Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Build a satellite and shoot a rocket?

"Of course, we can also use this panoramic VR live broadcast technology to bring users more extreme and exciting experiences.

For example, we will set up some high-definition panoramic cameras at some scenic spots. Players can use our VR glasses to enjoy the beautiful views brought by these spots in real time.

Like this video in the big screen, this is the magnificent scene of Huashan sunrise recorded by our panoramic camera placed on Huashan.

We will also look for some beautiful spots based on the votes of users, and live broadcast 24 hours a day.

In this way, everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery far away at home.

Members of our open team once envisioned setting up a high-definition panoramic camera in a car, or having someone carry it on their back, for a walk-and-go journey. In this way, everyone can follow their footsteps and browse these scenic spots through these perspectives.

Even in the future, our panoramic cameras will be accompanied by satellites or our astronauts in the sky, so that everyone can experience the same space beauty as our astronauts can see. "

"This is not a big deal. Now the cost of manufacturing and launching a tiny satellite is very low. We fully have the ability to achieve it.

And we also established our aerospace technology R & D team a long time ago. This team brings together many talented researchers in aerospace.

At present, various scientific research work of this team is proceeding fast and has achieved a lot of very good results.

For us, making a satellite or launching a rocket yourself is not out of reach, and this may be achieved in the future. "

There was applause from the stage, and everyone was whispering while applauding. Although it has been reported that Haoyu Technology has acquired and recruited several young scientific teams in rocket and satellite technology, it has not been confirmed.

Today, Wu Hao confirmed this at the press conference. Does this mean that Haoyu Technology's aerospace project has already started and will soon make a big move.

For Wu Hao on the stage, he disclosed the news today, on the one hand, it also gave the people to build their strong strength. On the other hand, it is also warming up for the next series of projects.

From the present, the effect is not bad, everyone is surprised by the news.

Wu Hao raised his mouth and said with a smile: "Speaking of our virtual world, we actually spent a lot of thoughts on the construction of this virtual world and also used many technologies.

For example, the 3D modeling and rendering technology we used on the characters of the intelligent virtual housekeeper, this time also applied to the virtual world.

You can freely choose your own character in the virtual world according to your preferences and appearance. If you abandon trouble, you can also visit our offline brand experience store. Using the 3D scanning equipment we set up there, we scanned our real image data and uploaded it to the virtual world.

Of course, you can also choose various cartoon characters or weird characters.

We have designed a very rich skin and hair system for these character images, and everyone can restore these cartoon or animal images very realistically.

However, one thing that users and players must adhere to is that the gender of these characters must be the same as you.

Because in subsequent applications and games, corresponding restrictions will be set, if we cannot use the problem due to inconsistent gender, we are not responsible.

The gender of each persona is unique and cannot be modified once determined, unless you abandon the entire character image and something you bind to the character image.

A good community needs good order and every user needs to participate in maintaining it so that this community can develop in a good direction. "

Then Wu Hao talked a lot about the virtual world, such as rich clothes and fabric systems. This is also a blockbuster product they have devoted to build, providing all users and players with realistic and beautiful clothing.

At first, it will be given to users and players related clothes, but those beautiful clothes in the back will require players to dig and buy by themselves. This will also be one of Wu Hao ’s future important profit methods in this virtual world. .

In addition, they will develop VR shopping systems related to several major online shopping platforms. With this shopping system, users can try on these clothes, shoes and bags in the virtual world.

This is also an important way for them to attract these online shopping platforms into this virtual world. Such an immersive shopping experience will definitely open up a brand new online consumer experience.

It breaks the limits of our traditional online shopping and enables online shopping users to immerse themselves in choosing clothes. In our traditional online shopping, we need to watch the model's dressing display photos and their size and figure to estimate the purchase, which is not very intuitive, and there will often be some embarrassing situations where the ones you bought are not consistent with the photo display ~ ~ This VR virtual reality shopping system is very intuitive, as long as you use it for characters with really similar proportions to try on these clothes. You can get the corresponding real try-on effect, which is the same as your interview clothes in the physical store.

In addition to these, Wu Hao also talked about some technical innovations. For example, in 3D scenes and games, the most troublesome is the problem of anti-interleaving. These interpolations not only generate a lot of bugs, but also increase and reduce the realism of the virtual world.

After a series of technical problems, Wu Hao completely solved this problem. They not only designed a new set of physical material engine for the virtual world, but also specially repaired some special bugs, making the entire virtual world more real and natural.

Generally speaking, when they are introduced here, their press conference content is basically over. But if a brand new product like them isn't attracted by exciting content, I'm afraid it won't completely impress consumers.

Although he talked a lot before, most of them are about the role of this product itself, and this content involves relatively little.

In particular, this VR device's main game has not been talked about, which makes many people impatient.

Wu Hao naturally knew this, but he put this one at the end.

"We provide players with very rich game content for everyone to choose from. We have cooperated with some excellent international game manufacturers to launch a series of VR versions of attractions games.

Like many of the games that everyone knows well, there are all of them, and related VR perspective optimization has been made.

In fact, our VR device can also play some ordinary games, and the immersive gaming experience it brings to you is absolutely unmatched by your computer and mobile phone. "

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