Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 560: Promote gaming esports

"A fan protested against us?" Zhang Jun walked to Wu Hao with a tray and sat down.

Protest, what are you protesting? Wu Hao took the spoon and drank the soup, and asked.

"Foreign fans protested and launched a voluntary campaign on Twitter. We were asked not to provide our system to other companies, which would bring risks to the system and threaten the security of users' personal information.

At present, the voluntary activity has collected the support of nearly 100,000 people, and the number is still increasing. Zhang Jun said at him.

Wu Hao heard a little surprise: "So many people, when is it going to happen?"

"Just two days ago, I also just received a report from the publicity department. No one was there before, I don't know why suddenly the number increased." Zhang Jun said to him.

Wu Hao heard a little thought, then said to him: "Respond, send a statement to introduce the relevant situation in detail, be more sincere and reassure these people."

"I've let them get started." Zhang Jun nodded, and then picked up a piece of pan-fried fish and ate it.

Within a few moments, he spit out a very complete piece of fish bone, and rushed at Wu Hao: "It's not just these people who are protesting, but also some people from the two countries. They are protesting that we have too few goods on the market So it ’s hard to buy.

Moreover, some agents in South Korea have raised their prices because of shortages. Some oxen also took the opportunity to sell some line cards and coupons at high prices, which made some local consumers very dissatisfied. They are now complaining. "

"Communicate with the agents in the two countries we work with. The private price increase will damage our product image. As for the cattle, we can't control this.

In this way, an increase of 20% on our original supply is considered a gesture. Wu Hao nodded to the employee who greeted him, and then smiled back.

Zhang Jun wiped his mouth with a paper towel, then took a sip of a drink and said, "At present, our production is limited, and the demand in various places has increased. Where do we get this 20%?

If you let other places know, I'm probably going to be in trouble again. "

浩 Wu Hao shook his head and said, "Just draw from the part of our recent increase in output, and pump the rest into the domestic market."

After hearing his words, Zhang Jun nodded and said, "Well, it's time to invest more in the domestic market. Now some people are very dissatisfied. Why don't we treat all of us equally, and why we can compare the domestic market with foreign ones There are many markets. "

凭 "Why, why are there so many. Because we sell in overseas markets much higher than the domestic market, because we are earning foreign exchange. Let them attack, ignore them." Wu Hao waved a disgust.

声音 This kind of sound has been around for a long time. Some people just like to pick the bones in the eggs and find faults. In this regard, Wu Hao directly chose to ignore and ignored them at all.

一旦 If you respond, it will not only attract attention, but also catch the trap of these people, but also stir up the fighting spirit of these people, and then they will bite at you more vigorously.

You ignore them, they are just like dogs, and it's okay to bark a few words.

Hehe, Zhang Jun smiled: "When you talk about this, I think of one thing, in the recent days. Some people have used our domestic and overseas price differences to smuggle and carry goods. The customs side has seized several batches. . "

浩 Wu Hao laughed: "This is called Feng Shui taking turns. Before, I used to bring goods from the outside to the inside, but now it's from the inside to the outside."

"It's a pity that some people still don't appreciate it." Zhang Jun sighed.

浩 Wu Hao put the chopsticks on his hands and said, "Don't bother with these people. They are boneless, how can they stand up.

On what basis our products cannot be sold expensively, on what basis we cannot take the high-end line. Besides, this price is already very favorable. If you look at the AR product of G song fruit W soft, the performance and quality can compare with us, how much they sell, how much we sell, how these people are not satisfied. "

"Well, don't talk about them."

Seeing Wu Hao getting angry, Zhang Jun immediately waved his hands and switched the topic: "The market for several VR games we released before was very good, especially the 'Feng Shen' multiplayer battle game and battle royale games are very popular with players.

The meaning of 传媒 wei media is to take advantage of this popularity to hold an international invitational tournament, and then gradually promote the esports of these two games.

So they decided to hold the first "Fengshen" International Invitational Tournament in Anxi in mid-March, with the total prize money set to 10 million.

If this competition is successfully held, they will continue to host a series of related e-sports competitions, and may even set up a global competition area and follow the professional e-sports operation route. "

浩 Wu Hao nodded and said, "I have heard Lin Wei mention a few words before. This is very good. It is beneficial to the promotion of these two games. I support it."

"I also think so."

Zhang Jun nodded and smiled: "Although penguins are not very good, they are indeed worth learning in terms of game operations. Their popular games, like the King of LOL, also attract players through professional e-sports events and gather popularity , Making this somewhat enduring.

In addition, eating chicken and so on have adopted e-sports operation, which also requires that these games can be operated for so long, even a game that will last a lifetime.

虽然 Although we handed the operating rights of these games to Wei Media to manage and operate ~ ~, Wei Media is ultimately our own company.

So I plan to work hard with the game operation team of WeChat Media to advance the essence of this project, and strive to bring this project to an early date.

Furthermore, I communicated with our cultural and tourism department in Anxi, and they were also very interested in hosting such large-scale competitive events, especially such events that attracted the attention of young people.

Even years ago, the director directly led a professional team to come to the door and wanted to implement the project with me. "

Hehe, Wu Hao laughed when he heard the words: "Of course, I think this kind of large-scale event can best promote the image of a city. This is equivalent to making a huge free advertisement.

Moreover, such large-scale events can drive local tourism consumption. Can you say that they can't be bothered? "

"Yeah, so the other party is very sincere, not only promised to provide us with the venues for free, but also promised to help us to organize relevant events.

Even the other party promised to set up a working group to help them handle and coordinate matters related to this event. Zhang Jun nodded and smiled.

"Since everyone has said it, you should also be careful here. I will also talk to Lin Wei and be more attentive to this matter.

In addition, money cannot be paid out only through WeChat Media. We also have to pay some money.

After all, this is also our first professional event, so we must do it well, and we must start a good start for the subsequent events. "

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