Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 457: Countdown before launch

Under the guidance of Yu Chengwu and others, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun took everyone to this temporary rocket launch control center built by the container.

I said that it was assembled and assembled by a container. In fact, it was used in the container's frame and then a lot of it was put together. The space inside was very large.

And indeed, as Yu Chengwu said, the environment inside is very good, nothing like a temporary building built in the desert.

The internal layout is also similar to that of a general control center. In addition to the two large screens on the two walls, the room is also divided into multiple working areas with various equipment.

他们 When they walked in, everyone at work got up and applauded. Wu Hao pressed her hand with a smile and motioned to everyone to continue working.

Yu Chengwu also introduced a few people in front of him: "These are the leaders assigned by our aerospace department. These are the local comrades of public security and fire protection."

"Hello, you've worked hard." Wu Hao shook hands with these people. These people are not very old, and they are generally in their 20s or 30s.

I also said that it was just an ordinary rocket launch experiment. These people came just to do something, so no important leadership came over.

"General Manager Wu, why did n’t you tell us in advance, we are ready to prepare. I heard that you have set up this rocket launching test site in our autonomous prefecture, and our state leaders are very happy to say that it is an honor for our state.

I just heard that you and President Zhang are here in person. Our leaders have to explain to you that you must be entertained. They are preparing to come over. "A local cadre in his thirties shook his hand with excitement.

Uh, Wu Hao didn't want to see these people, so he smiled and replied: "Thank you, thank you for your strong support in the local area. But please tell everyone, don't go here in a boat and car. We have a tight schedule. After watching the launch experiment, I'm leaving. When next time, I will visit them personally next time. "

What kind of attention these people are so enthusiastic about is actually clear in his heart, and it is nothing more than his money. Usually these people can't see him. How can these people let go this time they have a chance.

Of course, for these people, there is nothing wrong with holding a hint of hope to find investment opportunities for the place under their governance.

For a technology company like Haoyu Technology, such a remote place really has little investment value. So it is better not to meet with these people and waste your tongue.

"One hour before the launch of Rocket One."

"Yes, one hour countdown is prepared. Security personnel are present to inspect the station to ensure that no strangers wait in the martial law zone."

"The ground recovery team will investigate where the rocket may fall to ensure that no idle people stay in the fall area."

"The weather monitoring team pays close attention to the transit airflow and transient microclimate changes in the area. In particular, the wind speed in the station is monitored to ensure that the entire launch mission is foolproof."

Uh ...

With the orders issued, the entire command and control center began to get busy.

Wu Hao didn't bother, but sat with the local people at the back of the guest seat, paying close attention to all this.

Through several screens, Wu Hao can clearly see the real-time situation of the two rockets in the launch site. According to the plan, the one-time low-cost experimental rocket that launched the 3D printed material first.

So Wu Hao's attention at this moment is also placed on the whole body white experimental rocket with the words 'Haoyu Aerospace' printed on it.

火箭 This rocket consists of two stages, with a total height of 15.6 meters, a weight of 793 kilograms, and a maximum flight height of about 150 kilometers.

The plutonium rocket uses a new mixed liquid fuel that is independently proportioned by the research and development team. Of course, Wu Hao's "pointing" is indispensable. This test is also to test the reliability and relevant flight test performance data of this new mixed liquid fuel.

"Thirty minutes countdown, all personnel at the launch site are evacuated."

With the order of Yu Chengwu, the staff who carried out the final inspection and testing at the launch site also started to evacuate, and the rocket also entered the final preparation stage before the test flight.

"Start charging, start the self-check procedure of the arrow body system before the test flight."

的 The atmosphere in the control center is very dignified, and everyone is fully engaged in work. Yu Chengwu, who was standing at the command post, had a serious face, always watching the data information flashing on the big screen, for fear of missing it.

At this time, Zhou Xiangming, wearing a red protective suit, hurried in from the outside. It can be seen that there are still some traces of wind attack on the dark face, and some dust is hanging on the hair.

After seeing Wu Hao, he quickly walked over to him: "General Manager Wu."

"Well, it's hard." Wu Hao clenched his hand tightly and cared, "How can I do this, I don't care too much about myself."

Although we say that we are men, we should pay attention to it. Don't find your wife at that time. "

"Hehe, get used to it." Zhou Xiangming touched his hair, then stared at the data on the big screen: "What's going on."

"Everything is normal ~ ~ Chengwu is directing it." Wu Hao laughed.

Zhou Xiangming nodded, and then stepped forward and stared at the screen, no longer caring about him.

Wu Hao can also understand this. After all, everyone in the entire launch experiment center is thinking about this rocket, it is really difficult to take care of other things. Don't talk about him, it is the parents and family of these people who come, I am afraid they have no mood to take care of them.

"Enter the countdown to launch, ten minutes to prepare!"

With this order, the launch screen test rocket did not appear on the big screen. At the same time, the red countdown number next to it is rapidly decreasing.

The entire control is in the center, except for the staff who are paying full attention. Others also set their sights on the big screen, thinking about countdown numbers in their hearts.

"Five minutes to prepare!"

"I depend, why are you so nervous." Zhang Jun shook his fist, staring at the picture on the big screen and couldn't help but swear.

浩 Wu Hao smiled, then patted his arm to reassure him. Although no one has said here today, he knows that the successful launch rate of this experimental rocket is only 50%, half and even lower.

当然 He is certainly eager for success, but he is also ready for failure. Even for a moment he was already conceiving how to speak to comfort everyone present in the event of failure.

"Countdown one minute preparation, fifty seconds, forty seconds, thirty seconds, twenty seconds!"

"Ten, nine, eight, ... one, light up, take off!"

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