Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 359: AR / VR technology

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As the Lunar New Year draws nearer, most things in the company also start to stop, and only some important departments are still running.

This includes the marketing department, the security department, the production department, and some important technology research and development project teams.

For example, their new product research and development project is being carried out intensively. The research and development technicians in the project team have not been affected by the outside world and are devoting themselves to research and development.

For them, nothing is important outside now, the most important thing is to quickly overcome the technical problems stuck in front of them.

When you first came into contact with this project, it felt very simple. The successful R & D of several products in the past has made everyone feel confident and think there is nothing wrong.

But when they really took over, they found it difficult. If they just make products that are similar to the current market, or that they are a bit ahead of the market, then no problem, they can.

However, Wu Hao's request is to either not do it, to make an epoch-making product that will make the people amazing.

This is the case with their smart voice assistants, as well as with smart home terminals, and this new product deserves it.

As a result, this has placed a lot of pressure on the entire R & D team.

AR / VR, these two technologies are actually not new, and now there are a large number of such AR / VR products on the market. It can be said that the rising bubble period of AR / VR has already passed, and it has reached a relatively stagnant quiet period.

Although there are companies that launch their own AR / VR products from time to time, there are no bright spots. It can be said that the entire industry has stagnated, and even some giants have cut off their related AR / VR R & D projects.

Now everyone is waiting to see who can take the lead in bringing out an epoch-making AR / VR product and really lead the development of this industry.

AR (reality, augmented reality), which adds or removes real-time interactive virtual objects or information generated by a computer in a real environment.

VR (virtual reality) allows users to immerse themselves in a computer-generated three-dimensional virtual environment and is isolated from the real environment.

Compared to AR, VR is simpler. In simple terms, it is to isolate human eyes from the outside world, and then see some digital virtual pictures. Through special optical technology, it gives users a feeling of being immersive.

At present, most VR glasses on the market actually use red and blue 3D stereo technology, and then the red and blue are dislocated to achieve 3D stereo effect.

In short, it is red and blue lenses or pictures. Generally, the left eye area is red and the right eye area is blue. The picture is also red and blue. In this way, what the left eye sees is to filter out the blue content of the screen, the right eye filters out the red content, and the left and right eyes see different images to create a three-dimensional effect.

So it is precisely because of this principle that many early so-called VR glasses were included in the early days. In fact, it is an optical lens box, and then simply and rudely squeeze the phone in. Play a special red and blue picture movie, and then achieve a relatively low-level 3D stereo effect.

Sometimes the screen quality of a mobile phone is not good, so all you see through the lens is a 'big fruit' mosaic, and the gimmick is bigger than practical.

For a while, the name VR was really popular, so many bad businessmen made a lot of so-called VR glasses with this gimmick, and there were some famous technology companies, such as XX, XXX, XX, and so on.

Because of this, VR has quickly cooled down, and no one cares about it later. At this time, a group of merchants also came up with some sincere VR glasses products, which was part of the market, but nothing more. No company has ever been able to come up with a real VR glasses product, a product that can really surprise the public.

Because the principle of this technology is very simple, members of the R & D team were very confident after they knew the R & D project. They felt that they could definitely develop a new product ahead of the market.

However, after really starting research and development, especially after learning about Wu Hao's relevant parameter requirements, everyone could not help but have a headache.

This thing seems simple, but it's really difficult, even for a time it can't be started.

VR glasses correspond to virtual reality technology, which is considered to be the highest level of multimedia applications.

It is computer technology, computer graphics, computer vision, visual physiology, visual psychology, simulation technology, microelectronics technology, three-dimensional display technology, sensing and measurement technology, speech recognition and synthesis technology, human-machine interface technology, network technology and artificial intelligence. The crystallization of a variety of high-tech integration such as intelligent technology.

Its fidelity and real-time interaction provide strong support for system simulation technology. To achieve these two points, the research and development team must solve a series of technical problems.

First of all, a problem that the R & D team has to face is to enhance the picture quality so that the whole picture quality becomes delicate and real.

Our human eyes are actually very picky, and it is not easy to deceive it. Slightly flawed, anyone with sharp eyes can find it. The VR glasses are so large and close to the eyes. It is not easy to deceive the eyes for close observation ~ ~ So I want to make the eyes believe, want to make people believe, what the eyes see The pictures must be meticulous and similar to the real environment, so as to achieve the purpose of false realism.

This not only requires that its display projection technology meets the requirements, but also that its displayed content be as realistic as possible.

There are only two ways to make content realistic. One is to use a panoramic camera to shoot real scenes, so that what you see through VR glasses is also real scenes, so there is no problem with authenticity.

In fact, this technology is not difficult to implement. Existing technologies can be implemented. In addition, high-speed and low-latency 5G technology can completely make a difference in the field of live broadcasting.

The other is to use computer 3D rendering technology to create some simulation real environment. Computer 3D rendering technology is familiar to everyone. Some of the movies and TV shows we see often use this technology to achieve some of the special effects we see.

The special effects in some good movies are very real, and can basically reach the point of being real. But these pictures are synthesized after a lot of rendering, and the cost is very high. Generally, there are only big investments in movies, TV series, and games. And most of what we see are some crudely crafted special effects shots, which are our long ridiculed 5 hair special effects.

So when you see this kind of picture, everyone naturally feels fake and not real enough.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, some false things, but what we see is very real. For example, some cartoon character pictures, we see it but think it really exists.

This is also a deception for the human eye by using computer vision, visual physiology, visual psychology and other related technologies. Makes you think that this thing is real, even if it is something that you think is fake, looking at it is true.

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