Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 446: Planners and Creators

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Such hot sales are naturally seen by other companies, and thus more companies have come to seek cooperation. And under the circumstances, these companies that are already negotiating have also changed their attitudes and started to make concessions on some matters.

And these are naturally Wu Hao they are happy to see, and corresponding changes have been made accordingly. With the exception of some core issues, which have never been compromised, other areas have made appropriate concessions.

For them, the number of users is growing rapidly as sales continue to increase. Therefore, we must make every effort to improve the construction of various 'infrastructures' in the entire virtual world as soon as possible to meet the needs of more users in terms of content.

And this is undoubtedly a very rare opportunity for those content operators, especially this time Wu Hao's products have been warmly welcomed overseas. This also means that how to join in, it is possible to take advantage of this wind to enter the international market.

As a Chinese, Wu Hao naturally sees more companies going overseas and expanding international markets. But as a businessman, he must also be responsible for his products and his users.

Therefore, in this section, a lot of restrictions have been made to avoid the phenomenon of dissatisfaction caused by blind intervention.

And because of related national and regional restrictions, Wu Hao also plans to set up different regional cities in the virtual world in the future. For example, the area where domestic users stay in the virtual world is called Penglai, the area where Lu Han stays is called Weizhou, the area in Europe is called Atlantis and so on.

These are all mythical islands, but in the virtual world it is a one-sided world and can also be seen as a different city.

It is just because the virtual world has just been built that it has not been possible to specifically build different virtual cities or virtual world islands according to the local customs.

So currently there are only two virtual cities in the virtual world, or the two cities are regarded as two virtual islands.

Originally Wu Hao and they only built a virtual city, but they were limited by some regulations, especially the existence of the wall, so Wu Hao and they copied and mirrored a city in the virtual world.

So there are currently two cities in the virtual world, namely Penglai and Atlantis. The two cities are basically the same, except that some details have been modified and some regional elements have been added.

Among them, Penglai is dedicated to receiving domestic users entering the virtual world, while Atlantis is mainly used to receive foreign players entering the virtual world.

Wu Hao also promised that when the number of people in a certain area exceeds a certain value, Wu Hao will build a city or island for this area that is exclusive to users in this area.

In order to adapt to some regulations, the two cities of Penglai and Atlantis will also have their own independent management systems, and they will be independent and undisturbed from each other.

Of course, the two cities belong to the virtual world, and there is a certain connection. For example, players in two cities can go to each other's city, but the premise is that they must follow the rules of this city, otherwise they may be punished or even expelled from this city.

In fact, there was only one city in the beginning. Wu Hao also hoped that this virtual world would bring users and players from all over the world together. But this is unrealistic, so we can only use this sub-regional management method.

Because of this, a lot of enthusiasm of users and players have been stimulated, and everyone hopes to build a city in their own region in the virtual world.

For example, the prince of a Central Asian country made a request to Wu Hao, hoping to build a city (island) with a Central Asian style in the virtual world.

In this regard, Wu Hao did not refuse, but the premise is that there must be a considerable number of users in Central Asia.

However, this is obviously difficult to meet the requirements in a short time. Therefore, the prince used his own banknote power with a big wave, and specifically spent money to ask Wu Hao to build such an exclusive city.

Obviously, the other party's banknote ability is very strong, and Wu Hao finally ‘yields’. The dog-legged promised, not only promised to help the prince to build such a city with a Central Asian style as soon as possible, and carefully asked the prince what special requirements he had.

However, it is easy to mirror and copy a city, but it is more complicated to build a brand-new city with local and regional style, which takes time.

In addition, the server should be set up in the corresponding area, and management and operation personnel should be set up.

And in addition to some regulations applicable to the entire virtual world, let ’s call them the universal constitution in the virtual world ~ ~ These regional cities will also have some of their own regulations.

Because the city was funded by the prince, in addition to enjoying the naming right and honorary title of mayor (island owner), the prince will also have the right to participate in the formulation of some regional institutional regulations.

The reason for this is also the final regional customs and habits, so that they can better adapt to the lives of users in these areas.

Once this news was announced, it was widely debated by the people. While marveling at the richness and willfulness of the prince, they were also envious that the virtual world would soon have its own virtual city belonging to Central Asia.

So users and players in each area are discussing to see how to build a virtual city in their own area.

But after some discussion, everyone gave up because it was too difficult. Unless the number of player users in the area reaches the number specified by Haoyu Technology, or it is specifically funded, it is impossible to succeed.

And in areas where countries like the West are weakened, there is nothing in the same city, so everyone has less demand for this. It doesn't matter if it is built or not, it can be more lively anyway.

As for the domestic user group, Wu Hao took another approach. Even if the number of domestic user groups is greater in the future, Wu Hao will not separate them and will remain intact. It will only expand the area of ​​the existing "Penglai Island" and truly expand it into a continent.

The idea is beautiful, but the plan is huge. What is needed is not a little bit of time, but some long-term perfection process.

It may be three years, five years, or ten years. The longer the time, the better the city or the world. Wu Hao is just a planner for the entire virtual world, while the real creators are the majority of user players.

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