Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 484: We do not accept and slime

In a conference room on the third floor of the Haoyu Science and Technology Building, two people were sitting side by side and facing each other.

One side is Chu Liangjie, who came here to discuss the "saying", and his lawyer and the labor arbitration department who came to mediate.

The other side is the staff of the company's human resources department and legal office. Zhang Ronghua, deputy director of the human resources department, and Chu Hongwei, the head of the legal office, personally responded.

For the labor arbitration department, this is the first time they have accepted an arbitration case about Haoyu Technology. Therefore, I paid more attention to this time, and sent elite soldiers this time, hoping to make the two sides reconcile as much as possible.

So at the beginning the two sides were not bad, and Haoyu Technology also expressed a very sincere attitude. It is only that Chu Liangjie and his lawyers are very dissatisfied, in addition to demanding related wages, they also demand related compensation.

So the two sides had differences in this regard, and even reached a deadlock for a short while.

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened, and several people gathered around a fat man in a gray shirt and came in.

People like Zhang Ronghua and Zhang Ronghua stood up quickly and greeted the fat man: "Mr. Zhang."

"Well, sit down, just sit down." Zhang Jun greeted everyone to sit down, and then sat directly on a position where an employee gave way.

"Mr. Zhang, this is our Deputy Director Chen Anxi Labor Arbitration Commission." Zhang Ronghua then pointed to a middle-aged man in his 40s who was a little bald and was sitting opposite him and introduced to him.

"Hello, Deputy Director Chen, you have worked hard." Zhang Jun smiled at the other side.

"Where, it is our duty to serve such an excellent company as Haoyu Technology. We also hope that we can successfully resolve the labor disputes between the two sides and protect the interests of both parties." The Deputy Director Chen laughed at Zhang Jun.

"Thank you." Zhang Jun nodded, and then turned to sit across the face of Chu Liangjie, his lawyer, and the deputy director Chen.

"Thank you for your interest in the labor arbitration department, but after careful consideration, we have decided not to accept mediation by the labor arbitration department. We hope that this so-called dispute time can be resolved through legal channels, and our company will file a counterclaim. Jay seeks compensation for serious breach of contract at work. "

Zhang Jun's words undoubtedly dropped a bomb in the entire conference room, making the congregation silent. Everyone glanced at each other with surprise.

Deputy Director Chen was shocked when he heard what Zhang Jun had said. He thought it was a trivial matter, and the mediation was fine. Unexpectedly, Zhang Jun sat down and said these things directly, which caused him a headache.

Desperate, Deputy Director Chen smiled at Zhang Jun: "Zong Zhang, we have an old saying, we think peace is expensive. It is a small labor dispute issue, and the two sides can solve the misunderstanding and talk about it. Now, if this is really going to the arbitral tribunal, it will also have an impact on your company's reputation. "

Zhang Jun heard the words and shook his head with a smile, then looked at Chu Liangjie and said, "These microblogs and articles you post on the Internet these days just want to make this matter bigger, and then use the power of public opinion to pressure us. We will, as you wish, we will apply to the arbitral tribunal for a live broadcast of the trial process, completely the entire process.

If it is true that we are wrong at that time, we are willing to actively compensate and apologize publicly. "

"This ..." It was not only Deputy Director Chen who was in the labor arbitration department, but even Chu Liangjie and his acting lawyer were taken aback.

The attorney said quickly after hearing the words: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm He Lei, an attorney from Anxi Shuncheng Law Firm. My client and I just hope that you can give my client normal laws and regulations in the country. Dismissal compensation, no other excessive requirements.

I also fully understand the general situation of this matter. Although my client, Mr. Chu, did not obey your company's arrangement for overseas transfers, there are also special reasons for the family. Moreover, according to relevant laws, you are not authorized to force our personnel to be transferred from another place. "

Chu Hongwei, the person in charge of the legal office sitting next to Zhang Jun, said: "When we entered into an employment agreement with your client, that is, Chu Liangjie, the contract clearly stated that employees should obey the company's management.

Secondly, when he was in charge of the overseas operation department of the competitive position, he still actively participated in the competitive position after knowing that the position had frequent overseas business trips and rotation requirements. He also clearly marked the responsibility and obligation of the position in the new post contract he signed content.

In this regard, we have the original version of the relevant contract signed by Chu Liangjie and the relevant video materials when the contract was signed. Secondly, our company Mr. Wu Hao and Mr. Wu also provided us with a full set of surveillance video materials that Chu Liangjie went to the general office of Wu that day and finally fell out of the door.

The special circumstances of the family listed by Chu Liangjie are not within the scope prescribed by his law. In addition, President Wu changed his related work place after considering his family situation, and moved from distant Europe to the closer Southeast Asia. This shows that our company has deep human care for employees. "

After hearing Chu Hongwei's words, He Lei thought for a moment, and then said, "But this work transfer, for example, will affect the family. My client, Mr. Chu's wife, is pregnant. Isn't the transfer of work at this time unfriendly? .

And after such a thing is announced, will it also have an impact on your company's reputation.

Secondly, according to the relevant laws ~ ~ employees have the right to resign to the company at any time, and the company should provide relevant compensation. In this regard, he also mentioned in the conversation with your general manager Wu Hao Wu. "

Chu Hongwei heard nodded and said, "General Manager Wu did mention it, but the premise of all this is based on his voluntary resignation. However, given his series of performances that day and after his resignation, we will not be willing to provide him with relevant resignation compensation And counterclaimed against him, demanding that Chu Liangjie be held liable for breach of contract and compensate for related breach of contract damages.

The reason we want to apply for a public trial of this case is to allow the public to distinguish between the right and wrong of our two sides. I believe that the eyes of the people must be clear.

His behavior has seriously affected the normal operation of our company, and has brought a very bad impact on the company's employees and the company's image and reputation. Therefore, we demand disciplinary education to face it.

Any law or regulation punishes evil and promotes good. This kind of behavior seriously violates the justice required by the law and the original intention of making relevant laws.

If his behavior is tolerated, then more people will learn to imitate, which will seriously hurt those in need of protection. "

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