Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 375: Haoyu Science and Technology Biology and Life Science Research Center

Finally, in the enthusiastic applause of the young people in the back row, Wu Hao was surrounded by a crowd of people and walked into the multifunctional hall.

Qin Yongchuan and Zheng Kaixiang, the elderly experts and professors, looked at him with curiosity, and then applauded separately.

Everyone is a 50- or 60-year-old expert professor, who has already achieved some results in related fields and has a certain influence.

Now, for the sake of "just meal", I have to cater to this young man who is younger than his children, or even a few years older than his grandson. This makes them feel a little hot.

However, in the face of the warm applause of the young people, they still applauded. But they patted it a few times, and then quickly put it down.

Wu Hao, who was seated, looked at the people sitting under the stands, and then revealed a faint laugh.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad I can meet everyone here. To be honest, I didn't want to say anything to you before I entered this door.

Those in the front row are some influential old professors and experts who have achieved results in related fields. Those sitting in the back row are masters and doctors coming out of major universities, as well as some outstanding graduates.

This made me a young man who had read only college. Suddenly in the face of everyone's profound knowledge, I was even a little nervous. "

Hahahaha ... Everyone laughed when he heard what he said, including the old experts and professors in the front row, and their faces also smiled.

For Wu Hao, he was a little worried and didn't know what to say, but he didn't feel nervous as he said. The reason for saying this is actually the tension of the crowd under the stage, so that everyone can relax.

"In the field of professional knowledge, I can't compare with you. You are standing in the first echelon of the field of biology and life sciences at home and even in the world.

Of course, there are also gaps in this first echelon. We must also clearly see that we still have a big gap with those front runners.

I said this is not for everyone to compare with them, but for everyone to understand that we still have a lot of room for improvement. "

"Back in the field of biology and life sciences, we humans have a very poor understanding of this field. Although we have achieved good results in this field these years, it is like we humans have just landed in space. Just touch At the edge of the universe, we still have a long way to go to understand this huge universe.

And we set up Haoyu Science and Technology Biological and Life Science Research Center, we want to explore the secrets of biological individuals and life with everyone.

In this regard, you all know better than I do. Regarding the value and role of this field, you are all here more clearly than we are.

So I wo n’t say those big words that are so inspiring and inspiring. What I want to say is. "

"We put so much effort into bringing everyone here, not for you to drink tea and chat, nor for you to verse.

Instead, let everyone make the most of your talents to carry out research on related projects, overcome those scientific research difficulties that hinder our exploration, and contribute to human exploration and research in this field. "

Glancing at the crowd, Wu Hao said slowly: "Some things are too grandiose, so let's say the practical point is to create value for the company.

Maybe this sounds a bit coppery and vulgar, but it is practical, and no one can get rid of it.

Just the salaries of everyone present here are not a small number each year. This does not include the purchase of related research equipment, the operation of this research center, and other expenses.

The total of zero and zero always adds up, which is not something anyone can afford. Even if we want to spend this amount of money, we must think carefully about the plan.

It's not that we can't get the money, but that we have to figure out the value of the money. Sorry, our company is not a charity or a charity fund.

Every penny we put in will eventually turn into a profit. Please don't blame us for being too utilitarian, because a considerable part of these benefits will become your salary bonus, benefits, and research funding for your project. "

"Yes, we will provide you with the best scientific research environment at home and in fact. International cutting-edge scientific research equipment, no problem, as long as it is within our range, as long as it is reasonable and practical, as long as you can buy it. The report came up and we immediately approved the purchase.

Funding, this problem that you all have headaches in the past, is not here. We are fair here and come up with your strength. The better the results, the richer the results, and the better the funding.

Naturally, your treatment and your salary will go up.

As for those scientific research groups that haven't made progress for a long time, we don't need to worry. We will not do everything across the board, withholding or suspending your funding if your results are not good, or even dissolving your project team immediately.

We will fully respect the fruits of your labor and organize relevant experts to investigate and discuss your project and your research work. What is the problem, what problem do we actually solve. If the equipment is not working, then we will change the equipment; if there is no funding, we will continue to increase the investment; if the researcher is weak, then we will continue to attract talents. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said, "If it is not human, then we will make a decisive substitution. Those who are capable, those who are equal, and those who are not, are the same principles that have remained the same throughout the ages. .

In our company, we don't talk about seniority, everything is based on strength. Therefore, when the company inspects and appoints leading cadres, the first priority is personal ability.

So in the company ~ ~ it is not unusual for young people to be company executives. I am a young person myself, and there are many young people around me, and I also like to use those capable and ambitious young people.

Of course, competence is one aspect, as is personal conduct. If this person is more capable and not capable, then we are sorry, we do not need such a person.

Within our company, fair competition between each other is allowed and we encourage it. But none of this can touch the bottom line of law, the bottom line of moral behavior.

The company has a special supervision and audit office, and everyone is welcome to report and report such misconduct. We will keep the information of the reporters strictly confidential, and we will give you a satisfactory answer.

Of course, if you encounter any problems, you can always send your questions and concerns or any suggestions and requirements, even the dissatisfaction in your heart, or the trivial troubles in life can be sent to me via email.

I will take your letters seriously and respond to them one by one. "

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