Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 401: Automated Machinery Technology Research Lab

With the temperature increasing, Anxi also gradually entered the summer.

The flowers receded, and the leaves were shaded. The employees who have just passed the May Day holiday are now devoting themselves to tedious work.

After hesitant and busy cooperating with other enterprises, Wu Hao finally got rid of the complicated things. Of course, things are far from over, and in June, they will usher in a new summer new product launch.

However, Wu Hao threw all these things to Zhang Jun, and he plunged into some projects being developed.

Located next to the four parks of Haoyu Technology, there is a newly renovated park. This park is basically in the same form as the original four big villas, and they are composed of four four to five-story office buildings.

After the relevant administrative and marketing departments of Haoyu Technology moved to the adjacent high-rise office building, the original four parks were basically handed over to the R & D department.

随着 With the increase of various projects in the R & D department, the number of R & D personnel also continues to increase, and now has reached more than 3,000 and nearly 4,000 people. This is only here, not counting the project development team members in other branches.

原来 The original four parks with so many people are definitely not enough, so they are gradually scattered to some of these small parks in the surrounding area, and some information and software project R & D teams are located in high-rise office buildings.

Compared to high-rise office buildings, everyone actually prefers this low-rise park. Therefore, the several parks around the original four parks were all rented by Wu Hao, and they became specialized R & D laboratories.

The park next to the original four buildings is a scientific research building belonging to a hardware R & D laboratory. In fact, there is no longer a so-called hardware R & D laboratory. The original hardware R & D laboratory has been split into more than ten special research laboratories. These include microelectronics, mechanical engineering, new materials, new energy, chemistry, and a series of project research and development teams involving such hardware and basic research.

呢 How about the R & D teams of these projects, which are usually independently managed and researched without interference. Only when relevant projects are needed, relevant personnel will be drawn from various research laboratories to form a project research and development team.

This includes the related R & D project team, or special R & D laboratory of the smart home robot HS_2, which was launched at the press conference some time ago.

实验室 The name of this laboratory is the research laboratory of automated machinery technology, and its main task or work is to develop automated machinery products.

What is an automated mechanical product? This contains a wide range, such as the smart home robot HS_2 they introduced some time ago.

However, this product is not their main product, or rather a derivative product of their related research projects.

Speaking of this, perhaps everyone has understood that this automated machinery technology research laboratory is a steering laboratory set up by Wu Hao to develop related technologies in robotics.

实验室 This laboratory was established very early, initially it was just a R & D team of several people. And with the launch of their smart home robot HS_1, which has achieved good results in the market, this team has also expanded rapidly and now has more than 80 people.

Of course, this is not the only laboratory doing robotics research. In fact, there is also a laboratory, but it mainly focuses on artificial intelligence, that is, AI research.

Compared with the artificial intelligence research laboratory that favors system information, this automated machinery technology research laboratory is mainly responsible for research in automated machinery.

In popular terms, one is responsible for the development of the robot's brain, and the other is responsible for the development of the robot's body hardware.

The main task of this automated machinery technology research laboratory is to develop a flexible robot 'body' hardware project.

The two laboratories are independent of each other, cooperate with each other, and compete with each other. Wu Hao is the general manager of these two laboratories, and the adhesive and coordinator between them. He is responsible for leading the related research and development projects of these two laboratories.

Because the entire project is very large, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and huge investment, Wu Hao also formulated a very detailed long-term development plan for this.

参加 In order to participate in the air show held in Zhushi this fall, as the first time Wu Hao participated in the exhibition, they must come up with one or two products that can live in the market.

Although they have developed a series of civilian and police security drones, this is not enough, so Wu Hao hopes to get a piece of equipment that attracts people's attention before participating in the air show.

So he focused his attention on this remotely controlled intelligent robot. To put it plainly, he controlled the robot to work through remote control.

技术 This technology is actually not new. It has been used in many exhibitions and even some industries. It's just that these products are very basic, slow to move, and have limited scope.

And what Wu Hao developed this time is a smart robot arm that can be controlled in real time ~ ~ Simply put, it is the use of wearable devices to synchronize the movement of human hands to the robot arm to achieve Real-time control of the robot.

This technology is also a cutting-edge and cutting-edge field that major military powers in the world and some science and technology giants are scrambling to study, and its application prospects are very wide.

For example, the strength of our average human arm is very limited, and it is basically impossible to pick up a heavy object. If you manipulate the manipulator, you can lift this weight very easily.

It can also be remotely controlled, which allows people to stay away from the scene and avoid danger.

Because the manipulator is very flexible, it can be said that it is no different from the real hand's flexibility, which can be used for some delicate operations. For example, experts at large hospitals in large cities can use this set of robots to perform remote surgery. Its operability and flexibility are far more convenient than the current remote control technology.

Or, using this manipulator, we can remotely control and disassemble some dangerous devices to avoid personal injury.

Or, we can use this manipulator in areas where we humans can't reach for detailed operations. For example, repairs of equipment on the deep sea floor, operations in the space environment, and delicate operations in tiny spaces.

Plutonium is also widely used in the military field, which means that you can have a very flexible and able to carry heavy hands, for loading some large arms and ammunition, or repairing some large weapons and equipment.

Or use its remote control feature to remotely control some weapons and equipment to reduce personnel sacrifice.

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