Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 404: I boxed with a robotic arm

Oh, Wu Hao smiled and smiled. Seeing him smile, Chu Tianyou next to him and a group of scientific researchers also smiled.

Wu Hao then tried to wave with his right hand, and the right arm of the intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm also waved accordingly, very flexible.

"Synchronization and latency are quite good this time." Wu Hao said with a smile.

After Chu Tianyou heard him, he smiled and introduced to him: "We have made a lot of optimizations and upgrades on the system this time, which has greatly improved the system's computing speed. And it has also optimized its motion components to control it. More lightweight and flexible. "

浩 Wu Hao nodded his head, then raised his left hand and opened his left and right hands. As for the two left and right robot arms, the left and right robot arms are also opened as he looks.

Unlike a human hand, a robot has only three fingers. In addition to the single "thumb", there are two "fingers" side by side. The movement structure of the joint is the same as the structure of the palm of a human finger, and it is also exquisite and flexible.

However, these mechanical fingers are not exactly the same as humans. They are more like an animal's paw than a hand.

浩 Wu Hao intentionally moved his fingers and found that the three fingers on the manipulator also moved with his finger movements, which was very flexible. Among them, his thumb is also controlling the "thumb" of the robot, and his index finger is the one that controls the thumb most on the robot, or this is the "finger" of the robot.

The remaining three fingers, or ring finger and pinky finger, control the remaining finger on the robotic arm juxtaposed with the index finger. However, the flexibility is relatively poor compared to the thumb and index finger.

Of course, this also conforms to the physiological structure of the human body. In general, the thumb and index finger of our five fingers are the most flexible, and the remaining three fingers are used to assist in gripping.

In order to control the robot arm more conveniently, the research and development team reduced the fingers of the robot arm from five to three. Although the **** are reduced, it does not hinder the normal function of the robot and is more convenient to operate.

"You finally chose this three-finger solution." Wu Hao laughed at Chu Tianyou.

Chu Tianyou nodded and replied: "This is the plan we have chosen together after a series of tests and demonstrations. Although the three fingers are two fewer than the five fingers, they do not affect the functionality of our overall robot. And two are missing This means that there will be a lot less arithmetic control programs, which will also reduce the operating pressure on the system. "

At this time, the young man of about twenty-seven years old standing next to Chu Tianyou also said, "Easy first, then difficult. This is, after all, the engineering prototype we initially developed. There are some problems that need us to slowly Improve and optimize.

In fact, each of the five fingers of a person is very important and has a corresponding function. Just to speed up our current research and development progress, we reduced it to three.

These three fingers can basically retain more than eighty-five percent of our normal arm's functional movement posture, so normal use has little effect. "

The twenty-seven-year-old Ph.D. who speaks is called Meng Hai, a PhD in Microelectronic Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China. This is Wu Hao's brother and one of the talents he has abducted from the University of Science and Technology.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "I didn't blame you. Since it is the result of your discussion, I certainly respect it. And at this stage, you can come up with such an engineering prototype, and you have done very well. Three Just point at three fingers, follow this first, wait for us to touch the technology in this area, and then upgrade and optimize. "

"Oh, I would like to thank President Wu for your help. It is because of your participation and valuable technical materials that our research work can progress so fast." Chu Tianyou shot at him a little A bullshit.

And Meng Hai also laughed and said, "Yes, especially your information and data control system, it has helped us too much."

浩 Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's our own project, and I won't help you."

Xu said Wu Hao tried to control again, and saw that he rolled his palms and then clenched his fists. And the two robot arms turned the palms like him, then tightened their fingers and clenched.

浩 Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, then put on a boxer's posture, raised his right hand, slightly lifted his left hand, and then tried to punch forward.

In order to exercise, he usually goes to some fitness classes. Please personally teach him some fitness techniques. In addition to some usual sports skills and equipment, personal education also recommended boxing to him. It is said that proper boxing exercises are conducive to the coordination of exercise limbs, cardiopulmonary function, and the ability to release stress on yourself.

Wu Hao often also goes to boxing ~ ~ Under the coach's professor, I still know a little about these boxing moves.

Ziz, Zi ... Following his two-handed movements, the two robotic arms also learned how he punched a few straight punches in the air, and even finally learned that he took a left uppercut.

Wu Hao, who carefully observed the movements of the robotic arm again and again, saw that he could not help frowning, and then he stopped and said, "The time delay is still a little high, and in high-speed action, the followability is slightly worse. But the strength is OK, You can feel the explosiveness when it punches. "

I heard that Wu Hao was troubled there, Chu Tianyou and Meng Hai could not help looking at each other, and then laughed bitterly. Chu Tianyou smiled at Wu Hao bitterly: "No way, under high-speed motion, our sensors capture more data instantly, so it takes a certain amount of time to process. This is usually not felt under normal movements. It can only be felt under high-speed motion.

And in the end it is mechanical equipment, certainly not as flexible as our arms, so there is a certain delay in movement. Adding these two factors together, you will feel that there is a certain delay between the robot arm and your movements, and that the followability is a bit poor. "

浩 Wu Hao heard his fist and tried again before he nodded. As Chu Tianyou said, it is indeed a problem in this regard.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you have any solution in this regard?"

Meng Hai shook his head: "Under normal circumstances, there will not be much impact. As for the delay and follow-up problems under high-speed motion, we can only continue to optimize from the two aspects of hardware materials and system software. "

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