Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 536: Gospel for the blind

Latest URL: "This is our intelligent identification function, through these six lenses on the smart AR glasses. Basically, as far as your human eye can see, these lenses can capture and scan for identification. Not only people, but also Some objects, buildings, and most common objects in life.

And the related database is constantly expanding, more and more objects can be identified, more and more abundant.

This is tantamount to expanding our people's horizons and being able to more specifically show what you see in front of you. "

"So what's the use of this intelligent identification function?"

After throwing this question, Wu Hao took a sip of water and moistened his smoky throat before changing his PPT. "Its function is actually very powerful. It will be blind for all faces. The gospel of patients and colorblind patients.

It remembers every face you see and records it. When you encounter this person in the future, the system will automatically display the marked content to help you remember and identify this person. As for the marked information, you can freely and freely, any other people can't see it.

Such as bosses, customers, friends, and some other personal titles, miser, sissy, big fool, etc. "

Hehehehe ...

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction in this sound and sound, everyone will laugh heartily, indeed, in real life, we are also used to using these labels to label some people. This is certainly a prejudice of personal cognition, but it is something everyone will have. When you see someone you know, things related to that person will flash in your mind, and some labels will not be formed voluntarily.

"Now, these labels will be displayed more specifically to help everyone identify who you see and know.

Our people's memories will slowly be forgotten over time, even if your memory is as good as possible, but as time advances and more and more things you come into contact with, some of the past memories will gradually be forgotten.

So everyone often encounters this situation. On some occasions, someone comes over and talks with you happily. But you can't remember who the other party is. In the end, you have to ask, it turned out to be a friend who hasn't been seen for many years. The other person is ugly and embarrassing.

With this feature, as long as you mark in advance, you no longer need to worry about this dilemma. "

Hearing his words, everyone nodded slightly and laughed. This is indeed a very useful feature, which can not only help those who are face-blind, but also help those who have bad memories, and even very useful for ordinary people.

Thinking of this, a lot of people can't help flashing into their minds. This function seems to be very practical for the blind face patient who does not know his wife. Some netizens who aren't too suspicious are @this face-blind patient, hoping to help him.

"Of course, in addition to marking others, you can also mark yourself and set up a personal business card for yourself.

Such as your name, hobbies, personal signature, or other things that need to be known to others, so as to form such a business card. "

While Wu Hao was talking, while showing Wu Hao wearing this pair of smart AR glasses on the large screen, several translucent cards suspended in the air suddenly appeared above the heads of several people in the front row.

These cards have different colors and different styles. There are light blue transparent cards similar to a square dialog box, and some personality cards such as bears and bubbles. The information on each card is different, and everything is written.

While everyone was watching, Wu Hao said with a smile: "You can see that there are transparent cards of different shapes and colors on the screens of these people. This is our colleague wearing smart AR glasses to do for everyone Demonstrate it.

Like this one on my left, let's take a look at his remarked personal business card. Zhang Qing, male, 31 years old, senior engineer in Haoyu Technology R & D department.

Well, it's more formal, and it's rigorous for scientific research. "

"Look at this one again, uh, Xu Xiaobing, 26 years old, has a car and a house, please ask my wife!"

Hahahaha ... The audience in the audience laughed after seeing this marked information. And Xu Xiaobing, the client, stood up very skinily, beckoned at everyone, and then had a better heart.

"This wife, you have to have a car and a house, you have to be attentive. Come on, try to hear your good news soon." Wu Haohan said with a smile.

"It's interesting!

Such markup content can be edited at will according to your needs. However, there are restrictions. Some indecent words and photos are not allowed to be marked. This is also to purify the entire social environment.

After all, the information you mark can be seen by everyone, so it must be healthy and positive.

We will also cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job of relevant review and inspection to prevent and crack down on the use of this personal business card to commit crimes. Please rest assured. "

"Seeing this, some people may have some worries. This kind of personal business card is good, but it ’s a long time, and it will be noisy if there are more people. One or two people are fine. What about tens of thousands of people?

Then, what if someone uses this personalized business card to advertise? "

After throwing two problems in succession, Wu Hao looked at the audience and said, "We have thought of these problems since the development of this feature, and we have solved them in a targeted manner.

The first is to use this personal business card to spread advertisements ~ ~ This aspect does not violate any laws and regulations and belongs to the freedom of the user, we have virtually no right to interfere.

However, we have the right to make other users unaffected by these ads, so we have different levels of identification blocking.

After turning on this function, the system will consciously scan the contents of all personalized business cards that appear around you. If it is advertising information, it will be blocked.

Secondly, if you think the information is too noisy, you can turn on the function of shielding surrounding information. In this way, unless you have tagged and added your friends' friends, and there are some public information, you can block other related information.

What is public information? It is information released by some agencies to the public, such as warning signs at intersections, and important information such as announcements.

Of course, there is another type of information that is not included in this shielding, that is, the use of specialized equipment to publish relevant content information or advertisements.

This is like some billboards on your side of the road. Users can choose to ignore them if they don't like it. "

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