Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 540: We have no intention of competing with it

Latest URL: The first question is naturally left to the heavyweight media. This is also a potential rule for general press conferences. This time CCTV sent reporters to participate in this new product launch, which really surprised everyone. Because of commercial new product launches like this, such official media are rarely attended.

And the reason why they will attend their new product launch this time, everyone speculates that it may be because Wu Hao had a hot product launch in their previous conferences.

As for the questions asked by the official media, they are quite satisfactory and consistent with their usual characteristics. In addition to the second question, which is a bit sharp, it is easier to answer.

"Hello, Mr. Wu, Feng Qian, a reporter from Fengwang Technology, is pleased to be able to attend your company's new product launch conference again. This time, the smart AR glasses you released have shocked many people, many of my colleagues and the media. Friends call and ask if this smart AR glasses is real, how they feel and so on.

Obviously, the outside world is skeptical that your company can develop such products and related technologies. What is your response? In addition, many foreign media friends asked when this smart AR glasses will land in the international market. "

Wu Haowen nodded his head, then sorted out his thoughts and replied, "In fact, this kind of questioning has not been done once or twice. It has been such a voice since the development of cluster array control technology in our student days, and it is still very loud. .

I think the reason for questioning is because we don't understand us. In fact, in recent years we have developed a series of related products and technologies, and countless people have benefited from it.

If one or two technologies are still more skeptical, then there are so many products and so many technologies. What is doubtful?

You can check it out. In the past two years, our annual patent application volume and patent quality are among the best in the country and the world. I think this data is enough to respond to these people's questions and their prejudices.

As for when to enter the international market, there are many factors that need to be considered, and there are some reasons that our company cannot resist.

Like most countries in Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Northeast Asia, these countries will be listed on the first day of the New Year, as well as when we are listed on the market.

Even at tomorrow's high time in Beijing time, consumers in these countries and regions can make reservations through online and offline channels.

As for the remaining countries, we are following up one after another. Although it will be later than these countries and regions, this time will not be too long.

Of course, as I said before, it is limited by some irresistible factors, except some countries and regions. "

"Do you mean the country of this country and region?" A foreign black female journalist asked suddenly.

She suddenly spoke, and the reporter at the scene could not help turning her head to look at her. Many people turned her camera and took a picture of her.

Wu Hao glanced at the reporter, then smiled slightly, "I haven't said that, but well, I can't stop you if you think so."

The black female journalist also wanted to speak, while Shen Ning, who maintained order, stopped first: "Please follow the order at the venue and raise your hand to ask questions."

The black female reporter heard that she immediately raised her right hand high and looked very unconvinced.

Shen Ning, instead of giving her a chance, turned to another domestic media reporter.

When the reporter saw this, he stood up and took the microphone and said, "Hello, President Wu, I'm Ma Zhenfeng, a reporter Yi.

Although you just said that this smart AR glasses is a supplement and exploration of mobile phone products, but everyone knows that with such excellent performance and good price, this product will definitely affect the existing mobile phone market and even the mobile phone industry. Bring impact and huge impact.

May I ask, what do you think of the impact and impact of Mr. Wu, and in addition, any good suggestions for the mobile phone industry and those mobile phone manufacturing companies. "

"You have a sharp question!"

Wu Hao took a look at the Ma Zhenfeng, and then told the reporters very lightly: "We have no intention to compete with mobile phone companies, because these are two different product types without any comparability.

And what you said has suspicion of exaggeration, I admit that this product will have a certain impact on the mobile phone industry, but the impact cannot be said. At present, the general pricing of domestic mobile phone products is around four or five thousand, and our price is clearly higher than this range, so it will not have much impact.

Secondly, the target audience of this product is mainly young people, and we do not have an advantage in the elderly consumer market with poor acceptability, so you don't have to over-interpret, let alone over-stress.

As for suggestions, the head of each family is my uncle. I have eaten more salt than I have traveled, and they must have seen it better than me.

If I really want to say a few words, I think it's time to return to quality and service. Innovation is a must. This is the soul of a technology company. But you can't innovate for the sake of innovation, blindly pile hardware, brush data, engage in marketing, and play gimmicks.

To quote what I said before, be more sincere and less routine. "

Their smart AR glasses came from the mobile phone market, which is very clear. Just to tell the outside world, still have to be subtle and try not to stimulate these mobile phone companies.

However, these people are not fuel-saving lamps. Wu Hao carefully considered how to hide them, and I believe that these companies will soon take action.

"Xiaochao Technology Network reporter Cheng Xiaoli, Hello President Wu ~ ~ Now the outside world is very concerned about your smart AR glasses, especially the most amazing remote wireless charging technology.

Can you tell us more about this technology, what step it has taken, and whether it can be applied on a large scale. In addition, regarding the application prospects of this technology, do you or your company have any development plans and ideas, can you share them with us. "

"I introduced this wireless remote charging technology very clearly at the press conference, so I don't waste much time here."

"This wireless remote charging technology is developed based on the power wireless remote directional transmission technology we have developed. We are still continuing to research this technology. As for which step I can develop in the future It's not good now.

As for its application prospects, we are very optimistic. Applying it to smart AR glasses this time is a small attempt for us. Whether it is good or not depends on the feedback results of users.

If the response is good and is recognized by the market and users, we will also apply this technology to more products in the future and bring different life experiences to more people. "

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