Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3305: micro-ecosystem

Wu Hao continued to explain: "This host is not only hidden deep in the bottom of the lake, but also has multiple protection mechanisms around it. From underwater to above water, from physics to electronics, we have laid out layers of defense to ensure the safety of Cocoa.

Even if someone could sneak into the lake, they would not be able to break through these defenses and reach the Abyss Cube.

The intelligent bionic Chinese sturgeons you just saw are the water security guards of this abyss cube. They wander around the entire abyss. Once an object approaches, these intelligent bionic Chinese sturgeons will sound an alarm and respond to The intruder attacks. "

Attack, will they bite? A boss in the crowd said in surprise: "What if someone accidentally falls into the lake, will they be attacked?"

After hearing the boss's words, everyone present couldn't help but nodded. Yes, if someone accidentally falls into the water, they will be attacked by these big fish. Isn't this a bit too dangerous?

"Everyone, please rest assured."

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "These sturgeons will not actively attack people who fall into the water, but if the people who fall into the water want to get close to the abyss or the underwater Rubik's Cube, these sturgeons will push the intruder out first. Let it approach the abyss.

If he still insists on getting close to the abyss, then these sturgeons will launch an attack, such as hitting these people quickly, or discharging electricity to stun and paralyze the people in the water, thereby losing their ability to move. At the same time, our security forces will arrive as soon as possible to deal with it.

Of course, even if someone successfully approaches the Rubik's Cube, they may not be able to get in. If you want to enter the entire Rubik's Cube, you must use a special device to decompress it, otherwise it will not be opened.

And right below the Rubik's Cube, that is, at the bottom of the abyss, is the water inlet of the cooling system of the entire Torch Building, so the water flow here is faster and the temperature is lower. Without special devices, it would be difficult for ordinary people to persist. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded and praised such strict security measures. At the same time, they can also understand why Wu Hao and the others went to such great lengths. Because the Rubik's Cube in the abyss is not only the core of the Linghu headquarters campus, but also the home of Coco, the advanced artificial intelligence system, and protecting its safety is crucial.

"Besides, placing the Abyss Cube at the bottom of the lake has another advantage."

Wu Hao added: "The natural cooling effect of the lake can be used to provide a good heat dissipation environment for the Abyss Cube. After all, such a high-performance supercomputer will generate a lot of heat during operation, and heat dissipation has always been a problem. Important factors we need to consider.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but nod and praise. Indeed, immersing the host in water can indeed cool down and reduce the temperature to the greatest extent, which is conducive to maximizing the performance of the hardware device.

In fact, many servers are now immersed in water, some in lakes and reservoirs, and some even in the sea, using the low temperature at the bottom of the water to cool down the equipment.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Wu Hao and the others are doing this. On the contrary, everyone is more interested in the contents of this Rubik's Cube. Especially after knowing that this is the host of Haoyu Technology's artificial intelligence system Coco, everyone's curiosity became even more intense.

So, soon someone couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wu, can we visit the Rubik's Cube in this abyss?"

Wu Hao smiled, shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, the Rubik's Cube is currently not open to the public. Its safety and stability are our primary considerations, and any unnecessary interference may affect it.

Moreover, it is very troublesome to enter the Rubik's Cube, and we do not enter it often. Only during maintenance, when special submersibles are used to dive into the abyss to connect with the Rubik's Cube, our maintenance personnel will wear snare anti-static suits and enter the Rubik's Cube. being maintained.

In daily maintenance work, the intelligent robotic arm in the Rubik's Cube performs independent maintenance, which we would not dare to do artificially.

So sorry, we can only admire its beauty and mystery from the outside. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone was a little disappointed, but they also expressed their understanding. After all, such an important piece of equipment needs to be protected with the utmost care.

Besides, this is Wu Hao's top core secret. How could it be allowed to be seen so easily?

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Wu Hao smiled and changed the subject: "Okay, now that everyone has seen the Rubik's Cube of the Abyss, let's continue visiting other attractions in the park. I believe there are many things worth seeing here. place."

With that said, he led everyone to move forward. Along the way, they saw various smart devices and ecological landscapes, and felt the perfect combination of technology and nature.

During the visit, Wu Hao also introduced some of the latest scientific research results and future development plans of the park to everyone. His words were full of passion and confidence, making everyone full of expectations for the future of the Linghu Headquarters Park.

Unknowingly, everyone looking for the book garden had arrived at the core area of ​​the park, the lakeside glass corridor under the seven buildings.

As soon as they entered the glass corridor, everyone was attracted by the scenery inside. Different from the regular scenery outside, there is actually a green world inside. The growth of various trees and green plants is very gratifying. Various flowers are vying for beauty and are so beautiful. There are also some small animals, such as squirrels, rabbits, and red pandas. Parrots, pigeons, and thrushes shuttle through the woods.

All of a sudden, everyone seemed to have arrived at a tropical botanical garden.

And here is another major feature of the Linghu headquarters park - the ecological glass corridor.

Looking at everyone's amazed expressions, Wu Hao smiled and explained: "This glass corridor is not only designed for beauty and viewing, but more importantly, it forms an independent microclimate circulation system in our park. Let Everyone can experience the charming scenery of spring flowers blooming throughout the year.”

Everyone walked slowly along the glass corridor, and saw the sunlight shining through the transparent glass ceiling on the green plants, forming mottled light and shadow. The air is filled with fresh plant aroma, making people feel like they are in a natural oxygen bar.

The plants here are all kinds of plants we collected from tropical and subtropical areas, including tall poinciana trees, lychee trees, and various low shrubs, flowers, etc. Together they form a set of tropical microclimate environments, providing a very comfortable living environment for the small animals living inside.

Wu Hao pointed to the surrounding plants and introduced in detail: "These small animals, including some insects, together with these plants, form a complete tropical ecosystem.

And this micro-ecosystem is also a very important experimental project for us. "

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