Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 370: Why attitude changes

Finally, Wu Hao's pretense was interrupted, and this matter finally made him pass.

To be honest, both people are not ready to get married. Although both parties are more confident in each other, things like marriage still have to wait a few years.

On the one hand, it is waiting for the relationship between them to stabilize, and on the other hand, they want to be busy with the cause first.

Wu Hao has a lot to do to push the company to a higher stage. And Lin Wei has just started her business, and she will only consider her personal affairs when she puts the company on a normal development track.

In this regard, the two have a tacit understanding, and they talked about it in a hug one night before.

Everyone sat down and talked for more than an hour. After seeing Lin Wei's sleepiness, Zhang Xiaoman immediately called her upstairs to rest.

Although Wu Hao and Lin Wei had lived together for a long time, this was the first time she had come to the door, and she was jealous or shy, so the two sides naturally separated.

The next morning, Lin Wei got up, and incidentally called Wu Hao. After having breakfast for both parties, he immediately took Lin Wei to the graveyard to scan the grave.

Wu Hao didn't say much about this premature biological mother. Only after Lin Wei's questioning did she occasionally say a few words. Of course, when his mother was gone, he was only seven or eight years old. Even if his memory is as good as it can be, more than ten years later, the picture of memory has gradually blurred.

Although the custom of grave sweeping at their hometown is to burn paper money, Lin Wei still bought a bunch of flowers and offered some offerings.

And Wu Hao, with a smile, introduced the beautiful lady around her to her mother who was sleeping here. The last two people also worked together to clean the entire cemetery, and the monument was carefully wiped again.

Strange to say, before he returned from the grave, he felt very heavy. But this time it was different. With Lin Wei's hand, he felt a touch of happiness.

Yeah, all the past is over, live a good life, and cherish the talents around him is what he has to do.

By the time they got home, the whole house had started to pack up. Wu Jianhua and Cao Wei are cleaning the yard, while Zhang Xiaoman and Wu Tong are cleaning the furniture.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei joined them immediately when they saw the situation. The family talked, laughed, and joked again and again, it was a kind of enjoyment.

By convention, they will visit Uncle on the 30th day. Last year, the family came on their own initiative. This year, I heard that Wu Hao brought a 'daughter-in-law' back, so I called long ago and asked them to eat.

The younger brother should go to the elder brother to celebrate the New Year. This is why Wu Jianhua paid great attention to it. He also specially asked Zhang Xiaoman to pick a few more gifts from Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

Facing this unknown uncle Wu Hao, Lin Wei had a slight worry, which was no less than the mood she had just arrived at their doorstep.

However, under the comfort of Wu Hao, the two first walked into the uncle's house.

The arrival of their family, the uncle's family seemed very happy, and the uncle Wang Ju held Lin Wei's hand very kindly. Uncle Wu Jianzhong was also very polite to Wu Hao and sat down to ask him about some company and career issues. But most of them were false news that he listened to on the Internet and tabloids. Wu Hao explained to them, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

No matter how old people are, their heads are stubborn.

What surprised Wu Hao more was that his second brother, Wu Bin, the second son of the uncle's family, took his wife and children home to visit relatives.

I haven't seen each other for many years. Wu Bin is already a captain. According to him, he is now a company commander of a synthetic brigade in the Western * Theater. He did not say what unit he was, and Wu Hao naturally did not ask.

Although they were very happy to meet, the two sides also talked a few words, which are some daily words. Like some other aspects, they can't talk at all.

For example, Wu Hao talked about the ‘battle sweeper’ high-speed drone strike system they developed and the new drone intelligent security system that will be unveiled at the Pearl Air Show.

Although the talk is about superficial things, both sides have different views on the two weapons and equipment. Although it is difficult for the two sides to reach some consensus in this regard because of poor knowledge.

However, in some viewpoints, especially in the other side's rich grassroots troop experience, he was still inspired and learned a lot of information that he could not see in the report.

This information will not appear in the official report documents, but it is a true portrayal of the lives of grass-roots soldiers.

For example, Wu Bin has some doubts about this ‘battle sweeper’ high-speed drone strike system developed by Wu Hao. He did not believe that this weapon could be so powerful that it could find soldiers and armored vehicles in disguise to attack.

He also has different opinions on such complicated individual weaponry. I feel that the battlefield environment is ever-changing and fleeting, so investing in such a complex and sophisticated equipment is not very practical.

Wu Hao somewhat disagrees with these views of his second brother. However, for confidentiality, he did not disclose too much.

At present, their ‘battle sweeper’ high-speed drone strike system is undergoing small-scale installation testing, so it is still inappropriate to disclose too much, even if the other party is also a soldier.

Although this project is still confidential, some basic information should be known, so it is also possible to talk in this range.

In order to entertain them, the auntie Wang Ju and her two daughters-in-law also tried their best to make a big table for the dishes, which was better than what Zhang Xiaoman prepared yesterday.

Of course, Wu Hao does not doubt the hospitality of the aunt's family. It's just that there is a big gap between the previous years and the actual situation. This may be the change of Wu Hao's identity.

Seeing this scene, although he didn't say it, his heart was still very emotional.

Perhaps, he would rather believe that the living conditions of the uncle's family are getting better, so the level of entertaining them will naturally go up ~ ~ hey ...

After New Year's Eve, it was very late. Wu Hao left their enthusiasm in the uncle's family to leave, and the uncle chased Lin Weisai and gave her a big red envelope.

This is also their rule. In the first year, when the girl is brought to a relative's house to pay a New Year, the relative must show a red envelope.

This year, Wu Hao didn't give money to the uncle's family. In the words of his stepmother Zhang Xiaoman, it is almost enough to save the poor but not the poor. If you send it again, the other party will really take it for granted. If you do n’t send it, you will offend them.

Wu Hao heard this and thought about it. The uncle's family is now living well, and there is no financial difficulty. So this money will not be given away, turn around and send some more nutrition products.

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