Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 496: The main trump technical equipment

Latest website: Although Wu Hao is not very suitable for the promotion of this kind of commercial business, of course, he faced such a gold and diamond customer, and of course he exhausted all his efforts.

Although not professional enough, the results are pretty good. The general Abu and the accompanying people nodded involuntarily, his eyes could not help looking at the drones, and he asked a lot of questions from time to time.

"Mr. Wu, I like this set of weapons and equipment very much. I hope they will perform well in the afternoon." Saying that the general Abu took a Jin Chancan business card from the assistant and handed it to Wu Haodao: "Here is my business card with my personal phone number on it. I'll have my assistant contact you later."

"Okay, thank you General Abu." Wu Hao took this slightly heavy gold business card with both hands. From the weight and feel, I'm afraid this is really made of gold.

Seeing this Abu was about to leave, Wu Hao said with a smile: "General Abu, if you are not busy, I invite you to stay and witness the release of another blockbuster technology product."

"Oh, is there any better product for your company?" The general Abu looked at their booth wonderingly.

"Of course, please move over there. This is the first time we have released this equipment to the public, and it is also our trump card technology equipment."

Speaking, Wu Hao took everyone to an open space more than ten meters away. Compared with the exhibition over there, the platform on this side was marked with a piece of red silk.

"Open it," Wu Hao signaled to several staff members standing in the open space surrounded by the crowd.

Yes, I saw several staff members pulling on one side, and then slowly pulled the red cloth down.

"Wow!" As the red cloth was withdrawn, everyone at the scene finally saw what was inside, and then exclaimed.

"this is……"


"Gundam, Terminator, Iron Man?"


I saw a group of very sci-fi devices in the area under the red cloth, which looked like robots but could not tell what they were.

"Everyone, let me give you an introduction to the intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm created by our automated machinery research laboratory under Haoyu Technology."

Papapapap ... Although they couldn't understand what it was, everyone gave a very warm applause.

"This boy has hidden such a hand, why haven't he heard him say it?" Li Weiguo looked at the equipment behind Wu Hao and complained while applauding.

"Oh, did he not tell you about that new super solid-state battery. Besides, people are not under your control, why should I tell you?" Song Chunming stood beside him and said involuntarily.

Li Weiguo ...

Wu Hao took the microphone from the staff and said to the crowd, "In fact, we are not unfamiliar with the bionic robot arm. At present, many scientific research institutions in many countries and some large technology companies have also launched. Many very good bionic robot arms.

Before such outstanding peer advanced technology, how can we develop and make breakthroughs in this field? This is also a question we have been thinking about.

In the end, we decided to focus on the keywords "bionics" and "synchronization" and "smart". "

"First of all, bionics, the so-called bionics, are interdisciplinary subjects that have combined biology and technology.

Plants and animals have not only fully adapted to nature but have been close to perfect in the natural evolution of millions of years. Bionics attempts to mimic the functions of animals and plants in nature in terms of technology.

This idea can be said to build a bridge between biology and technology, and help to solve technical problems. By reproducing the principles of biology, not only did we find a technical solution, but at the same time the solution fully adapted to the needs of nature.

And this intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm is developed with reference to the shape, function and structure of our human real arm.

In other words, it can flexibly imitate the movements and functions of our human arms. Theoretically, what we human arms can do, it can also do it. Some things we humans can't do, it can do too. "

As soon as his words ended, he started to talk even though he couldn't help it.

"How is this possible? It's too unreal."

"Blow it, how could it be comparable to the flexibility and function of a human arm."

"That's right, what else can we human arms fail to do, and what we can't do it can sit."


In the face of the following people, Wu Hao did not panic, but continued to say: "The next thing is synchronization. The word looks very different, but it is actually very important. This intelligent bionic synchronous robotic arm is not independent Operation requires us to perform control operations.

At this time, its synchronization becomes more important. The lower the delay, the better the maneuverability, the more flexible the robot arm, and the more things it can do, the more delicate it is.

At present, the vast majority of such bionic robotic arms in the world are solving this manipulation synchronization problem. In fact, we have also seen a lot of very flexible and excellent robotic arm products, but they still do not perform well at low latency and cannot reach Manipulate the performance of synchronization.

Seems a simple question, why is it so difficult? "

This question was thrown out, Wu Hao looked around at everyone, and then replied: "The difficulty is that our human arms are too flexible and the structure is too complicated. It has many joints and controls the movement of these joints It is composed of muscle tissue, nerves, and touch system. These are also the most flexible units on our human body, so they are very powerful. It can be said that 90% of human civilization is created by our hands.

It is also because of such powerful functions ~ ~ that it is very difficult to control. Even if we humans want to have a flexible pair of hands, we need talent, we need powerful eyes and palms to cooperate with control capabilities, and we need long-term practice.

What's more, such a robotic arm requires a powerful motion computing system to handle these complex motion processes.

And this involves the third key word, intelligence.

We not only installed a very powerful hardware processor for this robotic arm, but also specifically designed a dedicated intelligent motion processing control system for it.

This set of intelligent motion processing control system can quickly process related control instructions in a few milliseconds, and convert it into action instructions and transmit them to each control node of the robot arm, so that these nodes can move in real time.

It sounds simple, but it is difficult to manipulate in practice. This not only requires that the processing time of the intelligent motion processing control system must be as short as possible, but also accurate.

With such a huge amount of data calculation, it is not easy to take both points into consideration. "

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