Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3293: Don’t underestimate the power of artificial intelligence

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Relying on its huge and terrifying R&D capabilities and its advanced intelligent unmanned manufacturing factory cluster, Haoyu Technology will be in an invincible position in the field of advanced manufacturing.

As long as there is no huge deviation in Haoyu Technology's decision-making route, it will continue to lead in the field of advanced manufacturing and high-tech fields.

This is officially the case, so Haoyu Technology is so valued by all parties, not only the country, but also other countries. This is also why it is so difficult for Haoyu Technology to develop its overseas business. It is because it is too powerful and no one wants it to become the second one.

In fact, compared to Mouwei, Haoyu Technology poses a greater threat. Some are only in the communication field, the Internet field and other local fields.

The threat of Haoyu Technology is all-round, and this is true in all industries. Even if countries want to develop in these high-tech fields, they must not avoid Haoyu Technology, and they will face the possibility of direct competition with each other.

It is precisely because of this that these gangsters will target them so unscrupulously.

However, Haoyu Technology has held on, and the methods and targeting of these gangsters have become increasingly inadequate. Some of the rules they set up in the past to protect their rights and interests are becoming tools to make themselves comfortable.

And if they once give up these rules, it means that the lead they have accumulated for a century will be lost and the losses will be even greater.

So these gangsters are now in a dilemma, so much so that they have to use some despicable means and use unfounded reasons to target them.

Just like what is being ridiculed on the Internet, saying that Guo Jia's security is like a basket and anything can be put in it, it means that these gangsters always use threats to Guo Jia's security as a reason to target him.

This situation naturally does not exist in China. However, in order to protect the development of various domestic industries, some restrictions must be placed on Haoyu Technology. This is also a kind of protection for Haoyu Technology.

After all, if Haoyu Technology relies on its huge strength to influence the development of these industries, then it will no longer be a big tree that blocks wind and rain, but a miscellaneous tree that competes for nutrients and blocks sunlight. This needs to be understood.

Therefore, Haoyu Technology is also beginning to gradually transform, focusing on foreign markets. The domestic market only needs to remain stable and not expand too much.

But even so, these domestic companies can always feel the threat posed by Haoyu Technology. Even these Internet giants can't sit still. No, they are taking this opportunity.

Can artificial intelligence systems really be capable of handling such a large scale? Mr. Wang, who followed behind, raised his own question.

Obviously, he didn't quite believe Wu Hao's statement that the entire park relied on intelligent management.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this and said: "Don't underestimate the power of artificial intelligence, its capabilities are far more powerful than we imagine.

It can be said that not only the Linghu headquarters, but also all our parks, research centers, factories, research institute laboratories, including branches, are managed uniformly by this intelligent management system.

Take this park as an example. If it relies solely on manual management, it will be very time-consuming, laborious, and expensive. Just talk about how many cleaners are needed to clean such a large area every day, and how many gardeners are needed to prune and cultivate these trees and seaweeds. How many maintenance personnel are needed to maintain these facilities and equipment, etc.

When all these personnel are added up, the monthly salary alone is not a small figure, let alone other expenses and expenses.

Now, all this is left to the artificial intelligence system. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone's faces showed expressions of surprise. It is difficult to imagine that the maintenance and management of this huge park are all completed through artificial intelligence systems.

Therefore, this could not help but pique the interest of the bosses present. If they could introduce this system, wouldn't they be able to save a lot of operating costs, and more importantly, they could save a lot of things.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes lit up. The first person to ask was Xiao Ma, who asked Wu Hao.

"Can you tell me more specifically how this system works?"

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard this and introduced: "This park intelligent management system is one of the subsystems of a set of enterprise intelligent management systems with independent intellectual property rights that we independently developed.

It uses big data and artificial intelligence technology to monitor and analyze various operational data in the park in real time, and then automatically adjusts and optimizes the allocation of various resources based on the analysis results.

For example, it will automatically adjust irrigation and pruning plans based on the weather, season and tree growth to ensure that each tree receives the most appropriate care. At the same time, it can also automatically adjust the working route and frequency of cleaning workers based on the traffic flow and garbage generation in the to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the park.

In addition, this system can also perform real-time monitoring and maintenance of various facilities and equipment in the park. Once a fault or hidden danger is discovered, relevant maintenance robots will come to maintain and repair the faulty equipment. If the problem cannot be solved, the system will also report to the managers and engineers in charge of the system, and direct maintenance personnel to be dispatched to handle the problem to ensure the normal operation of various facilities and equipment in the park.

Just like the ground cleaning work in the entire park, all intelligent robots are responsible for it. Every morning, the system will instruct these cleaning robots to continue to thoroughly clean and disinfect the entire park to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of the park.

In addition, relevant small intelligent cleaning robots will patrol and clean every day to ensure that the park is always tidy.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao pointed to a miniature orange smart vehicle driving slowly on the side of the road in front of him and introduced to everyone: "Well, that's our miniature smart cleaning robot.

It will inspect, clean and keep relevant areas tidy and clean according to the instructions of the park's intelligent management system.

There are many miniature intelligent cleaning robots like this distributed in the park, and they also have different forms and functions.

For example, the cleaning robots on these building facades and glass curtain walls can clean these glass curtain walls and facades to ensure that the glass and building facades are clean and tidy.

For another example, in our park's water network system, there are both surface robots and underwater robots that clean these water network systems to maintain clean water quality.

For example, the intelligent robot koi we introduced earlier can not only watch, but also filter and clean the water in artificial lakes. End of chapter)

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