Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 573: Ambitious space program

"If anyone would like to pay 200 million US dollars, you haven't graduated yet. It is understandable to hear that number and not hold back the temptation." Jiang Nan smiled and comforted.

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "In fact, we had no concept of this number at that time, but we were stunned, knowing that we don't have to fight in our next life. With this money alone, we can have a carefree life."

"It's true. Two billion dollars are converted into one billion dollars. Even if you were divided evenly at that time, each of you could get hundreds of millions." Jiang Nan nodded and asked: "Why did you give up in the end?" What a great opportunity for you to change your mind and keep this technology at home. "

"It's mainly some elders' solutions. Of course, we also encountered some accidents. The hotel where we stayed in Hangzhou was invaded by a business spy. We saw several of our laptops, USB drives, and some information stolen. Now. "Wu Hao said with a bitter smile.

Jiang Nan was a little surprised when he heard his words, and then quickly asked, "What should we do, did you find it?"

Wu Hao nodded: "In fact, after we finished the show, we already realized the security of the data and technology, so we prepared in advance. The stolen laptops and USB flash drives did not save relevant technologies. Real technologies The information is kept by us elsewhere.

As for notebooks and USB flash drives, they were finally recovered with the assistance of public security organs. "

Hearing Wu Hao's past, everyone on the plane heard the sound quietly. Although they have heard the version of the story countless times, this is the first time that Wu Hao has personally described that exciting past.

"After the fact, we learned that this spy may have a direct relationship with an overseas intelligence agency. So after serious consideration, we gave the technology to the relevant research department.

Of course, we have not been treated badly. Not only have we been praised, but they have also provided us with a generous start-up fund.

It is also through this fund that our company has developed little by little. "

Jiang Nan nodded after hearing the words, and she couldn't follow up on this issue, so she nodded with a smile, and then started eating.

After the two had finished eating, the flight attendant came over to clean up and gave them tea again.

Jiang Nan looked at the starry sky outside the window and said, "It's the first time I've seen the starry sky on an airplane, and it's beautiful."

Wu Hao nodded and said, "It's really beautiful. This should be our closest distance to those stars."

Jiang Nan turned his head and looked at Wu Hao. "I heard that your company is currently working on the development of the aerospace industry. Last year, several commercial launch vehicles were launched.

Can you tell us something about this? Are you or your company very optimistic about the aerospace industry? What are your future development goals? "

Good guy, so many questions asked in a row. Wu Hao glanced at Jiang Nan, then nodded and smiled: "The aerospace industry is now also an important industry that the country is focusing on and encouraged to develop. Since private enterprises have been allowed to enter this field, many related aerospace technology companies have been established in China.

Most of these companies are carrier rocket manufacturing companies and satellite manufacturing companies. At present, we only have these two types in China. As for higher-level commercial manned spacecraft, no related news has been heard in China, and no such company has heard of such a plan.

As for the foreign commercial aerospace industry, the most popular one in recent years is the commercial aerospace company from the United States, and the leader among them is the SpX company.

Each year, more than 80% of the global space payload comes from this company (Star Chain Project), and even the number of launches at a time can catch up with the number of satellites launched by other countries in a year or even years.

To be honest, our domestic aerospace sector is too far behind them. It is also because of this that we have to catch up.

We have what others have, and we have what others don't. "

"The reason why we want to enter the commercial aerospace industry is to see the huge market and great development prospects in this field.

We used to say that whoever controls the ocean controls the world. All modern world powers have a very strong maritime power. It is also by virtue of this powerful maritime power that it can become the world hegemon.

And now, whoever controls space, whoever controls the world, the real world. Compared to the vastness of space, the ocean is nothing more than a drop of seawater in the ocean. "

"Of course, as a commercial company, we have no intention of fighting for space supremacy. This is a national matter. What we are looking for is the rich resources and unlimited business opportunities in this vast universe.

For example, in the near future, what we are looking at is the development and expansion of domestic and international commercial space launch projects. Such as research and development of satellites, research and development of commercial launch vehicles, and commercial development launch projects.

In the medium term, we may be inclined to undertake some commercial space transportation projects. Such as helping some scientists to go to space, or helping them to go to the moon and go to Mars. Or help them to go to a comet or asteroid, or even collect a sample on a planet to return to earth and other items according to their intentions.

As for the long-term, we will focus on the development of some space minerals, such as the rich reserves of helium III on the moon, as well as the rich mineral deposits on other planets and asteroids.

For example, NASA once discovered an asteroid rich in gold in the asteroid belt. If we can manage to capture this asteroid and bring it back to Earth, the benefits will be huge. "

"Very ambitious plan!"

Jiang Nan was excited and praised ~ ~ This is definitely the most important gain in today's interview. I am afraid that this news alone will cause a sensation after it is broadcast.

For the first time, people traveling on the plane heard Wu Hao's so comprehensive and far-reaching exposition on the space project, and they couldn't help but be excited.

Being able to participate in such a great project, everyone thinks about it with passion.

"This plan is too ambitious. Do you think you can achieve it in your lifetime?" Jiang Nan asked immediately.

Wu Hao shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm just a pioneer. This project is huge. It may last for decades or even hundreds of years. It can't be achieved by our generation or even generations. It takes us generation by generation.

This is also the dream of our human beings. It is precisely with so many unknowns and so many goals that can inspire us to go all the way. It is also officially this way that we have evolved from the primitive society like Mao Yinyin to a very developed human society today. "

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