is also one of the main purposes of my visit this time, which is to discuss relevant cooperation matters with Mr. Wu and others.

For example, cooperation with superior forces can jointly develop new commercial satellites and related technologies. Leverage our own Internet technology and data analysis capabilities to bring more innovations and breakthroughs to the field of commercial satellite manufacturing and services. "

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