Military Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Helpless happiness

I didn't want to talk about these chicken soup, but I didn't expect to say it was chicken soup in the end. With this awareness, he stopped talking anymore.

Jiang Nan, who was sitting opposite him, naturally felt keenly, and then switched the topic: "Talk about your company and your technical R & D team, why they are so good. In just a few years, we can develop such a major project. Pound technology, is it because of your guidance? "

No, Wu Hao shook his head and said, "The role I played in it is actually very small, and most of it is the result of everyone's joint efforts.

I think the reason why we can come up with so many excellent technologies in a short time is because we have such an excellent and willing team.

Really, everyone is really great.

Everyone is so talented, and their ideas are wild. I think my biggest role or achievement is to bring these people together, and then let them make the most of their talents.

The other is the company's relaxed and excellent working environment, which will help them find inspiration and develop their abilities.

You know our company actually discourages overtime and even opposes overtime. But this group of people really forget themselves once they get to work. To this end, we have also specified related systems to limit their excessive overtime. "

Jiang Nan nodded and said, "We know this before. I heard that your company's employees are reluctant to leave after work and stay in the company. I also heard that you have formulated a relevant restriction system that stipulates daily rest. Employees less than eight hours are not allowed to continue working.

In addition, a hotel has been contracted around the company all year round to send these employees to rest.

When we checked the news online, it was said that a workaholic was your company's R & D department. I have n’t rented a house in Anxi after working in your company for two years, and I ’m back and forth between the company and the hotel, and I heard that there are not a few of them. Is this the case? "

Wu Hao took a sip of tea and then nodded: "It's like this, we are helpless when facing such employees.

We even specially arranged the staff of the administrative department to help these employees find a suitable house to settle down, but these people all moved to the hotel after a few days of living. "

"Why is it lack of money?" Jiang Nan wondered.

Wu Hao shook his head and said, "These people are not short of money. Their annual salary is hundreds of thousands or even millions, let alone renting a house. There is not much pressure to buy a house.

In addition, the company also has a related benefit, which is to provide interest-free loans to those who are ready to buy a house and unable to pay the down payment to help them live in Anxi. "

"Then why are these people so reluctant to settle down?" Jiang Nan was puzzled.

Wu Hao said angrily: "Because the hotel is so comfortable, these people are not willing to go back to live in their own house.

The main part is that these people are science and technology personnel, most of them are single. When they return home, they are alone. They do n’t want to do housework or cook.

So they think it's better to stay at home than stay in a hotel, not only comfortable, but also close to the company, easy to go back and forth. What's more important is that it's free, so many people return their rented houses, and some even rent out their own houses. "

"That's too much, haven't you thought about it?" Jiang Nan grinned. Not only she, but even the staff in the cabin laughed.

"Oh, why not."

Wu Hao said helplessly: "Some people suggested that I want some people to charge a certain cost of living, but I refused.

First of all, this is originally a benefit for employees. If money is attached, the nature and meaning will change, so it is not good.

Secondly, these people are all high-income earners, at least on the Anxi side. They are not short of this money. Even because they paid the money, they lived better.

After most discussions, we stipulated that all employees staying in hotels must have reasonable reasons and must apply to the administrative department before they can check in. Of course, this application process is very simple. It mainly depends on whether you have a valid reason and whether it is necessary.

Secondly, that is, each person can only live for six consecutive days at a time, which is one week. And it can only last up to twice a month.

In this way, these employees who stay in the hotel will have no choice but to move out and settle down. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao then quickly explained: "Of course, we do this for their good, after all, each of us has a life in addition to work. I don't want them to ignore life because of work, or even to do so We also have many interest classes in the company.

There are baking, wood art, sculpture, calligraphy and painting, etc., everyone can choose freely according to their own preferences. "

"I can analyze a story for you here. This is a real thing and everyone can verify it for themselves.

There was a little girl in our administration department. After graduating from college, she entered the company to work. She was very interested in ground coffee and tea with milk, so she enrolled in related interest classes and has been studying in the interest classes ever since.

She suddenly resigned last fall, went to southern Yunnan with her boyfriend, and opened a cafe on the Erhai Lake. The reason given when she resigned was that working in the company was too boring. She didn't want to be like this forever. She wanted a richer life. "

Ha ha ha ha ... Jiang Nan laughed lightly, which is indeed an interesting thing.

Wu Hao went on to say: "There are many small interest forums set up because of interests in our company's internal community. These people eventually became good friends because of their acquaintances.

For example, one of the most popular projects in our woodworking group is making baby strollers. Many dads are learning and studying how to make baby cots ~ ~ It ’s so interesting. I finally understand why The employee turnover rate will be so low, it is really warm. Jiang Nan praised.

Oh, Wu Hao smiled, and then slightly proud: "In fact, I am not a professional to learn company management, entrepreneurship is also a halfway monk, I have not systematically studied the company's management and operation.

If I had to position me, I should be an optimistic technician. So in management company, I am more casual.

I don't like to be bound by any rules and regulations. Therefore, in the management and system of the company, I try to break these restrictions.

Except for some necessary rules, others can be used to break.

For example, fixed working hours, such as suits and leather shoes that must be worn, and structural relationships with strict grades.

Although it may seem a bit ridiculous, fortunately, the company has not had any big troubles so far, and the results are pretty good. "

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