Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Alternative for the conference

That's right, because the reality is too strong. Therefore, Wu Hao must set some thresholds to restrict and prohibit those users who are not suitable for use to ensure their safety. Of course, in reality, many users may ignore such restrictions and use them forcibly.

However, this is the user's own choice. What Wu Hao can do is to remind all risks as much as possible. Otherwise, in case something happens, these people will come to their trouble.

After glancing at the audience, Wu Haosheng said, "We are still exploring about the development of these auxiliary equipment products. Any good suggestions or inspirations from everyone can also be provided to us, and we will listen carefully Suggestion: Strive to develop more such simulation auxiliary products to bring you a more real virtual world experience.

Of course, we also encourage everyone to develop such equipment products by themselves, as long as they support our related agreements. This is definitely a very good opportunity for many developers. We will also set up a 100 million yuan fund to support these technical open staff and studios. "

Speaking of this type, Wu Hao changed a PPT and then switched the topic and said, "Actually speaking, the hardware part is basically finished.

Maybe my explanation is different from that of many big brothers, and it is worse than them. But this is my style. I generally don't deliberately say that this is the product equipment. Those who understand the data parameters that do not understand, and how professional they decorate themselves.

I think no matter how good the formulation is, the best performance actually has only one purpose, which is to give users a better experience. I also hope that all developers can use this as a premise, not for good-looking data parameters, and constantly stacking hardware data.

Back to our console, before we developed this VR glasses, many people suggested me. Let me stop engaging in this kind of separate VR equipment, and learn directly from most of the current manufacturers, focusing these things on VR glasses.

This can reduce research and development costs, and even reduce the price of the product. On the other hand, such devices can also be accepted by many people on the market today.

With such a separate device, a VR glasses with such a large main box, it seems that our technology is particularly poor. "

"not like this."

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile: "Those seemingly integrated VR glasses have actually weakened a lot in terms of performance. It's like a laptop computer and a desktop computer. A laptop computer, no matter how configured, is worse than a desktop computer.

In addition, in order to support more large-scale VR games and VR programs, we must configure this product with higher-performance hardware devices in order to bring you a better gaming experience.

In this respect, our product is trans-epochal, and its appearance means that we will move from the PC era to the era of VR equipment.

In fact, it also counts as a computer, and its configuration is not worse than a computer. The computer can do it, it can do it, and the computer can't do it.

In order to make such a high-performance host, our R & D team worked hard day and night.

In particular, some of the important accessories, such as processor chips, memory, hard disks, and graphics cards, require us to travel to various manufacturers to negotiate and coordinate. Or even help them so that they can develop exclusive accessories suitable for our host.

Allowing these major manufacturers to relax and provide us with such customization *, on the one hand, is recognition of the prospect of our equipment, on the other hand, we have also paid a lot.

I don't want to tell you all of these, and I don't need everyone to be moved about this. These are all things we should do.

This time we have two VR consoles for you. The main difference is the matching of the height of the hardware. You can choose according to your actual situation.

But no matter which one you choose, we have reserved space for everyone to upgrade, such as reserved memory interfaces, hard disk interfaces, and so on. So that everyone can come later to improve their own device performance to adapt to more game and application content.

I also came from my student days, so I understand the lives of many young people. Maybe everyone likes this product very much and is very eager. But pocket money in our pocket is very limited, so we will also take care of everyone appropriately in this regard.

In addition, we have cooperated with several major online shopping platforms and launched instalment interest-free payment packages for everyone, and everyone can choose freely.

Of course, you still have to think more about your actual situation, and don't be too far off. The thing is there, it ca n’t run away, it does n’t matter if it ’s earlier. "

Poppy poppy ... his words fell, and the audience gave him a warm applause. No one has ever considered this for consumers at a press conference, not only suggesting that those things must be bought, but those things are purchased selectively. And at the end I will tell you that things are there and you ca n’t run away. It does n’t matter if you are earlier.

This point, I am afraid, is the most unusual among all the people who spoke at the press conference.

In the applause of everyone, Wu Hao took a breath, then changed a new page of PPT, and smiled at everyone again.

"After talking about the hardware, the next step is the system software.

In the eyes of many people, we are relatively strong in terms of systems and software programs. That's right, compared to the hardware, we have the advantage in the program software. "

Hehehehe ... everyone laughed lightly.

Wu Hao also said with a smile: "In the products we previously sold, we have proven this to the outside world ~ ~ and this time, we have brought this advantage to this VR glasses Medium. We have developed a special VR operating system for this VR glasses to make it more powerful and smoother for users.

Although it is completely closed like many game consoles, we also provide users and related content developers with very convenient and fast application development tools.

With this application open tool, developers can easily convert many games and program content that were originally applicable to different systems to our system.

In addition, we also provide many developers with many development tools and related working procedures used in VR equipment.

You can work directly on the VR system, or you can transfer the relevant content you work on to the outside world.

For example, for example, the model you make in VR can be completely transferred to the computer, which will undoubtedly improve everyone's work efficiency. "

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