Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Straight into the sky

Encouraged by Wu Hao, the crowd was immediately put into work. Zhou Xiangming immediately went to the launch site of the second rocket to perform final preparations before launch.

The second retractable experimental rocket is different from the 3D printed material low-cost rocket just launched. In addition to different technologies and methods, the shape of this rocket is also very different from the former.

Because it is an experimental rocket, this retractable rocket only has a first-level part, so it looks like a log.

As mentioned earlier, the main part of the retractable rocket like this is the first part of the rocket. The second stage is too difficult and has no value for recovery. Therefore, this test also mainly tests its first-level part.

Different from ordinary ordinary rocket first-level arrows, the first-level part of this retractable rocket is mainly composed of three parts.

The first is the arrow body, which is basically the same as the shape of the normal rocket's first-level arrow body, except that it is different at the top and the end.

On the experimental rocket, it is also marked with color. At the top of the rocket's first-level arrow body, there is a dark blue painted area of ​​about one meter.

不仅 This area not only has different paint colors, but also the internal structure is different from other rockets. This is the parachute recovery device designed by the research and development team for this retractable rocket.

The reason why takes up so much space is mainly that the parachute takes up more space. Yu Chengwu, they equipped the rocket with three large parachutes, the form and material of which are similar to the parachute of the Shenzhou series spacecraft.

At the tail of the rocket, above the arrow body, there are three sets of black prismatic devices similar to the tail. This is the ground support of the rocket. When it is launched, it folds up and closes to the arrow body, so as to reduce the air resistance as much as possible.

When landing, the landing support frame opens, supporting the entire arrow body when landing, and plays a buffering and shock-absorbing role. The style and structure of this point was originally the same as the landing gear of the Falcon Rocket.

Why not use the same technology as the Falcon rocket and use the rocket engine to land smoothly. To be honest it's not that they don't want it, but that their technology is not yet available. The main gap is in the material and manufacturing process of the engine, which Wu Hao cannot solve at present.

That's why they use this parachute relaxation to replace the reverse thrust of the engine when the rocket is landing. They can even use this technology to reduce the engine's shortcomings in process and materials, reduce the time of the engine, reduce costs, and so on.

In this way, although Zhang Jun said that this is a beggar version of the Falcon Rocket, it is true.

周 While Zhou Xiangming was leading the team to make the final preparations for the launch, Yu Chengwu in the control center also introduced the basic situation of the rocket to Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and other guests.

"... The total height of this recoverable rocket's first-stage arrow is 10.2 meters and weighs 725.7 kilograms. The height of this test firing was 20 kilometers, or 20,000 meters.

After reaching this height, the rocket engine will be temporarily turned off. When the rocket falls, the top umbrella will first throw out the guide umbrella of the main umbrella. The guide umbrella will bring out the main umbrella, thereby reducing the rocket's descent speed.

At the same time, the three landing support brackets at the bottom of the rocket will also open, waiting for landing, and the ranging radar at the bottom of the rocket will be turned on. The main engine of the rocket is turned on about ten meters from the ground to provide a strong reverse thrust, thereby further reducing the rocket's falling speed.

At the moment when the rocket landed, the engine was shut down, and the parachute at the top would automatically disengage to avoid accidents such as the rocket being pulled down or dragged away by the parachute due to ground wind speed. "

After speaking of this, Yu Chengwu paused and continued: "In theory, the landing position of this rocket can be controlled by the grid plate on the rocket, and the landing error can be controlled to a small range.

However, the actual situation is very complicated. Because we use the parachute's recovery landing method, it is easily affected by the wind direction in the air, which makes the landing place worse.

偏差 The deviation can be large or small, so in order to make up for the recycling problem caused by this problem, we have prepared a transport truck and a crane.

落后 After the rocket has landed, our ground recovery team will rush to the landing site as soon as possible and hoist the rocket to a transport truck. "

I heard Yu Chengwu's explanation, and everyone nodded, which is a general understanding of the rocket's first-level recyclable technology.

After listening, Zhang Jun quickly raised his concern: "How much can the cost of this retractable rocket be reduced?"

"It depends on how many times this rocket can be reused."

Yu Chengwu explained with a smile: "According to our preliminary design requirements, the first-level part of this rocket will be reused more than five times. Although some maintenance costs and fuel refueling costs will be added, the average of five Its launch cost is only one third of that of the original rocket, which can be said to be very low.

Of course, this price is only a conservative estimate, and it is likely to continue to decrease in the future. "

After hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wu Hao shook his head. His expectation was still a little too optimistic. In fact, as long as it was reduced by half, it was already a great success.

"Thirty minutes countdown, all personnel at the launch site are evacuated."

"Start charging ~ ~ Start the self-check procedure of the arrow body system before the test flight."

With each order issued, the rocket also entered the final preparation stage of the launcher. Wu Hao patted Zhang Jun's shoulder when he saw this, and then went out.

怎么 "Why, didn't you watch?" Zhang Jun followed.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Can't it be more intuitive outside?"

"So too." Zhang Jun nodded, and then came to a second-floor viewing platform with him.

At this moment, many people gathered on the observation platform. When they saw them coming up, they greeted him.

浩 Wu Hao greeted everyone with a smile, then came to the front of the observation deck. Some observation mirrors were set up on the side of the railings, and some people set up some cameras. At this moment, they are closely watching the situation of the rocket launch site one thousand meters away.

I saw him coming, and then someone voluntarily gave up the viewing mirror. When Zhang Jun saw this, he hurried up to observe it.

浩 Wu Hao looked at the deep blue pure sky above his head. He raised his head and closed his eyes, feeling the breeze.

"One minute to count down!"

"Ten, nine, eight ... two, one, fire, take off!"


I saw the bottom of the rocket standing on the launch site in the distance, and a fierce flame flared up, and rolled up a lot of smoke and dust.

The rocket broke through the smoke and dust, slowly added, and hit the sky!

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