Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Jealous

Of course, letting these people go is not only to open up the market, but also to strengthen the management of regional operations.

Wu Hao, they must not be able to centrally manage player information from all over the world. This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also very vulnerable to criticism.

In particular, the hostility of the Western world towards us is that it is more difficult for us to enter some information fields.

Penguin and Zlanglang have not considered the expansion of their overseas business, but have been entering the international market, but have encountered many difficulties and dangers.

So Wu Hao, they want to sell electronic products, but they want to operate this global information interaction platform, which is a bit difficult.

Wu Hao also knew this well, so he adopted a more gentle approach. The gradual erosion and expansion of the game console terminal makes it inadvertently occupy a large market.

Thanks to their huge advantages in product performance, this step has been very successful. They have also occupied a large market in this way. It can be said that in the past few years, they have become a high-tech Internet company with a worldwide reputation.

It is just that those countries have not relaxed their vigilance. Especially after the concept of three-dimensional Internet and virtual world proposed by Wu Hao, they have also become the focus of attention of many countries and capital giants.

This concept was not first proposed by Wu Hao, but it was the first one he dared to implement on such a large scale. And it has achieved quite amazing results. It can be said that the architecture and prototype foundation of the three-dimensional Internet and virtual world have been basically constructed.

This naturally allows many capital giants to see a huge future market, and also allows some countries to see the risks inherent in it and the huge impact it may have in the future.

As a result, the two forces with basically the same interests began to slowly join together and began to stretch out their magic claws to Wu Hao.

The first is these capital giants, who are constantly experimenting. For example, within a period of time, many venture capital funds have frequently come to the door, trying to persuade them to accept related venture capital funds. Even privately with various shareholders, want to buy the relevant shares in their hands and so on.

It's just that Haoyu's board of directors is very simple. There are only a few shareholders. All these people are now looking forward to Wu Hao, and these people will not act lightly without Wu Hao's snoring.

And even if these people have such ideas, they cannot be implemented, because the shares held by shareholders must be approved by a vote of the board of directors. And Zhang Jun and their several shareholdings are very limited. If they have this plan, Wu Hao, who occupies most of the shareholdings, can start the internal priority repurchase process accordingly, and buy back all their shares.

In this way, not only those who have an idea fail, but even shareholders who have ideas will lose their shares.

So if we want to pursue Haoyu technology, we must solve Wu Hao. It's just that Wu Hao is very low-key and basically rarely shows up in public. Moreover, the domestic environment is safe, and the driver (bodyguard) is always there for every trip, making it difficult to take relevant actions.

So these people began to change their strategies, prepared to induce and persuade, and put pressure on Wu Hao and Haoyu Technology, hoping that they could go public as soon as possible.

For this reason, Wu Hao received many lobbyists' calls. Even these people have created a public opinion that wants to force him to make concessions and approve the listing of Haoyu Technology.

It is just that they underestimated Wu Hao's determination. Regarding the listing, he not only did not let loose, and firmly stated that the company has no relevant listing plan now and in the future.

This has also made some people angry, while starting to suppress them in the market, on the other hand, they are preparing to snip their products.

One of the biggest impacts was the massive attack on Haoyu's server group in Europe. This attack paralyzed the entire server for nearly eight hours, and then gradually returned to normal after the backup server was used.

Although Wu Hao has adopted multiple security measures, the server groups used overseas are leased from local enterprises, which is also a disguised form of cooperation.

Therefore, these hackers took a fancy to Wu Hao's weakness in this aspect, using a backdoor program to successfully invade and attack the server, and paralyzed the server.

Fortunately, Wu Hao's information and data all use strict multiple encryption technology, so it has not caused a large-scale leakage of user information. Otherwise, I am afraid that these hackers' conspiracy will succeed, and they will also face a greater storm.

After the European regional server was attacked, Wu Hao and they quickly responded. While helping the server company repair the paralyzed server, stop hacking. On the other hand, it is urgent to start the standby server, so that users can resume normal login and use as soon as possible.

But these hackers have not been willing to fail, not only continue to strengthen the attack, but also prepare to turn their heads to attack their backup server.

This also completely annoyed Wu Hao, and personally led a group of people to fight with these hackers. In the end, with the help of his artificial intelligence assistant 'Coco', Wu Hao successively exposed the real IP of five or six hackers and locked their real addresses.

This also makes the hackers gradually shrink back and even flee. Wu Hao didn't chase after him, he knew that these hackers were just tools in front of them, and it was worthless to catch them. Moreover, their most important task is to restore the server as soon as possible, and other matters will be discussed later.

Of course, their inaction does not mean that the police did not act. Through the IP and real address exposed by Wu Hao, the police quickly locked related hackers.

Unfortunately, only one of these five or six hackers is in Europe, and the remaining five ~ ~ one is in Australia and all four are in the United States.

At this point, basically everyone is clear. This quickly annoyed European countries, accusing them of demanding that the hackers be arrested and extradited to Europe for trial. After all, the server is in Europe, and the users are also damaged in Europe, so European countries have reacted very strongly.

However, the State of Mi was very ambiguous, and in a few words, it pushed out all the responsibilities, and directly dumped this blame on a country in the world with the least developed Northeast Asia and Central Asia.

As for the four Mi-country hackers who were exposed and located, after being arrested by the IBF, a lawyer quickly arrived for bail and disappeared after being released from prison.

After this operation, if you don't understand what's going on, it's really a fool. You know exactly what's going on, but you can't help but the world's biggest rogue villain.

There is no way, everyone just spreads his qi on the unlucky hacker arrested in Europe. Several countries have stated that they would extradite the person, and even judges have declared that they would be sentenced to 300 years in prison.

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