Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Lead the wolf into the room

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"Xiao Wu, this time Penguin intends to invest 10 billion yuan to build a Northwest R & D center in our Anxi."

Du Yonghui poured him a cup of tea and laughed.

Wu Hao reached out and gave a tea cup and laughed, "Secretary, you really believe their swear words. Ten billion, really generous."

Hehe, Du Yonghui shook his head and said, "Of course I will not easily believe what the other party promises. Only the things we have are ours.

The intention of the other party is obvious, that is, we hope to put pressure on you through us so as to promote cooperation between you and them.

This 10 billion yuan is a big investment in any place, but as a local leader, we can not only pursue immediate interests, but we can discern if we give up watermelon and lose sesame seeds.

You are currently at a critical stage of development. We don't want these external factors to affect you.

You can rest assured that the provincial leaders have also explained this time, asking us to fully **** you for you.

It is not easy for Anxi to come out of such a global technology company, and it is even more difficult to take root.

Although the penguin can invest 10 billion yuan in us, it is still someone else's, and you are ours.

As a local parental officer, there are some things that you need to be selfless, but some things you can't. If we do n’t stand by your side, I am afraid we will be stabbed at the backbone by Anxi's millions of people. "

Oh, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Thank you for the trust and support of the leaders, we will continue to make persistent efforts to give better results to our fellow folks.

But since the other party has sent money, we can't push people outside. Rest assured, I strive to let the other party leave this 10 billion yuan in our Anxi. "


Du Yonghui heard his words a bit surprised: "Why, do you intend to make concessions in the negotiations. I heard that the other party's plan is very big this time."

Wu Hao sipped a tea ceremony with a smile: "The other party's purpose is very clear this time, that is, we want to step in strongly when our virtual world is still in its infancy. Use their social advantages to quickly occupy a large number of markets, thereby Take control of the entire virtual world.

In addition, the other party has always been very afraid of us. Because we have hundreds of millions of user accounts in our hands, their daily forum activity is over 10 million.

This makes the other person jealous and uneasy, for fear that we will use this to intervene in the social field that the other party sees as imprisonment.

This time, a strong attack is actually trying to use this multi-pronged approach to comprehensively seize the space of the virtual world and compete for the new hegemony of this world. On the other hand, we want to push us out of the social field in this way. "

"Then you still give in, you can't make a big mistake because of a little." Du Yonghui glanced at him, and then persuaded again: "Although Anxi is poor, it is not worse than this 10 billion. You should not have any psychological burden, according to your Think of it and leave it to me. "

Wu Haowen shook his head and shook his head: "Anyway, as long as we want to make a difference in the social field, confrontation with them is inevitable.

Apart from the other party's dominance in the social field, Penguin is also an Internet capital giant in other fields. Introducing them to the virtual world is also conducive to accelerating the construction of the entire virtual world.

Only in this way can the virtual world take shape quickly and grow up quickly before others take measures.

Compared to these, nothing else is worth mentioning. "

"You only need to know what you have in mind, but you must also think about it. Do not lead wolves into the room." Du Yonghui was still a little worried. The young man was growing up while he was watching, and Haoyu Technology was watching him developing. He didn't want to see that this young man, this company was devoured by the beasts of capital that swarmed.

Although he also suffered a lot of pressure during this time, the wrestling of various interest groups continued. What he can do is to keep the land firmly and try not to let the people under his protection be harmed.

Wu Hao smiled, and then comforted: "You rest assured, the initiative is in our hands. How much to give them, what to give them, these are up to us.

Their origin is big, but we are not any fuel-saving lamps. Are we afraid of them on our site?

And this time these projects are also related to the construction of a new type of Internet. It is not too much to say that it is related to national interests.

In this regard, I have also passed some of the departments and leaders above, and they also attach great importance to our project. I think there are people watching them, these people can't make any big waves. "

After hearing what he said, Du Yonghui laughed immediately: "Okay, now that you have planned, then I will rest assured. If there is anything we need to cooperate with, please don't hesitate. We also want to take this opportunity, more Give us some benefits to Anxi ~ ~ Oh, Wu Hao also laughed: "Since they are all here, can you leave without leaving anything? "

"Ha ha ha ha, you!" Du Yonghui nodded with his fingers, and then laughed.

For Wu Hao, the active participation of these companies will certainly be very helpful for their virtual space construction, and he is also happy to see it happen.

However, he cannot let go of control in some key areas. He didn't want the hard-built virtual world to become a tool for others to make money, nothing he did.

He is not reconciled to just be a product equipment manufacturer, and abandon the two golden mountains of the Internet and content fields.

Of course, in addition to the control of the core area, other areas can also give up. For example, in terms of online payment, he can give in and introduce several online payment platforms.

The premise is that the other party must show sufficient sincerity, otherwise he will not be so easy to relax.

Of course, Wu Hao thought about buying a small online payment platform by himself, and then borrowing their shell and license to set up his own online payment platform, which is responsible for all kinds of transaction payment in the virtual world.

But then I gave up after thinking about it for a while. At present, it can be said that the domestic Internet payment is the top three, and the competition is fierce.

If they announce that they want to enter this field, they will inevitably be jointly blocked by these payment platforms. And their current focus and future development path is still in the field of science and technology. In terms of Internet and content operations, they are just derivative businesses that accumulate funds for their development.

There is an old saying that good things can only be achieved by giving up. There are advantages and disadvantages between giving up, depending on how to choose. Sometimes it is better to give up something to get more. Nothing, nothing in the end.

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