Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 399: "Fish" hooked

[Unmodified version]

"Mr. Jia, happy cooperation." Wu Hao picked up the signed contract and stood up and smiled at the middle-aged man in a suit and leather in his forties.

"Happy cooperation." The general manager Jia quickly grasped Wu Hao's hand, then shook it vigorously, his face excited.

At the same time, several photographers who waited specifically pressed the shutter button in their hands to record this moment.

Whether it is a super battery or a smart voice chip, Wu Hao can provide a limited number of them this time, and they need a lot of companies, so they can only take a bidding method.

Divide the output they can provide into several equal divisions, such as smart voice chips, with 100,000 units as a unit, and bid separately.

对于 For these companies and manufacturers, this is also a reluctantly acceptable solution. If the negotiations are separated, on the one hand, so many companies will talk separately and it will be a waste of time. I am afraid that it will be difficult to end without a few months or even half a year.

On the other hand, it is relatively fair and transparent. If negotiated separately, each promised conditions are different. Some large companies will also use resources or related influence to win orders, which is very unfair to some small and medium enterprises. And it is difficult to ensure that there is no shady operation or some other fools in this separate negotiation.

So using this method of bidding, everyone chooses a price that they can accept for bidding, and the one with the highest price wins.

This bidding is not a work of art. For major companies, this is a raw material or an important part. Therefore, the major enterprises will not give any shockingly high prices, but will give a quote based on the market valuation of these components and a heart price that they can accept.

Because of the limited quantity and the relationship of competition, this quote must be the closest or the acceptable base price in their hearts.

In this case, to be honest, it is still unfair to those small and medium-sized enterprises, and the financial resources of large enterprises are not comparable.

Therefore, after the announcement of these output shares, all of these companies were snatched up by the companies, and the prices quoted made these small and medium-sized enterprise representatives secretly swallow their mouths, but were discouraged.

Originally thought it was an opportunity, but I didn't expect it was snatched away. The bitterness and powerlessness in the heart really made these representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises mixed.

To be honest, Wu Hao also has some unbearable feelings. After all, they have also grown from small businesses little by little. Now he sees that these small and medium-sized enterprises are suppressed by big companies.

But these are market rules. If he rashly changes these rules, I am afraid that he will become the public enemy. In addition, he is not a good person who is compassionate and compassionate. Although it is a little uncomfortable, what does it have to do with him?

Besides, it is already fair to choose this method of bidding. They have not grasped who is to blame.

Using this method, Wu Hao also completed the first large-scale external supply project of related devices in the shortest time. This also foreshadows a transformation of them, from the original simple technology product enterprises facing the market and the masses, to a core technology company that takes into account marketing and industry supply.

Using this method, major enterprises have obtained component products and technologies that they urgently need. And Wu Hao and they have achieved great profits, but also reached the plan he set up at first.

That is to strengthen cooperation and contact with major enterprises, increase their voice and influence in the industry.

After this bidding activity, Wu Hao also promised these representatives that they would further expand production and strive to supply more enterprises. And it will continue to open up a series of related advanced technologies and products to provide more enterprises with advanced technologies and products with excellent performance.

Of course, compared to physical products such as super batteries and smart voice chips, such open bidding is definitely not appropriate in terms of technology, especially virtual technology.

So I can only talk about them one by one, and in addition to most car companies, there are some companies engaged in new energy.

For example, companies engaged in solar power generation are very interested in Wu Hao's super battery and this battery cluster array management technology for large battery packs.

The reason why I am interested is mainly due to the particularity of the projects undertaken by such enterprises.

Solar power is actually using solar panels to receive sunlight for power generation. The principle is a photoelectric conversion technology.

However, this technology has one drawback, which is that it relies heavily on sunlight. The intensity of sunlight is large, the amount of radiation is large, and the amount of power is large. Therefore, most of these solar power stations will be built in those inland areas where the average annual solar sunshine is long, the radiation is high, and the rainfall is small.

Because of this, these solar panels can only work in daytime and sunny weather, and do not work at night or in rainy weather, and the amount of power generation will also be unstable due to the amount of radiation ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ So this requires a mediation so that the power generated by the solar panels can be evenly supplied to the power grid. So in general, large battery packs are also used in conjunction with solar panels.

These large battery packs store the excess power generated by these solar panels, and then slowly release it.

相比 Compared with the battery pack in a car, this large battery pack is much larger and its system is more complicated.

It can be said that the size of the battery pack directly determines the size of the solar power station, so this type of solar power generation companies and related departments are very interested in Wu Hao's super battery.

However, the cost of this kind of super battery is higher than that of general storage batteries used in solar power plants, as well as lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, it is generally difficult to get large-scale promotion except for some key guarantee projects.

相比 Compared to this super battery, these enterprises and related departments, they value the lawsuit is Wu Hao they launched this battery cluster array management technology for large battery packs.

The battery pack of this large-scale solar power station is generally composed of tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of batteries. So how to manage such a large number of batteries is a very headache problem in the world.

Don't look at this as simple charging and discharging work. How to discharge so many batteries and how to fully charge so many batteries is very tricky.

Not to mention that it involves some safety management issues, it can be said to be very complicated.

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