Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 520: Open dog food

Latest website: The ceremony officially started in a lively applause. Today, the protagonist of this ceremony is not Wu Hao, but Lin Wei. As for him, it was always noticed by many people.

Wu Hao sat smiling at the guest table and looked at Lin Wei, who was on the stage. Today, Lin Wei is very confident and very touching. She embodies the graceful, touching, capable and elegant temperament of a successful woman in the urban workplace.

Against Wu Hao's background, she became the envy of everyone on the field. Some film and television company directors and distributors bumped into the wall after Wu Hao and turned around to come to Lin Wei.

"The following is Mr. Wu Hao, Chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd., to speak on stage."

Poppy poppy ...

Under the applause, Wu Hao stepped on the stage under the guidance of Ms. Etiquette, then walked to the microphone stand, took off the microphone and smiled at everyone.

"First of all, thank you for coming to the launch of this online VR cinema line and the launching ceremony of new movies and TV series.

I am very glad to see so many big names and stars in the film and television entertainment industry. To be honest, I was the first time to have met so many stars in close range. It really made the scene bright and shining.

Regarding our VR series products, it has been released for four or five months and has achieved very good results. I am honored to announce here that as of three days ago, that is, 5.21: 49 on November 13th, the global sales of the main device in our VR series, that is, VR glasses, reached 16.5 million units. "

Papapap ... There was a warm applause from the audience, and many people talked loudly. I can see that everyone is still surprised by this number. I did not expect that Wu Hao announced such a breaking news as soon as he came on stage.

The applause gradually fell, and Wu Hao continued: "I can assure you that this is definitely a real number, because this number is also directly linked to taxation. We never dare to hide it, nor dare to exaggerate.

In addition, our product user community has 300 million registered users worldwide, of which 160 million have registered domestic users. There are tens of millions of daily active members in the community, and it has become one of the most active community forums in China.

At the beginning, our community was just sharing experience and feedback among users. As the user community grew larger, the content of the community became more and more abundant. Users are no longer limited to communication between products, but cover a wide range of fields.

In order to manage the community well, make it a positive, healthy and civilized community forum. We set up a company focusing on content operations outside Haoyu Technology, which is Micro Media.

Wei Wei, general manager of Wei Media, is my girlfriend. Everyone knows this. Because of my relationship, she carried a lot of rumors, including everything that was said, what vases, and relying on men.

What I want to say is that I will never seek private because she is my girlfriend, and my girlfriend Lin Wei is even more unlikely to rely on a man's superior vase.

Micro media can have today, all of which were created by her. Because of my busy schedule, I rarely interfere with the company's operations and basically leave it to her to handle it.

What you see about our user community content and most of the VR series products are from her writing. It is because of this that she has won the respect of many people in micro-media, including Haoyu Technology, which I can't do by myself. "

Lin Wei, who looked at him with an affectionate look at the audience, smiled Wu Hao, and then continued: "It is natural to pay a lot for such outstanding results. Hard work is inevitable.

In fact, she doesn't need to work so hard. Even without me, she has a very fulfilling family. There should be no problem in a carefree life.

But she didn't. She studied hard from an early age. Not only did she enter a famous university in China, she also chose to study abroad at a famous university. After returning, I didn't feel comfortable entering the parent company or have a carefree life, but chose to work.

To say what I gave her, in addition to confidence, I am afraid it is a stage, a stage to give full play to her talents.

At first I was definitely worried, afraid she couldn't handle it. But I didn't expect her to do very well, better than I expected.

I'm happy, but at the same time I regret it. "

Glancing at the interested people, Wu Hao laughed: "Because of work, we are all very busy, which makes our time together very short. To be honest, this is really true for a pair of lovers who are in the love stage. It's very hard.

Fortunately, we are relatively young. At this stage, the main energy is still focused on career. Of course, career and family must be taken into consideration, and we are trying to balance this. "

After a round of applause, Wu Hao also started to enter the topic: "In the past, we could only watch movies in the movie theaters when watching movies, and we could only choose to watch them on TV.

With the development of technology and the spread of the Internet and computers, we have a second option, which is to watch these movies and TV shows on the Internet anytime, anywhere.

Now with the development of VR immersive technology, we have a third way to watch. Using this VR immersive technology allows us to watch various movies and TV shows in real life.

The advancement of technology naturally brings the public a better viewing experience, but it also generates a lot of problems ~ ~ The first movie viewing quality, and the second is the industry's most concerned and sensitive piracy issue.

First of all, the quality of movie viewing, although we have the Internet, but limited by hardware facilities, our Internet movie viewing experience is not as good as a professional cinema. Especially some 3D stereo movies, and the kind of experience that the big screen brings to us.

As for the TV series, there is not much difference between watching on the computer and TV. Of course, watching the audiovisual experience on the big TV will definitely be better.

With the use of VR technology, we can make up for these hardware defects to the greatest extent, making it the best listening experience, even more than professional cinemas and large-screen TVs.

For example, the screen size, after using VR immersive technology, we will no longer be limited by the screen size. In theory, you can make as much as you want, as long as you come over.

The second is a better 3D effect. Professional movie theater viewing will be limited by ambient light and shadows will make the angle different, and the quality of viewing will be affected to varying degrees. The VR device does not have so many problems. It can present the most original and realistic 3D stereoscopic effect of the film to the audience with the best relaxation, thereby bringing a more shocking and experienced audiovisual experience. "

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