Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Low-key unicorn

While Wu Hao said, pictures of this pair of smart induction gloves were also displayed on the big screen behind. The gloves come in black, blue, yellow and red. Its shape is not much different from the gloves we usually wear, but it is a bit cumbersome, like a kind of warm gloves.

The material of the whole glove is also special, it looks like a new imitation leather material, a bit like the shark skin who is bragging.

If it is not the data cable at the end, I am afraid that everyone thinks this is a pair of ordinary gloves.

After showing these, Wu Hao went on to say, "Don't look at the appearance of these gloves. They are very ordinary and are not different from the gloves we usually match, but in fact there are many cutting-edge technologies.

First of all, let's talk about the material of this pair of gloves. When you see such a pair of gloves, someone will definitely ask, this type of closed gloves can be worn in winter, and it will be too hot in summer, which will cause sweat on your hands.

Please rest assured in this regard that the glove material we are using this time is a new type of polymer textile material. It has good breathability and is very thin and light, and does not make our hands feel too hot and sweat.

The inner lining of this glove also uses ice silk that fits the skin very well. It can be said to be very silky and comfortable.

The second thing I want to say is the various sensors that are spread on the gloves. These sensors will accurately record the small changes in the wearer's hand in real time. Even a small jitter of the finger can quickly capture it.

This means that our wearers can use this pair of gloves for some subtle operations and controls, and it will be very versatile. In addition to being able to experience the delicate operation feeling close to the real in the game scene, you can also use it to do everything in the virtual world that we can usually do in our hands.

For example, make model sculptures by hand. In order to facilitate our related game and film special effects production, we designed and opened a 3D modeling software based on VR equipment.

In this software, you can wear this pair of gloves and make models yourself as if you were making clay sculptures in reality. The speed and delicateness of its model construction far exceed the traditional 3D modeling software.

In addition to this fine modeling, our 3D modeling software also supports the construction of large scene models and simultaneous modeling tasks for multiple people. That is to say, in a model making scene, multiple or even dozens of people can work together at the same time.

The same complex model may take weeks or even months to complete in traditional software. With this software, it may be completed within a few days, which will undoubtedly increase the work efficiency of modelers, shorten the project cycle, and save a lot of money.

What's more, this software is very easy to use, which is basically similar to playing plasticine in reality. Of course, it is more difficult to do well, which requires a lot of study in the art structure.

Soon, we will launch this software to the market, and interested users can download and use it at that time. I believe this software will be the gospel of all modelers and even everyone.

Even our technical open staff said that this software will change people's lifestyle to a certain extent, and even change the world.

It may be an exaggeration to say so, let's assume a scenario. One day, the pot in your house suddenly fell down and broke, and you urgently need a new pot to transplant the flowers in the broken pot.

But you don't want to go out to buy, and ordering express online is too slow. Then you only need to use this software to make a flower pot very easily, and then use a home 3D printer to print a flower pot, which is very convenient.

Anyone who knows a little about modeling knows that it is too easy to make a flower pot using 3D modeling software. In fact, I don't need to assume that this scenario can be realized now, and it is very simple, anyone with a little knowledge of modeling can do it.

But the advantage of our technology is that you don't need to understand this software, ordinary people can make it, just like pinching plasticine.

Of course, the flower pot I said is just a hypothesis, you can use this software to make something you want. Like the hand-made models that our young people like very much, you can make them. Or some dolls pinched by children can also be used to achieve it.

Or some home appliances you need, or some DIY things, these can be achieved. This means that your lifestyle and lifestyle items will change, and these changes are enough to affect the entire world. "

Papapap ... Wu Hao's words fell off, and there was applause from the audience. Although many of you here don't understand the 3D modeling industry, from Wu Hao's remarks, they can also feel the broad prospects of this software.

Especially the multi-person work he just mentioned, the zero threshold is easy to get started, and so on, it really made many people shine. The scenario he envisioned has become a hot topic for many people to discuss.

Glancing at the reaction from the audience, Wu Hao continued: "I will preach here about this 3D modeling software, and I will mention it later in the content.

Speaking of this pair of smart induction gloves, it can actually do a lot more. In addition to the virtual scene, it can also be used for real device control.

Soon, probably from late October to early November, we will launch a mechanical device controlled by this glove. Welcome everyone to pay attention to it. "


Hearing Wu Hao's remarks, the audience including some people who were watching the live broadcast of the conference began to be calm.

"It is used to control real-world machinery and equipment. What kind of machinery can be controlled with this kind of smart induction gloves."

"They developed a simulation robot?"

"Yes, it must be so. Only artificial robots can use this kind of intelligent sensing gloves to control."

"No, it's too sci-fi."

"By the way, haven't you thought about what time will it be in late October and November?"

"Is there anything special during this time?"

"I just checked it and it seems nothing. The only special thing is that there will be an air show in Zhuhai this year. Wu Hao said this does not mean to go to the Pearl Air Show."

"It is really possible. It is said that Haoyu Technology has been working closely with the military ~ ~ Then it is not surprising to participate in this air show."

"It's true. Isn't it a private enterprise?"

"Who said that private enterprises can't get involved in military industry, the country has already liberalized this restriction. And Haoyu Technology is more complicated than you think. Otherwise, do you think it will develop so smoothly in these two years? . "

"Yes, I read the foreign media information that Haoyu Technology has been working closely with the military in several fields such as artificial intelligence, drone cluster array control technology, image recognition and processing technology. It is said that they The newly developed super battery has also been invested in the construction of a new type of silent submarine. "

"666, is it so bullish!"

"No, this is too low-key. I think Haoyu Technology is a small business that relies on intelligent voice."

"Small business, upstairs, don't you know that it has become the largest unicorn among domestic technology companies."

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