Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Gap nap

"This last item." Wu Hao looked at the two, and then said, "I hope this wearable device can further feedback its status to the user."

"Feedback status?" The two were a little puzzled.

Yes, Wu Hao nodded and said, "Interaction is mutual. The movements of our operators' limbs can be felt by the robotic arm, so the state of the robotic arm should also be felt by our operator.

On the one hand, the operator can feel or observe the basic state of the device at the moment in real time, on the other hand, it is also convenient to operate, adding more operating experience. "

Seeing the two still confused, he further explained: "In simple terms, the operator should also feel this kind of force when he is manipulating the mechanical arm to lift a heavy object or other actions. For example, I raise a large Lead blocks, then the operator of mine should also feel the weight of this lead block. The lighter things are easier to lift, and the heavier things are more difficult to lift. In this way, the operator can know how much weight is The limit that a robotic arm can bear. "

When they heard the words, they nodded a little bit. Although they understood the meaning of Wu Hao's words, how to realize this idea left them with no clue for a while.

In this regard, Wu Hao is not in a hurry, this is just a little guidance from him. How to look at the subjective initiative of the two, he will help at a critical moment.

After discussing with the two for some technical issues, when the time was almost up, he left immediately. After all, the company has more than just one project, there are many projects, and he has to take advantage of this time to go and see more.

Only by knowing the progress of these projects and having a good idea in mind, can he plan and decide the direction and content of the work.

However, it was already afternoon in this lap, and he was still tired. Looking at the time, he was too lazy to meet the company again at this point, and then greeted the secretariat, then drove to Wei Media.

With the vigorous development of Lin Wei, the development of micro-media is very fast, basically a few days is a big change. In this respect, Lin Wei has done a lot better than him, and it can be said that the capable and fierce and vigorous performance is fully exerted.

For the arrival of Wu Hao's big boss, the employees have been surprised. After greeting him, everyone was busy. When he came to Lin Wei's office, he found that the secretary was standing there waiting for him.

"General Manager Wu." The young female secretary smiled at him.

"Um." Wu Hao nodded, then went in. Lin Wei, who was working at the desk, did not look up, but continued to do her work, and said, "You sit first, there is still a little thing to do on my side."

Seeing Lin Wei's serious look, Wu Hao didn't bother, but walked to the rest area and did it, and the female secretary just now had been served with tea.

When the woman secretary left and the room door closed again, Lin Wei looked up and stared at Wu Hao, who was already smoking on the sofa, and said, "The sun is coming out to the west today. Why is your grandmaster Wu coming to me?" What's the purpose here? "

Wu Hao said with a smile and waved his hand: "It's nothing, it's just that time has come to look around."

"Oh, it turned out to be inspection work, so I don't need to worry about meeting the heads of departments, and let them give you a detailed report on the company's recent operation." Lin Wei looked at him with a smile.

Wu Hao shook his head and looked at Lin Wei with a smirk: "Without them, just go back and report to me slowly at night."

"Well, hooligan." Lin Wei flushed slightly and saw a smirk expression on his face, but then smiled.

"Are you busy over there?"

Wu Hao played the soot: "I can rest for a few days temporarily, but it will be a summer conference right away. It is related to our main launch of new products this year, so it may be more busy."

Hearing this, Lin Wei nodded slightly, her face a little darkened. Both of them were very busy during this time, so the time spent with each other was very short.

She is going on business trips to discuss related cooperation issues, and Wu Hao is a joint-spinner, who is either dealing with the company or drilling into the laboratory. Rarely one of them has a break, but the other is busy, so they have only had a limited time since the New Year.

Sometimes Lin Wei regrets it. Not only tired, but also very annoying, more importantly, we have so little time with Wu Hao now.

However, she is by no means the kind of unscrupulous woman, and she also knows the importance of these things. So a little disappointed, she immediately turned her attention to the new product in Wu Hao's words.

"So, your VR glasses have been successfully developed, can they be released for sale?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "It can't be said either, it can only be said that the current stage of the product has reached the requirements of the market. As for the research and development is far from over, we still need to continue to improve.

Originally, I planned to wait for a while, but many people are already impatient now. "

Wu Hao didn't say who was impatient, but Lin Wei could think of those people. There are some people in Haoyu Technology, and certainly there are outsiders. It only made Wu Hao determined to release it in advance. It seems that he has been under great pressure.

Indeed, Wu Hao was under a lot of pressure during this time. This is mainly because they have not come up with new products this year, and the market is weak, which leads to their second-quarter revenue forecast to fall a lot, which puts the entire market department and even the company under a lot of pressure.

He had originally planned to wait, but at the strong request of the marketing department and others, he agreed.

"We are still talking about projects on film and television copyright ~ ~ I will go back and let everyone work harder, and strive to give you more quality resources before the product goes on the market." Lin Wei spoke to him. .

"It's hard for everyone." Wu Hao nodded.

"What is it? This is all right. Haoyu Technology is the parent company and the largest service target of Micro Media. If any problems occur with Haoyu Technology, we will also be affected."

Lin Wei shook her head and walked to Wu Hao. Looking at the tired young man in front of her, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

I saw her snuggling at Wu Hao and whispered to him: "Since you can rest for a few days, take a good rest. I'm done, let's go home and I will cook today."

Wu Hao held Lin Wei's delicate hand, then shook his head and said, "No more, let's go out to eat. We haven't been shopping together for a long time. Today, I will go shopping with you."

"Huh!" Lin Wei said a soft voice, then tightly grasped Wu Hao's hand and kneaded, for fear he would take it away.

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