Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 501: Prosthetics can also be weapons

Latest website: As you can see, Zhou Yongyong has basically dressed this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis. Looks like a bit of a hassle, yes, it is. Because it is still in the research and development stage, the entire intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis is not the final form.

Our goal is that, in the end, when we launch a product, the wearer needs to wear it in two minutes without the help of others. In this case, it is almost the speed of wearing clothes, which will not affect the daily life of the wearer. "

Having said that, Wu Hao signaled Zhou Yongyong to turn around, and pointed to the row of flickering devices that looked a little like behind him: "This is our spinal nerve bioelectrical signal sensor, which can accurately capture the transmission of our brain to Motor bioelectrical signals in spinal nerves.

After capturing these bioelectrical signals of motion, our sensors will be calculated by the intelligent system onboard, and then converted into control signals to drive the transmission on this intelligent bionic electronic prosthetic arm to enable it to meet its own motion.

In theory, this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis is suitable for most people with disabilities. It's just ... "

Wu Hao sold a key, paused for a while and then replied: "Let's say, most of the relevant disabled people can control this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis very well after some adaptive training. The longer the time, The more skilled you are, the wearer will feel the same as a healthy arm until the end.

However, this also creates a problem, that is, if a person is disabled for too long, our human body will have the ability to adapt, then the motor bioelectric signals transmitted by the brain to the spinal cord nerve will remove this part of the control signal of the damaged limb. In this case, it will be difficult to manipulate the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis while wearing sports disability nerve loss.

In simple terms, because it takes too long, you no longer have the consciousness of using a damaged limb. So first you have to adapt slowly, and then develop this awareness, the process is relatively slow.

Just like Zhou Yongyong, he was amputated when he was twelve years old. He is now twenty-three years old and eleven years have passed. His brain and body have accepted the fact that his right arm is defective.

At this time, if he wants to readjust him to have his right arm, it will take a long time.

Therefore, for people with this disability, we recommend that the earlier the use of intelligent bionic electronic prostheses, the better. Not only will the adaptation time be short, but it will not affect my normal life.

Like Zhou Yongyong, he has actually been adaptive training for almost a year. Then we have asked him to show you this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis. "

Papapap ... The applause of the crowd sounded warmly, and Zhou Yongyong came forward.

I saw him glance at the intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis worn on his right arm, then watched everyone laugh. At the same time, I saw that this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis actually slowly raised his hand, and then waved at everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yongyong began to use this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis to move, sometimes straightening his arms, sometimes raising his hands, sometimes turning his arms, sometimes clenching his fists.

And this also caused applause from everyone, Zhou Yongyong did not stop. I saw him pick up a ping-pong racket on the platform in front, then pick up a ping-pong ball and start playing paddling. I saw that under the control of his racket, the ping-pong ball had been playing on the racket for a long time without landing.

Immediately after, Wu Hao also picked up a ping-pong racket, and then played with Zhou Yongyong on the booth. However, his technique was too bad, and he was caught by two rounds.

Hahahaha ... Everyone laughed when they saw Wu Hao's embarrassment when he hit the table tennis.

Wu Hao also put down the racket embarrassingly, but he uttered something in his heart. How can I not even hit a prosthetic person?

Zhou Yongyong smiled, and then put down the table tennis racket. He smiled at the crowd, then picked up a writing brush with a smart bionic electronic prosthetic limb, and then dip in ink very skillfully, held his breath, and waved on the red paper in front of him.

Writing is fast. After Zhou Yongyong put down his writing brush, he lifted up the red paper with both hands. I saw a large 'blessing' written on this square red paper.

This 'Fu' character is naturally not well written by some calligraphy, but it is much higher than ordinary people's writing brush characters.

"Okay!" The crowd applauded. They applauded not because of how well the word "fu" was written, but because of the flexibility and accuracy of this intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis.

"Thank you." Wu Hao thanked Zhou Yongyong, and then smiled at everyone: "It looks like this show was successful, there was no accidental rollover."

Hehehehe ...

In a chuckle from everyone, he went on to say: "Actually, I was worried just now, and I was afraid that something would go wrong during the show. Fortunately, everything went well and today it performed well.

This intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis is not perfect, there are still many problems on it, and it is still in the research and development stage.

Although I really want it to help more disabled people as soon as possible, it can't be put into production in a short time.

Yes, sorry, I feel the same way. This smart bionic electronic prosthesis has cost me a lot of money, and to be honest, I want to go crazy every time I see the relevant bill. "

Hahahaha ...

Making a joke, Wu Hao continued: "It is not an ordinary product, so its listing requires a series of rigorous testing and approval processes. We also cannot put products with potential safety hazards and poor and unreliable products on the market. It is impossible for patients to use it. Of course, the relevant regulatory authorities think so ~ ~ Secondly, there are some other issues. For example, if there is a problem, it is more controversial. Everyone thinks this intelligent bionic Is it an electronic prosthesis or a weapon?

Because it is a mechanical structure, and it has a certain destructive ability compared to us, if it is slightly modified, its power will be greater.

So can such a smart bionic electronic prosthesis pass security checks, can it board planes and trains? These are all questions.

Finally, there is the issue of cost. Its research and development costs are very high, and its manufacturing costs are also very high. Then it is destined that its cost will not be too low, and the selling price will not be low.

People with disabilities are often difficult to find employment, and most of their families are not very good. How can they afford such a large amount of expenses to wear smart bionic electronic prostheses?

We are a company, not a charitable organization, and we ca n’t continue to do charity at a loss. This is worth thinking about related solutions together. "

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