Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 378: The power of biotechnology

With such misinformation and handing fate to others, can he do nothing? No, he doesn't want to do this. He wants to control his own destiny. He wants to be able to deal with it when all this happens.

This is one of the important factors that led him to want to establish such a biological and life science research center, of course, but also to help more people by the way.

Yes, by the way, it sounds selfish. But in front of life, how many people can really be noble, he is just a vulgar.

In fact, there are many things you can do besides biopharmaceuticals. Such as zoology, botany, microbiology, biochemistry, cell biology and so on. Or molecular biology, biological evolution, modern biotechnology, etc.

Seems to be very high vocabulary, but in fact these are very closely related to our lives.

For example, in zoology, in addition to the study of the human body, there are also studies of other animals, including even meat and poultry that we eat on a daily basis.

There are also many aspects of botany. I am afraid that it is closely related to human beings of various high-tech crops, such as genetically modified crops, hybrid rice, or some highly disease-resistant crops.

In addition, it is a new and popular technology applied to animals and plants, such as cloning, genetic modification, gene editing and so on.

These technologies seem far away from us, but if they break through, they will have a huge impact on human society.

For example, cloning technology, we are no stranger to this technology. The earliest research on cloning technology can be traced back to the 1950s, and it is the people who know and understand this technology that came from the July 5, 1996 clone sheep "Dolly", and the whole world was uproar.

Later, this technology was researched by various countries and developed rapidly. However, the related controversy surrounding cloning technology has always existed. Among them, the ethical and moral hazard is the most feared or criticized by the people.

People are worried that if this technology is abused, it may bring fatal dangers to society and even subvert the social ethics and moral system established by the entire human race in the past millennium.

Regardless, at present, this technology is being thrown at research projects that are regarded as key research projects by major biological giants in various countries and are being promoted step by step.

And the reason why major biological giants in various countries are obsessed with research in this field is mainly the broad application prospects of this technology.

Even if the unethical part is eliminated, there are still huge market prospects in other aspects. Such as the use of this technology to breed excellent livestock and production of experimental animals, production of genetically modified animals; production of human embryonic stem cells for cell and tissue replacement therapy; replication of endangered animal species, preservation and dissemination of animal species resources, etc.

Another example is the technology of gene editing, which is the technology that is closest to the Creator and God.

We know that the characteristics of all living things, such as life forms, shapes, and even functions, are controlled by genes. If you master this technology, you are free to control the characteristics of living things.

For example, if it is a plant, after gene editing, this plant may have the growth rate of Phyllostachys edulis, the height of the almond eucalyptus (Note 1), the cold resistance of the cactus camel thorn or Populus euphratica, and the hardness of the iron sword tree .

For example, through gene editing, wheat ears can grow to corn, wheat grows on the tree, peaches and watermelons grow, watermelons are pulled by carts, and so on.

If used as an animal, pigs can be bigger than cattle, and cattle can be bigger than elephants through gene editing. Or create a new species with your own will, such as the legendary dragon.

The dragon itself is an image created by the ancient people who brought together the images of different animals. Usually the image of a dragon is horn-like deer, head like camel, eyes like rabbit, item like snake, belly like magpie, scale like fish, claw like eagle, palm like tiger, ear like cow.

In gene editing technology, genes that control characteristics in these animals can be extracted. Then through specific rehearsal combinations, they come together to form a new biological genome.

This genome is then injected into a special embryo, replacing the genomic structure of the original embryo. Incubate this embryo, then you can get the 'dragon' you want.

Of course, this may be a bit too far-fetched and too far away from human beings, but this is the goal that many scientists engaged in this field want.

However, like cloning technology, this technology also faces great ethical pressures. But in the face of exploration, in the face of benefits, these current constraints will eventually be broken.

It's like a wall, there is always someone who wants to get over it and see the scenery on the other side.

So what will happen in this respect in the future is not clear to Wu Hao.

In general, this is a double-edged sword, where it is seen and in what hands. Although Wu Hao wants to engage in research in this area, although he has a lot of selfishness, he also hopes that this technology can truly benefit humanity.

Perhaps in the future, Wu Hao will be able to develop and cultivate such super drought-resistant plants, turning the entire northwestern desert into an oasis.

Maybe in the future, they have overcome the technical difficulties in cloning and successfully cloned many cherished animals that have become extinct or are in the state of extinction.

Perhaps one day, giant pandas will enter millions of households as pets, and white-fin dolphins (extinct) will be able to swim across the Yangtze River again.

Although these are only imagination, they may not be far away. Not to mention that the knowledge and technical data in Wu Hao's mind are promoting, it is said that the current research progress in this area is actually not slow.

In fact, compared to these, he paid more attention to the research on human life sciences. I hope he can really help those in need through his research, and hope that everyone can overcome the disease.

In his memory, the pale face of his mother lying on the hospital bed can not be forgotten for a long time ~ ~ I hope this tragedy will not repeat itself.

Of course, research in this area is also related to national security and even affects the direction of future wars.

Biological weapons, which is also the field that military powers in the world are currently studying. Some countries have even achieved some results in this regard.

And according to some data, Mi Jun has launched a super warrior program with genetic engineering as its core. Trying to use genetic technology to strengthen the soldier's body, so as to enhance the soldier's individual combat effectiveness and so on.

The so-called defense is indispensable. Although we will not take such an extreme path, we should take precautions in advance. This is the only way to be prepared. When enemies use biological weapons against us, we can respond and defeat each other.

[Note 1: Almond eucalyptus, the tallest tree in the world, grows a tall tree in the grasslands of Australia. Generally it is more than 100 meters high, and the highest is 156 meters, which is equivalent to the height of 50 floors.

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