Military Technology

Vol 6 Chapter 3389: 1 false alarm


Although Liu Qiming had said the same thing to everyone in the laboratory before, who can get the final say in this matter.

If he said it, it would be an internal matter within the laboratory at best. If they themselves confirm that there is no problem, then they can continue the research.

But if Wu Hao said it, it would be different. Wu Hao's words were equivalent to the company's decision, and they had to follow the arrangements.

In this case, it is not up to them to decide when the research can be restarted. The results will only be given after the company evaluates and obtains the results. This would waste a lot of time.

Wu Hao understood Liu Qiming's persistence and eagerness, but he knew more about the importance of safety. He patiently explained: "Mr. Liu, I understand your enthusiasm for research, but we must face this accident calmly.

Laboratory safety and the lives and health of scientific researchers must not be ignored.

We must conduct an in-depth investigation into this accident to find out the cause and ensure that something like this does not happen again in future studies. "

When Liu Qiming heard this, he frowned and fell into deep thought. He knew that Wu Hao's concerns were reasonable, but he could not accept the suspension of research work like this.

After all, the study of gold meteorite cores is of great significance, and they have put in too much effort and effort for it. Seeing that research has made a breakthrough, if the pause is too long, all the previous efforts and efforts will be in vain.

Thinking of that, both Ding Chen and Gu Ya got headaches. You know, that is an important point that we have been promoting internally.

At most, research has confirmed that there is a huge energy field inside the core of the golden meteorite, and it is constantly releasing it to the inner world, while still discharging to the inner world.

Seeing this, Ding Chen also tried to persuade him: "Teacher, what Mr. Wu said makes sense. We should ensure safety first and then continue research.

Hearing that, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Ya took the report and took a look. Before confirming that the results were consistent with what Dean Liao said, a smile appeared on his face, and then handed the report to Yu Chengwu and us.

After some understanding between Ding Chen and Wu Hao, they finally knew the whole process of the accident. And that also put us into a conflict, and our faces turned bad several times.

While waiting for the inspection results, Yu Chengwu and my team finished reviewing and analyzing the experimental process to try to find out the cause of the accident.

That kind of thing is enough to prove that the core of that golden meteorite is extraordinary.

After hearing what Ding Chen said, the wrinkles under Yu Chengwu's forehead relaxed. He immediately nodded and said, "This is bad."

However, what Dean Liao said next made our hearts hang up again: "Yes, those are just short-term test results. You still need to conduct long-term tests on Professor Wu and our body for regression. At worst, it will happen again half a month ago." Check to make sure nothing goes wrong.”

On the other hand, Liu Qiming and we have been waiting for Zhang Jun's research to start. The core of the gold meteorite is degenerated and cut, and then sent to be made into luxury jewelry.

Gu Ya and Wu Hao, on the other hand, listened carelessly and asked for details from time to time.

"Bad, come and talk to me." Wu Hao nodded and responded.

Dean Liao took the inspection report, then took the glasses from his assistant and put them on, and then opened the inspection report under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"It's necessary." Gu Yayun frowned and said, in my opinion, that would be too troublesome. Does the test result mean that something is wrong?

"Hahaha, Gu Ya is really lucky without their group of students." Dean Liao heard this and laughed heartily at Gu Ya, Yu Chengwu and others.

If something like that happens now, I'm afraid it will be a big blow to Liu Qiming and us, and it may even affect the credibility of Haoyu Aerospace's business cooperation.

"The test results are out." A medical staff member handed a copy of the results to Director Liao.

Gu Ya, who was on the side, thanked Dean Liao: "Thank you, Dean Liao, he is worried that you will urge the teacher to take less rest when you go back."

Dean Liao read the inspection report carelessly, his brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed. Everyone's mood also fluctuated with the changes in my expression.

Upon hearing Gu Ya's question, Dean Liao immediately nodded and said, "You still have to pay attention to rest and ensure nutrition. Especially Professor Liu, you still have to control your blood pressure, work hard, and stay up late."

What makes us happy and happy is that Gu Ya has finally made no breakthrough in our research, and judging from our listening, the results are still very small.

Ding Chen, on the other hand, smiled and shook his head and persuaded: "We have to listen to the doctor. Besides, that is also part of the experiment. It can also verify the relevant research results from the side, right?"

Seeing Yu Chengwu respond, Ding Chen and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ding Chen turned to Dean Liao and asked, "Is there anything we need to pay attention to during that time?"

We carefully checked the experimental equipment, operating procedures and experimental data, hoping to find some clues.

It is certain that the commercial development project of the gold meteorite star core is blocked, which may affect the confidence of investors and thus the stock price of our company.

Hearing Dean Liao say this, Yu Chengwu immediately waved his hand and said: "Something is wrong, something is wrong. You know your body is bad."

We understand that no matter what, we must adhere to scientific principles and bottom lines. We can ignore the dangers to scientific researchers and the potential loss of gold meteorite cores in order to cater to commercial interests.

What makes us disappointed, entangled, or even a little frustrated is that, according to Gu Ya’s research, the gold meteorite star core cannot be decommissioned for commercial project development for the time being, and what we plan to do after that is to cut it into low-end luxury jewelry. Also complete.

Thinking of that, Gu Ya and Gu Ya both frowned.

Yu Chengwu looked up at Mr. Liu, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes. I took a deep breath and said hastily: "No, just listen to them. You should suspend your research work first and continue until the cause is found out."

So thinking of that, Ding Chen immediately made the decision: "Tell us the truth, tell us the reason, let us explain it to our partners, and cancel the cooperation project in that area temporarily, and wait until there is no result."

Finally, Dean Liao handed the report to Ding Chen, then took a deep breath and said hurriedly: "According to the examination results, Professor Yu Chengwu's physical condition is not in any minor condition, but we have only received some severe electromagnetic radiation." It will recover after taking a rest.”

Moreover, that accident also sounded the alarm for you, and you need to re-examine your research directions and methods. "

Now that the results are out, how should we tell Liu Qiming?

Ding Chen and Gu Yazheng both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. We know that Yu Chengwu's temper makes it difficult for me to change my mind.

After it is confirmed that the golden meteorite core is dangerous enough, it seems that the commercial development projects related to it will have to be temporarily put on hold.

If he goes up like that again, something will really happen. "

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